Names that mean alert

Naming your baby can be a difficult task. The meaning behind the name you choose will give them clues about who they are, and it's important to find one that fits. The following list will provide you with some great options that have the word Alert in their meaning.

1. Boy names that mean alert

  1. Abis The name Abis is of Arabic origin and means "Quick, Alert, Swift, Khush gumaan, Shadman".
  2. Cace The name Cace is of Irish origin and means "Variant of Casey: Observant, alert, vigorous.".
  3. Cayce The name Cayce is of Irish origin and means "Variant of Casey: Observant, alert, vigorous.".
  4. Ekagr The name Ekagr is of Hindi origin and means "Complete Concentration, Poised, Peaceful, Stable, Alert".
  5. Gushtasp The name Gushtasp is of Persian origin and means "One Having An Alert Stallion".
  6. Harean The name Harean is of African origin and means "One who is aware; alert".
  7. Hazer The name Hazer is of Arabic origin and means "Ready, Prepared, Alert, Prompt".
  8. Howal The name Howal is of Welsh origin and means "Little, Alert.".
  9. Howall The name Howall is of Welsh origin and means "Little, Alert.".
  10. Howel The name Howel is of English origin and means "Little, Alert.".
  11. Howell The name Howell is of Welsh origin and means "Little, Alert.".
  12. Jaagrav The name Jaagrav is of Hindi origin and means "Alert".
  13. Kalunga The name Kalunga is of African origin and means "One who is alert and watchful".
  14. Kiyokaya The name Kiyokaya is of North American Indian origin and means "One who moves about warily, he who is alert Sauk".
  15. Leolin The name Leolin is of Polynesian origin and means "One who is alert; watch¬ful".
  16. Munabbihan The name Munabbihan is of Arabic origin and means "One who wakes someone from sleep, one who alerts someone".
  17. Saqaf The name Saqaf is of Arabic origin and means "Active agile, Smart, Alert, Clever".
  18. Suchet The name Suchet is of Hindi origin and means "Attentive, Alert".
  19. Suchethan The name Suchethan is of Hindi origin and means "Conscious, Alert, Distinguished".
  20. Thuc The name Thuc is of Vietnamese origin and means "One who is alert and aware Tinh".
  21. Wake The name Wake is of English origin and means "Alert".
  22. Yaqzan The name Yaqzan is of Arabic origin and means "Vigilant, awake, on the alert".

2. Girl names that mean alert

  1. Chethana The name Chethana is of Arabic origin and means "Perceptive or consciousness or life or excellent intelligence, Power of intellect or alert".
  2. Chethna The name Chethna is of Arabic origin and means "Perceptive or consciousness or life or excellent intelligence, Power of intellect or alert".
  3. Chetna The name Chetna is of Hindi origin and means "Perceptive or consciousness or life or excellent intelligence, Power of intellect or alert".
  4. Jaagritha The name Jaagritha is of Hindi origin and means "Alert".
  5. Keidra The name Keidra is of American origin and means "One who is alert; aware".
  6. Mikiala The name Mikiala is of Hawaiian origin and means "Alert".
  7. Suchetha The name Suchetha is of Hindi origin and means "Active, Alert and intellectual, With a beautiful mind".
  8. Vigilia The name Vigilia is of Portuguese origin and means "Awake, Alert.".
  9. Vigiliah The name Vigiliah is of Latin origin and means "Awake, Alert.".
  10. Vigilu The name Vigilu is of Latin origin and means "Alert".
  11. Vigula The name Vigula is of Latin origin and means "Alert".
  12. Vijiliah The name Vijiliah is of Latin origin and means "Awake, Alert.".
  13. Vijilis The name Vijilis is of Latin origin and means "Awake, Alert.".
  14. Vygilia The name Vygilia is of Latin origin and means "Awake, Alert.".
  15. Vygilu The name Vygilu is of Latin origin and means "Alert".
  16. Vygyliah The name Vygyliah is of Latin origin and means "Awake, Alert.".
  17. Vygylu The name Vygylu is of Latin origin and means "Alert".
  18. Vyjilia The name Vyjilia is of Latin origin and means "Awake, Alert.".
  19. Vyjiliah The name Vyjiliah is of Latin origin and means "Awake, Alert.".