Names that mean composed

Naming your baby can be a difficult task. The meaning behind the name you choose will give them clues about who they are, and it's important to find one that fits. The following list will provide you with some great options that have the word Composed in their meaning.

1. Boy names that mean composed

  1. Abd Alrahim The name Abd Alrahim is of Muslim origin and means "Compound name composed of the elements 'abd servant of, al the, and rahim compassionate, sympathetic. Al-Rahlm the Compassionate is one of the attributes of Allah".
  2. Abdulhamed The name Abdulhamed is of Muslim origin and means "ABD-AL*H AMID Composed of the elements 'abd servant of, al the, and hamid praiseworthy, commendable, laudable: hence, servant of the Praiseworthy One. Al-Hamld the Praiseworthy is an attribute of Allah. The name was borne by a sultan of Turkey, Abdul Hamid II 1842-1918".
  3. Amedeo The name Amedeo is of Italian origin and means "the Latin Amadeus, a com-pound name composed of the elements ama love and deus God: hence, love of God".
  4. Anikita The name Anikita is of Russian origin and means "the Greek Aniketos uncon- quered, a compound name composed of the elements a not and nikan to conquer The short form Nikita is now in more common use. Short: Nikita".
  5. Anso The name Anso is of Greek origin and means "Anselmo divine protection, the Italian cognate of the Germanic Anselme, a name composed of the elements ansi divinity, a god and helm helmet, protection".
  6. Aristotelis The name Aristotelis is of Greek origin and means "Compound name composed of the ele-ments aristos best and totalis total: hence, totally the best. The name in its variant form, Aristotle, was borne by the famous Greek philosopher 384-322 B.C. who is noted for his works on logic, ethics, politics, and metaphysics".
  7. Arquimedes The name Arquimedes is of Spanish origin and means "the Greek Archimedes, a compound name composed of the elements archi chief, first, head and medesthai to ponder, to meditate upon: hence, to first think about or meditate upon".
  8. Bertrao The name Bertrao is of Portuguese origin and means "Portuguese cognate of Bertram, a name de-rived from the Old High German Berahtram bright raven, a compound name composed of the elements beraht bright, famous and hraban raven".
  9. Bonaventura The name Bonaventura is of Italian origin and means "Compound name composed of the elements bona good, fair and ventura luck, fortune: hence, good fortune, good luck".
  10. Borislav The name Borislav is of Russian origin and means "Compound name composed from the Slavonic elements bor battle, fight and slav glory: hence, battle glory, glory in battle Pet: Slava".
  11. Democles The name Democles is of Spanish origin and means "the Greek Damokles glory of the people, a compound name composed of the elements demos people, population and kleos ".
  12. Dinendra The name Dinendra is of Indian origin and means "Compound name composed of the San-skrit elements dina day and Indra, a name element re-ferring to the god of the sky and atmosphere: hence, lord of the day".
  13. Dlarmaid The name Dlarmaid is of Irish origin and means "Diarmait without injunction, a freeman, a compound name composed of the el-ements di without and airmit injunction The name has been Anglicized as Dermot, Darby, Jeremiah, Jerry, and Jerome".
  14. Dlgby The name Dlgby is of English origin and means "Transferred use of the surname originating from a place-name in Lincolnshire, which is composed from the Old Norse elements diki ditch and byr settlement, village: hence, settlement by the ditch".
  15. Dlmltri The name Dlmltri is of French origin and means "From the Greek Demetrios of Demeter, which is from Demeter, the Greek mythological goddess of agriculture and fertility The name is composed of the elements de the earth and meter mother".
  16. Dobromjr The name Dobromjr is of Czech / Slovak origin and means "Compound name composed of the Slavonic elements dobro good, kind and meri great, famous: hence, good and famous".
  17. Evariste The name Evariste is of French origin and means "From the Late Greek Euarestos well-pleas- ing, satisfying, a compound name composed from the elements eu good, well and areskein to please, to satisfy".
  18. Evfimi The name Evfimi is of Russian origin and means "Russian cognate of the Greek Euphemios fair speech, fair of voice, a compound name composed of the elements eu well, good, happy and pheme voice Short: Efim".
  19. Ewould The name Ewould is of Scandinavian origin and means "Dutch form of the Germanic Ewald, a com-pound name composed of the elements eo law, right and wald rule: hence, lawful rule".
  20. Flllberto The name Flllberto is of Italian origin and means "From the Germanic Filibert very famous, a compound name composed of the elements fil much and beraht bright, famous".
  21. Folkvar The name Folkvar is of Scandinavian origin and means "Derivation of the Old Norse Folkvar5r guard of the people, a compound name composed of the elements folk people, tribe and vardr guard".
  22. Friederich The name Friederich is of German origin and means "the Old High German Fridurih ruler of peace, a compound name composed of the elements frid peace and rik king, ruler".
  23. Georgi The name Georgi is of Russian origin and means "the Greek Georgios, a derivative of georgos earthworker, farmer, which is composed of the elements ge earth and ergein to work Pet: Gorya, Gosha, Gunya, Jura, Zhora, Zhorzh, Zhura".
  24. Gerallt The name Gerallt is of Welsh origin and means "Welsh form of Gerald spear ruler, a Germanic name composed of the elements ger spear and wald rule".
  25. Gerolt The name Gerolt is of Scandinavian origin and means "Dutch cognate of Gerald, from the obsolete Old High German Gerwald, a name composed of the elements ger a spear, a javelin and wald rule: hence, rule with a spear Cognate: Gerold Danish".
  26. Giambattista The name Giambattista is of Italian origin and means "Combination name composed of the names Gianni God is gracious and Battista baptist The name is bestowed in honor of John the Baptist. See BATTISTA and GIANNI".
  27. Glancarlo The name Glancarlo is of Italian origin and means "Combination name composed of the names Gian God is gracious and Carlo full-grown, a man See CARLO and GIAN".
  28. Glraldo The name Glraldo is of Italian origin and means "Italian cognate of Gerald spear ruler, to rule with a spear, a name derived from the Germanic Gerwald, a compound name composed of the elements ger a spear and wald rule".
  29. Glselbert The name Glselbert is of German origin and means "the Old High German Gisil-berht, a compound name composed from the elements gisil pledge and beraht bright, famous: hence, famous pledge".
  30. Glyndwr The name Glyndwr is of Welsh origin and means "Transferred use of the surname originating as a place-name The name is composed of the elements glyn valley, glen and dw water: hence, valley of water. Short: Glyn".
  31. Gurudatta The name Gurudatta is of Indian origin and means "Compound name composed of the ele-ments guru guru, spiritual adviser or teacher and dona gift: hence, gift of the guru".
  32. Hanauhoulani The name Hanauhoulani is of Hawaiian origin and means "Compound name composed of the elements hanauhou rebirth, baptism and lani sky, heaven, heavenly, spiritual, divine: hence, spiritual rebirth".
  33. Haward The name Haward is of Scandinavian origin and means "From the Old Norse Havar5r, a compound name composed of the elements ha high and vardr guardian, defender".
  34. Hemolelekeakua The name Hemolelekeakua is of Hawaiian origin and means "Compound name composed of the Hawaiian elements hemolele perfection, perfect, ke one, the one, the one in question, and akua God, spirit: hence, God is perfection".
  35. Heraclio The name Heraclio is of Spanish origin and means "the Greek Heraklees, a compound name composed from Hera the name of the mythological queen of the gods and kleos glory: hence, glory of Hera, divine glory. The name is borne in Greek and Roman mythology by the son of Zeus and Alemene, renowned for his amazing strength".
  36. Heraklees The name Heraklees is of Greek origin and means "Compound name composed from Hera the name of the mythological queen of the gods and kleos fame, glory: hence, glory of Hera, divine glory. The name is borne in Greek and Roman mythology by the son of Zeus and Alemene who was renowned for his amazing strength".
  37. Herculano The name Herculano is of Portuguese origin and means "Hercules, the Latin form of the Greek Heraklees, a compound name composed from Hera the name of the mythological queen of the gods and kleos glory: hence, glory of Hera, divine glory".
  38. Herleif The name Herleif is of Scandinavian origin and means "the obsolete Old Norse Her- leifr, a compound name composed of the elements herr army and leifr heir, descendant; beloved".
  39. Hippolytos The name Hippolytos is of Greek origin and means "Compound name composed of the ele-ments hippos a horse and lyein to loosen, to free: hence, freer or loosener of horses".
  40. Hleronlm The name Hleronlm is of Polish origin and means "the Greek Hieronymos holy name, a compound name composed of the elements hi- eros holy and onyma name".
  41. Hleronymos The name Hleronymos is of Greek origin and means "Compound name composed of the ele-ments hieros holy and onyma name. Hieronymos holy name is a cognate of Jerome".
  42. Hoaalohakupaa The name Hoaalohakupaa is of Hawaiian origin and means "Compound name composed of the elements hoa aloha friend and kupa'a loyal, steadfast, faithful: hence, loyal friend".
  43. Hsu The name Hsu is of Chinese origin and means "Promise, Composed.".
  44. Illtud The name Illtud is of Welsh origin and means "Compound name composed of the elements il multitude and tud land, people: hence, land of the multitude".
  45. Ippolito The name Ippolito is of Italian origin and means "Italian form of the Greek Hippolytos, a compound name composed of the elements hippos a horse and lyein to loosen, to free: hence, to free or loosen horses".
  46. Jainendra The name Jainendra is of Indian origin and means "Compound name composed of jaya vic-tory and Indra, the name of the lord of the sky-gods: hence, victory of Indra".
  47. Jarogniew The name Jarogniew is of Polish origin and means "Compound name composed of the Slavonic elements jaro spring and grxievu anger: hence, spring anger, new anger Pet: Jarek".
  48. Jaromierz The name Jaromierz is of Polish origin and means "Compound name composed of the Slavonic elements jaro spring and meri great, famous: hence, famous spring Pet: Jarek".
  49. Jaropelk The name Jaropelk is of Polish origin and means "Compound name composed of the Slavonic elements jaro spring and polk people, folk, tribe: hence, spring people Pet: Jarek".
  50. Jaroslaw The name Jaroslaw is of Polish origin and means "Compound name composed of the Slavonic elements jaro spring and slav glory: hence, spring glory, glory in spring Pet: Jarek".
  51. Jayakrishna The name Jayakrishna is of Indian origin and means "Compound name composed from jaya victory and Krishna, the name of one of the most popular of the Hindu deities: hence, victorious Krishna".
  52. Jevstachi The name Jevstachi is of Russian origin and means "Russian cognate of the Greek Eustakhios, a compound name composed of the elements eu well, good and stachys grapes: hence, fruitful, fair harvest".
  53. Kahaaheo The name Kahaaheo is of Hawaiian origin and means "Compound name composed of the ele-ments ka one, the one, the one in question and ha'aheo proud, to cherish with pride".
  54. Kahaiaokaponia The name Kahaiaokaponia is of Hawaiian origin and means "follower of the anointed one, composed of the elements ka one, the one, the one in question, hai offering, sacrifice, follower, a to, o of, and poni anoint ".
  55. Kahekaalohi The name Kahekaalohi is of Hawaiian origin and means "shining pool, which is composed of the elements kaheka pool, basin and 'alohi shining, brilliant, gleaming ".
  56. Kaikeapona The name Kaikeapona is of Hawaiian origin and means "Compound name composed of the Hawaiian elements ka one, the one, 'ike knowledge, and 'apona embracing: hence, the one embracing knowledge".
  57. Kailinemo The name Kailinemo is of Hawaiian origin and means "the one with smooth skin, composed of the elements ka one, the one, 'ili skin, and nemo smooth ".
  58. Kamaluhiakapu The name Kamaluhiakapu is of Hawaiian origin and means "Compound name composed of the Hawaiian elements ka one, the one, maluhia peace, quiet, serenity, and kapu sacred: hence, sacred peace".
  59. Kanehoomalu The name Kanehoomalu is of Hawaiian origin and means "man of peace, which is composed of the elements kdne man and ho'omalu to make peace between warring parties ".
  60. Kasimierz The name Kasimierz is of Polish origin and means "Compound name composed of the elements ka%i'to destroy, to corrupt and meri great, famous: hence, famous destroyer. The name was borne by several Polish kings".
  61. Keahilani The name Keahilani is of Hawaiian origin and means "Compound name composed of the ele-ments ke one, the one, ahi fire, and lani sky, heaven, heavenly, spiritual: hence, spiritual fire or fire in the sky".
  62. Kulamauu The name Kulamauu is of Hawaiian origin and means "Compound name composed of the ele-ments kula plain, field, open country, pasture and mau'u, the general name used for different types of grasses and rushes The word kulamau'u refers to a meadow".
  63. Kwiatoslaw The name Kwiatoslaw is of Polish origin and means "Compound name composed of the Slavonic elements kviat flower and slav glory: hence, glorious flower".
  64. Laakea The name Laakea is of Hawaiian origin and means "Compound name composed of the elements la1 a sacred, holy, consecrated and kea light: hence, light sacredness The word makes reference to sacred light or sacred things".
  65. Lechoslaw The name Lechoslaw is of Polish origin and means "Compound name composed of Lech a Pole and the Slavonic element slav glory: hence, glory of the Poles".
  66. Leiandros The name Leiandros is of Greek origin and means "Compound name composed from the elements lean lion and andros a man, mankind: hence, lion man, lion-like. See LEANDER Mythology and Astrology Names".
  67. Llsandro The name Llsandro is of Spanish origin and means "the Greek Lysandros liberator, a compound name composed from the elements lysis freeing, loosening and andros man".
  68. Lubomierz The name Lubomierz is of Polish origin and means "Compound name composed of the Slavonic elements lub love and meri great, famous: hence, great love".
  69. Lubomil The name Lubomil is of Polish origin and means "Compound name composed of the Slavonic elements lub love and mil grace, favor: hence, lover of grace".
  70. Ludomierz The name Ludomierz is of Polish origin and means "Compound name composed of the Slavonic elements lud people, folk, tribe and meri great, famous: hence, famous people".
  71. Ludomir The name Ludomir is of Czech / Slovak origin and means "Compound name composed of the Slavonic elements lud people, folk, tribe and meri great, fa-mous: hence, famous people Pet: Ludek".
  72. Ludoslav The name Ludoslav is of Czech / Slovak origin and means "Compound name composed of the Slavonic elements lud people, folk, tribe and slav glory: hence, glorious people Pet: Ludek".
  73. Lysandros The name Lysandros is of Greek origin and means "Combination name composed from the elements lysis freeing, loosening and andros man, mankind: hence, liberator, freer of mankind. The name was borne by a celebrated Spartan naval and military commander who conquered the Athenians".
  74. Maharaj The name Maharaj is of Indian origin and means "Compound name composed of the elements maha great and raja king: hence, great king".
  75. Maikaikeakua The name Maikaikeakua is of Hawaiian origin and means "God is good The name is composed of the elements maika'i good, ke one, the one, and akua God, spirit. ".
  76. Maluhialani The name Maluhialani is of Hawaiian origin and means "Compound name composed of the elements maluhia peace, quiet, serenity and lani sky, heaven, heavenly, spiritual, divine: hence, divinely peaceful".
  77. Malulani The name Malulani is of Hawaiian origin and means "Compound name composed of the elements malu protection, shade, shelter, peace and lani sky, heaven, heavenly, spiritual, divine: hence, divine protection".
  78. Maluokeakua The name Maluokeakua is of Hawaiian origin and means "Compound name composed from the elements malu peace, protection, shade, shelter, ke one, the one, and akua God, spirit: hence, God's peace".
  79. Manumakalii The name Manumakalii is of Hawaiian origin and means "Compound name composed of the Hawaiian elements manu bird and makali'i tiny, very small: hence, a tiny bird".
  80. Marzun The name Marzun is of Arabic origin and means "Calm, composed, dignified".
  81. Mikolaj The name Mikolaj is of Polish origin and means "Polish form of Nicholas victory of the peo- pie, which is from the Greek Nikolaos, a compound name composed of the elements nike victory and laos the people".
  82. Mlloslaw The name Mlloslaw is of Polish origin and means "Compound name composed of the Slavonic element mil grace, favor, love and slav glory: hence, lover of glory Pet: Milek, Milosz".
  83. Mlroslaw The name Mlroslaw is of Polish origin and means "Compound name composed of the Slavonic elements meri great, famous and slav glory: hence, great glory".
  84. Muirgheas The name Muirgheas is of Irish origin and means "Compound name composed from the elements muir sea and gus choice: hence, sea choice The name was Anglicized as Maurice".
  85. Neelendra The name Neelendra is of Indian origin and means "Compound name composed of the ele-ments neel blue, sapphire blue and Indra, the name of the chief sky-god The name has the definition lord of the oceans".
  86. Nicostrato The name Nicostrato is of Italian origin and means "From the Greek Nikostratos, a com-pound name composed of the elements nike victory and stratos army: hence, victorious army The name was borne by a 4th-century Roman soldier martyred under Diocletian with a group of fellow soldiers. Short: Nico".
  87. Nikodim The name Nikodim is of Russian origin and means "From the Greek Nikodemos, a compound name composed of the elements nike victory and demos people: hence, victory of the people Pet: Dima, Nika".
  88. Nlccolo The name Nlccolo is of Italian origin and means "Italian form of the Latin Nicolaus victory of the people, which is from the Greek Nikolaos, a compound name composed from the elements nilce victory and laos the people".
  89. Nlcodemo The name Nlcodemo is of Italian origin and means "the Greek Nikodemos, a compound name composed from the elements nilce victory and demos people, population: hence, victory of the people The name is borne in the Bible by a Pharisee, a member of the Sanhedrin who spoke up for Jesus when the Pharisees wanted him arrested. Short: Nico".
  90. Nlcomedes The name Nlcomedes is of Spanish origin and means "A borrowing from the Greek, Nicomedes is a compound name composed from the elements nike victory and medesthai to ponder, to meditate upon: hence, to ponder victory".
  91. Nlcomedo The name Nlcomedo is of Italian origin and means "From the Greek Nikomedes, a compound name composed of the elements nike victory and medesthai to ponder, to meditate upon: hence, to ponder victory Short: Nico".
  92. Nlkodemos The name Nlkodemos is of Greek origin and means "Compound name composed from the elements nike victory and demos people, population: hence, victory of the people".
  93. Nlkolao The name Nlkolao is of Hawaiian origin and means "Hawaiian form of Nicholas victory of the people, a cognate of the Greek Nikolaos, which is a compound name composed of the elements nike victory and laos people".
  94. Nlkomedes The name Nlkomedes is of Greek origin and means "Compound name composed from the elements nike victory and medesthai to ponder, to meditate upon: hence, to ponder victory Short: Niko, Nikos".
  95. Oldrich The name Oldrich is of Czech origin and means "Czech cognate of the German Ulrich noble ruler, which is from the Old High German Udalrich, a compound name composed of the elements uodal nobility, prosperity, fortune and rik ruler, power, king Pet: Olda, Oldra, Oldfisek, Olecek, Olik, Olin, Olousek".
  96. Oliwjer The name Oliwjer is of Polish origin and means "Polish cognate of the French Olivier, which is generally considered to be from the Old French olivier olive tree Some believe it is of Germanic origin, however, and is thus probably from the Middle Low German Alfihar elf army, a compound name composed of the elements alf elf and hari army".
  97. Philandros The name Philandros is of Greek origin and means "Compound name composed of the elements philos loving and andros man: hence, lover of mankind".
  98. Philippeemmanuel The name Philippeemmanuel is of French origin and means "Popular combination name composed of the names Philippe lover of horses and Emmanuel God is with us See EMMANUEL and PHILIPPE".
  99. Philomenos The name Philomenos is of Greek origin and means "Compound name composed of the elements philos loving and menos strength: hence, lover of strength".
  100. Prasant The name Prasant is of Arabic origin and means "Calm and composed or cool".
  101. Prasanth The name Prasanth is of Hindi origin and means "Calm and composed or cool".
  102. Prashant The name Prashant is of Indian origin and means "Calm and composed.".
  103. Prashanth The name Prashanth is of Hindi origin and means "Calm and composed, Peace".
  104. Pribislav The name Pribislav is of Czech / Slovak origin and means "Compound name composed from the Slavonic elements pribit to help, to be present and slav glory: hence, helper of glory Pet: Priba, Pribik, Pribisek".
  105. Prokhop The name Prokhop is of Russian origin and means "Russian form of the Greek Prokopios pro-gressive, a compound name composed of the elements pro before and kopios in great abundance, copious. The name was borne by a 4th-century Greek saint, the first to be martyred in Palestine under the reign of Diocletian".
  106. Przbyslaw The name Przbyslaw is of Polish origin and means "Compound name composed of the Slavonic elements pribit to help, to be present and slav glory: hence, helper of glory".
  107. Radomir The name Radomir is of Czech / Slovak origin and means "Compound name composed of the Slavonic elements rod glad and meri great, famous".
  108. Rasin The name Rasin is of Urdu origin and means "Composed".
  109. Razaani The name Razaani is of Arabic origin and means "Dignified, composed".
  110. Razni The name Razni is of Arabic origin and means "Dignified, composed".
  111. Rolant The name Rolant is of Welsh origin and means "Welsh form of the French Roland, a name derived from the Old High German Hruodland famous land, a compound name composed from the elements hruod fame and land land The name was introduced to the British Isles by the Normans".
  112. Roscislaw The name Roscislaw is of Polish origin and means "Compound name composed of the Slavonic elements rosts usurp, seize, appropriate and slav glory: hence, seizer of glory".
  113. Sachdev The name Sachdev is of Indian origin and means "Compound name composed of the elements satya truth and deva a god: hence, god's truth ".
  114. Saebhreathach The name Saebhreathach is of Irish origin and means "Compound name composed of the Gaelic elements saor noble and breathach judge: hence, noble judge The name was Anglicized as Justin".
  115. Slawomierz The name Slawomierz is of Polish origin and means "Compound name composed of the Slavonic elements slav glory and meri great, famous: hence, great glory, glory is great".
  116. Slegmund The name Slegmund is of German origin and means "Compound name composed of the ele-ments sig victory and mund hand, protection: hence, victorious protection. The name was borne by Sig- mund Freud 1856-1939, the Austrian physician and neurologist who is considered the father of psychoanalysis".
  117. Slgmund The name Slgmund is of Mythology and Astrology origin and means "the Old Norse Sigmundr, a compound name composed of the Germanic elements sig victory and mund hand, protection Sigmund, a favored character and hero of Norse legend, was the father of Sinfiotli by his sister Signy. He was also the father of Sigurd, who was born after Sigmund died".
  118. Slgurd The name Slgurd is of German origin and means "A borrowing from the Scandinavians, Sigurd is from the obsolete Old Norse Sigvor5r guardian of victory, a compound name composed of sigr victory, conquest and vordr guardian".
  119. Sobeslav The name Sobeslav is of Czech / Slovak origin and means "Compound name composed of the Slavonic elements sobi to usurp, to overtake and slav glory: hence, usurper of glory Pet: Slavek, Sobes, Sobik".
  120. Sobieslaw The name Sobieslaw is of Polish origin and means "Compound name composed of the Slavonic elements sobi to usurp, to overtake and slav glory: hence, usurper of glory".
  121. Sundarama The name Sundarama is of Indian origin and means "Compound name composed of the elements sundara beautiful and Rama, a popular Hindu deity: hence, beautiful Rama".
  122. Svatopulk The name Svatopulk is of Czech / Slovak origin and means "Compound name composed from the Slavonic elements svyanto bright, holy and polk peo-ple, folk, race: hence, holy people".
  123. Svjatopolk The name Svjatopolk is of Russian origin and means "Compound name composed of the Slavonic elements svyanto bright, holy and pollc peo-ple, folk, race: hence, holy people".
  124. Svjatoslav The name Svjatoslav is of Russian origin and means "Compound name composed of the Slavonic elements svyanto bright, holy and slav glory: hence, holy glory Pet: Slava".
  125. Techomfr The name Techomfr is of Czech / Slovak origin and means "Compound name composed from the Slavonic elements tech consolation and meri great, famous".
  126. Telesphoros The name Telesphoros is of Greek origin and means "Compound name composed from the elements telos an end, a completion and pherein to bear, to bring: hence, bearing the end, to bring about the end Telesphoros originated as the name used for the ancient Greek personification of Justice and later as the name of a god of health".
  127. Teofil The name Teofil is of Polish origin and means "Polish form of the Greek Theophilos lover of God, beloved of God, a compound name composed of the elements theos God and philos loving".
  128. Theodoor The name Theodoor is of Scandinavian origin and means "Dutch cognate of Theodore gift of God, which is from the Greek Theodoros, a compound name composed of the elements theos God and doron gift Cognate: Theodrekr Norwegian; Teodor Swedish".
  129. Theodorico The name Theodorico is of Portuguese origin and means "Portuguese cognate of Theodoric ruler of the people, which is from the Late Latin Theodoricus, a derivative of the Germanic Thiudoreiks, which is composed of the elements thiuda folk, people and rik ruler, king".
  130. Theodoros The name Theodoros is of Greek origin and means "Compound name composed of the ele-ments theos God and doron gift: hence, God's gift".
  131. Theophilos The name Theophilos is of Greek origin and means "Compound name composed of the ele-ments theos God and philos loving: hence, beloved of God".
  132. Thibault The name Thibault is of French origin and means "French cognate of Theobald, a Germanic name derived from the Old German Theudobald bold and brave people, a compound name composed of the elements theuda folk, people and bald bold, brave".
  133. Thorvaldr The name Thorvaldr is of Scandinavian origin and means "Old Viking name composed of the Old Norse elements Porr Thor and valdr ruler: hence, Thor's rule".
  134. Tlmotheos The name Tlmotheos is of Greek origin and means "Compound name composed of the ele-ments time honor, respect and theos God: hence, honor God, respect God".
  135. Vijayendra The name Vijayendra is of Indian origin and means "Compound name composed of the elements vijaya victory and Indra, the name of the chief god of the atmosphere, whose name denotes strength: hence, victorious Indra or strong victory".
  136. Vldkun The name Vldkun is of Scandinavian origin and means "the obsolete Vi5kunnr, which is composed of the Old Norse elements vfdr wide and kunnr wise, experienced It has fallen out of favor due to the infamy of Vidkun Quisling, the Norwegian politician who betrayed his country to the Nazis and became its puppet ruler".
  137. Wenczeslaw The name Wenczeslaw is of Polish origin and means "Compound name composed of the ele-ments Wend, a term denoting a member of the old Slavic people who now live in an enclave south of Berlin, and slav glory: hence, glory of the Wends".
  138. Wllhelm The name Wllhelm is of Polish origin and means "A borrowing from the German, Wilhelm is from the Old High German Willehelm resolute protector, a compound name composed of the elements willeo will, resolution and helm helmet, protection Pet: Wilek, Wilus".
  139. Zenobios The name Zenobios is of Greek origin and means "Compound name composed of the ele-ments zen of Zeus and bios life: hence, the life of Zeus".
  140. Zlnovl The name Zlnovl is of Russian origin and means "the Greek Zenobios the life of Zeus, a compound name composed of the elements zen of Zeus and bios life Pet: Zinok".

2. Girl names that mean composed

  1. Adalheidis The name Adalheidis is of Scandinavian origin and means "Medieval Germanic name composed of the elements adal noble and heid kind, sort: hence, noble one".
  2. Adanelia The name Adanelia is of Spanish origin and means "Combination name composed from the male Adan Adam and Helia the sun".
  3. Ajnakea The name Ajnakea is of Hawaiian origin and means "Compound name composed of the elements 'aina land, earth and kea white, clear, fair".
  4. Alohinani The name Alohinani is of Hawaiian origin and means "Compound name composed from the elements 'alohi to shine, to sparkle, bright, brilliant and nani beauty, beautiful: hence, beautiful brightness Short: Nani".
  5. Amilee The name Amilee is of American origin and means "Combination name composed from the names Amy and Lee. See AMY and LEE".
  6. Analilia The name Analilia is of Spanish origin and means "Combination name composed from the names Ana and Lilia See ANA and LILIA".
  7. Annfrid The name Annfrid is of Scandinavian origin and means "Norwegian name derived from the Old Norse ArnfrtSr beautiful eagle, a compound name composed of the elements am eagle and fridr beautiful, fair".
  8. Beliarosa The name Beliarosa is of Spanish origin and means "Combination name composed from the names Belia and Rosa: hence, beautiful rose".
  9. Berenike The name Berenike is of Greek origin and means "Evolution of the older Pherenike bringer of victory, a compound name composed of the elements pherein to bring and nilce victory".
  10. Bhaviya The name Bhaviya is of Hindi origin and means "Grand, Splendid, Virtuous, Composed, Another name for Goddess Paarvati".
  11. Bogdana The name Bogdana is of Polish origin and means "Feminine form of Bogdan, a compound name composed of the Slavonic elements bog God and dan gift: hence, God's gift".
  12. Bogumila The name Bogumila is of Polish origin and means "Feminine form of Bogumil grace of God, a compound name composed of the elements bog God and mil grace, favor, thanks".
  13. Boguslawa The name Boguslawa is of Polish origin and means "Feminine form of Boguslaw glory of God, a compound name composed of the Slavonic elements bog God and slav glory".
  14. Bohdana The name Bohdana is of Czech / Slovak origin and means "Feminine form of Bohdan God's gift, a Czech cognate of Bogdan, a name composed of the".
  15. Boleslawa The name Boleslawa is of Polish origin and means "Feminine form of Boleslaw strong glory, a compound name composed of the Slavonic elements bole strong, large and slav glory".
  16. Bozidara The name Bozidara is of Czech / Slovak origin and means "Feminine form of Bozidar divine gift, a gift of God, a compound name composed of the Slavonic elements bozi of God, divine and dar gift Pet: Boza, Bozena, Bozka".
  17. Bronislava The name Bronislava is of Czech / Slovak origin and means "Feminine form of Bronislav armor glory, a compound name composed of the Slavonic elements bron armor, protection and slav glory".
  18. Callirrhoe The name Callirrhoe is of Italian origin and means "the Greek Kallirroe beau-tiful stream, a compound name composed of the elements hallos beauty and roe stream".
  19. Creirdyddlydd The name Creirdyddlydd is of Welsh origin and means "Compound name composed of the Welsh elements creir a token, a jewel, a sacred object and llud sea: hence, token of the sea, jewel of the sea".
  20. Dalibora The name Dalibora is of Czech / Slovak origin and means "Feminine form of Dalibor to fight afar, a compound name composed from the Slavonic elements dal afar and borit to fight Short: Dala. Pet: Dalena, Dalenka".
  21. Dilwen The name Dilwen is of Welsh origin and means "Compound name composed of the elements dilys genuine, steadfast, true and gwen white, fair, blessed: hence, genuine and blessed".
  22. Dorolinda The name Dorolinda is of Spanish origin and means "Combination name composed from Dorotea and Linda See DOROTEA and LINDA".
  23. Drahomira The name Drahomira is of Czech / Slovak origin and means "Compound name composed of the Slavonic elements draho dear, beloved and meri great, famous Short: Draha. Pet: Drahuse, Drahuska, Draza, Mirha".
  24. Dwynwen The name Dwynwen is of Welsh origin and means "Compound name composed from the Welsh elements dwyn wave and gwen, gwyn white, fair, blessed: hence, white wave".
  25. Emalinda The name Emalinda is of Spanish origin and means "Combination name composed from Emma and Linda See EMMA and LINDA".
  26. Emelinda The name Emelinda is of Spanish origin and means "Combination name composed from Emelia and Linda See EMELIA and LINDA".
  27. Ermentraud The name Ermentraud is of German origin and means "Compound name composed of Ermen a name for the Germanic god of war and trut dear, maiden or / ?ru / ? strength".
  28. Eulalja The name Eulalja is of Polish origin and means "Polish form of the Greek Eulalia, a compound name composed from the elements eu well, good, fair, happy and the verb lalein to talk: hence, fair of speech".
  29. Eunike The name Eunike is of Greek origin and means "Compound name composed of the elements eu well, good, fair and nike victory: hence, good victory. The name is borne in the Bible by the mother of Timothy".
  30. Eutropia The name Eutropia is of Spanish origin and means "A borrowing from the Greek, Eutropia is composed from the elements eu good, well, fair and tropis the lees of wine".
  31. Evfemiya The name Evfemiya is of Russian origin and means "Russian cognate of the Greek Eufemia, a compound name composed of the elements eu good, well, fair and pheme voice: hence, fair of voice, fair speech".
  32. Evlaliya The name Evlaliya is of Russian origin and means "Russian cognate of the Greek Eulalia, a compound name composed of the elements eu good, well, fair and lalein to talk: hence, well-spoken".
  33. Fionnaghuala The name Fionnaghuala is of Scottish origin and means "Scottish Gaelic form of the Irish Gaelic Fionnguala, a compound name composed of the elements fionn white, fair and guala shoulder: hence, white shoulders. The name has been Anglicized as Flora a flower. Finella and its variants are Anglicized spellings. See FINELLA".
  34. Fryderyka The name Fryderyka is of Polish origin and means "Feminine form of Fryderyk peaceful ruler, which is derived from the Germanic Friedrich, a compound name composed of the elements frithu peace and rik king, ruler".
  35. Gllberte The name Gllberte is of French origin and means "Feminine form of Gilbert, which is an evo-lution of the Old French Guillebert, a derivative of the Old High German Gisilberht, which is a compound name composed of the elements gisil pledge and beraht bright, famous".
  36. Gweneal The name Gweneal is of Welsh origin and means "Compound name composed of the elements gwen white, fair, blessed and angel angel: hence, white angel, blessed angel".
  37. Gwerful The name Gwerful is of Welsh origin and means "Compound name composed of the elements gwair circle, ring and ful, a mutation of mul modest, shy: hence, completely shy".
  38. Hedvika The name Hedvika is of Czech origin and means "Popular Czech cognate of the German Hed- wig, a derivative of the obsolete Haduwig, a compound name composed of the elements hadu contention and wig war, strife Pet: Hedva, Hedvicka".
  39. Hiwahiwakeiki The name Hiwahiwakeiki is of Hawaiian origin and means "Compound name composed of the elements hiwahiwa precious, beloved, esteemed and keiki child: hence, beloved child, precious child".
  40. Hjordis The name Hjordis is of Scandinavian origin and means "From the Old Norse Hjardis goddess of the sword, a compound name composed of the elements hjarr sword and dis goddess In Norse mythology, Hjordis was the second wife of the unfortunate Sigmund and mother of Sigurd Fafnirsbane. After Sigmund's death, Hjordis married Alf, the king of Denmark".
  41. Hokualohi The name Hokualohi is of Hawaiian origin and means "Compound name composed from the elements hoku star and 'alohi shining, bright, to sparkle: hence, shining star".
  42. Kalandra The name Kalandra is of Greek origin and means "Compound name composed of the ele-ments kalos beautiful and andros man: hence, beau-tiful one".
  43. Kalantha The name Kalantha is of Greek origin and means "Compound name composed of the ele-ments kalos beautiful and anthos a flower: hence, beautiful flower".
  44. Kaligenia The name Kaligenia is of Greek origin and means "Compound name composed of the ele-ments kallos beauty, beautiful and genes born: hence, born beautiful, beautiful daughter".
  45. Kalliroe The name Kalliroe is of French origin and means "the Greek Kallirroe beautiful stream, a compound name composed of the elements kallos beauty and roe stream".
  46. Kallirroe The name Kallirroe is of Greek origin and means "Compound name composed of the elements kalios beauty, beautiful and roe stream: hence, beautiful stream Short: Kali, Kalli".
  47. Kapuaula The name Kapuaula is of Hawaiian origin and means "Compound name composed of the ele-ments ka one, the one, pua flower, blossom, and 'ula red, scarlet: hence, the red flower".
  48. Kawaimomona The name Kawaimomona is of Hawaiian origin and means "sweet water, which is composed of the elements ka one, the one, wai water, fresh water, and momona sweet ".
  49. Kawenaula The name Kawenaula is of Hawaiian origin and means "Compound name composed of the ele-ments ka one, the one, wena glow, the glow of sunrise or sunset, and 'ula red, scarlet: hence, red glow".
  50. Keikikalani The name Keikikalani is of Hawaiian origin and means "Compound name composed of the elements keiki child, ha one, the one, and lani sky, heaven, heavenly, spiritual, majesty: hence, heavenly child".
  51. Klarybel The name Klarybel is of Polish origin and means "Polish form of the English Clarabelle, a combination name composed of the names Clara bright, clear, famous and Belle beautiful".
  52. Kualii The name Kualii is of Hawaiian origin and means "Compound name composed of the elements ku like, resembling and alii chieftess, queen, royalty".
  53. Kunigonde The name Kunigonde is of Scandinavian origin and means "Dutch cognate of the Germanic Kuni- gunde brave in battle, a compound name composed of the elements kuoni brave and gund battle, strife".
  54. Lokomaika The name Lokomaika is of Hawaiian origin and means "INANI Compound name composed of the elements lokomaika'i generosity, benevolence, kindness and nani beauty, beautiful Short: Nani".
  55. Ludwika The name Ludwika is of Polish origin and means "Feminine form of Ludwik famous warrior, a Germanic compound name composed of the elements hluod fame and wig warrior".
  56. Lyndia The name Lyndia is of Spanish origin and means "Combination name composed from Lidia and Linda See LIDIA and LINDA".
  57. Makaalohi The name Makaalohi is of Hawaiian origin and means "Compound name composed of the Hawaiian elements maka eye, face and 'alohi shining, to sparkle, bright: hence, shining eyes".
  58. Makanamaikai The name Makanamaikai is of Hawaiian origin and means "Compound name composed of the elements makana gift, present and maika'i good, well, fine: hence, good gift Short: Makana".
  59. Manalani The name Manalani is of Hawaiian origin and means "Compound name composed of the ele-ments mana strength, supernatural power and lani sky, heaven, heavenly, spiritual, divine; majesty: hence, divine power Short: Lani".
  60. Manaolanakeiki The name Manaolanakeiki is of Hawaiian origin and means "Compound name composed of the elements mana'olana hope, confidence, faith and keiki child: hence, child of hope".
  61. Maranela The name Maranela is of Spanish origin and means "Combination name composed of Maria and Nela See MARIA and NELA".
  62. Marfadela The name Marfadela is of Spanish origin and means "Compound name composed of Maria and Adela. See ADELA and MARIA".
  63. Mariaelena The name Mariaelena is of Spanish origin and means "Compound name composed of Maria and Elena See ELENA and MARfA".
  64. Maristela The name Maristela is of Spanish origin and means "Compound name composed from Maria and Estela See ESTELLA and MARIA".
  65. Maryvonne The name Maryvonne is of French origin and means "Combination name composed of the names Marie and Yvonne yew See MARIE and YVONNE".
  66. Meinwen The name Meinwen is of Welsh origin and means "Compound name composed of the Welsh elements main slender and given white, fair, blessed: hence, slender fair one, slender woman".
  67. Meirionwen The name Meirionwen is of Welsh origin and means "Compound name composed of the name Meiriona and the Welsh element gwen white, fair, blessed See MEIRIONA".
  68. Mersera The name Mersera is of Spanish origin and means "Compound name composed from Mercedes and Sara See MERCEDES and SARA".
  69. Mlloslawa The name Mlloslawa is of Polish origin and means "Feminine form of Miloslaw, a compound name composed from the Slavonic elements mil grace, favor, love and slav glory: hence, love of glory".
  70. Morainn The name Morainn is of Scottish origin and means "Scottish Gaelic cognate of the Irish Muireann, a compound name composed of the elements muir sea and fionn white, fair, clear: hence, fair seas. Alternatively, some believe the name means very hairy or long-haired and derive it from the elements mor more, great and fionnach hairy".
  71. Mulaikah The name Mulaikah is of Arabic origin and means "Saheefa (A scripture composed by Allah)".
  72. Nimatuallah The name Nimatuallah is of Muslim origin and means "Compound name composed of the elements ni'mah blessing, grace, favor and Allah God: hence, the grace of God".
  73. Often The name Often is of African-American origin and means "bestowed upon African-American female chil-dren as a symbol of ethnic pride Alternatively, Africa is used as an Anglicized form of the Irish Gaelic Aifric pleasant. AF-REE-KAH ANGELYNNE Combination name composed of the names Angel messenger of God and Lynne lake. See ANGEL and LYNN English Names".
  74. Padmasundara The name Padmasundara is of Indian origin and means "Compound name composed of the elements padma lotus and sundara beautiful, attrac-tive, lovely: hence, beautiful lotus".
  75. Phllomfene The name Phllomfene is of French origin and means "French form of Philomena, a feminine form of the Latin Philomenus, which is from the Greek Philomenes, a compound name composed of the elements philein to love and menos strength: hence, lover of strength".
  76. Radoslava The name Radoslava is of Czech / Slovak origin and means "Compound name composed of the Slavonic elements rad glad and slav glory: hence, glad for glory Short: Rada".
  77. Radoslawa The name Radoslawa is of Polish origin and means "Compound name composed of the Slavonic elements rod glad and slav glory: hence, glad for glory Short: Rada".
  78. Rasifah The name Rasifah is of Arabic origin and means "Calm, composed, dignified".
  79. Rasina The name Rasina is of Urdu origin and means "Calm, composed".
  80. Razaan The name Razaan is of Arabic origin and means "Dignified, composed, calm".
  81. Razinah The name Razinah is of Arabic origin and means "Dignified, composed".
  82. Rexella The name Rexella is of English origin and means "Compound name composed of the names Rex king and Ella light; foreign. See ELLA and REX Male Names".
  83. Rigborg The name Rigborg is of Scandinavian origin and means "Danish cognate of the Old High German Richborg, a compound name composed of the elements rzc power, strength and borg fortification".
  84. Rlgmor The name Rlgmor is of Scandinavian origin and means "Scandinavian form of an Old High German compound name composed of the elements ric power, strength and muot spirit, courage".
  85. Roscislawa The name Roscislawa is of Polish origin and means "Feminine form of Roscislaw glory in conquest, a compound name composed of the Slavonic elements rosts to usurp, to take over and slav glory".
  86. Rostislava The name Rostislava is of Czech / Slovak origin and means "Feminine form of Rostislav seizer of glory, a compound name composed from the Slavonic elements rosts usurp, seize, appropriate and slav glory Pet: Rost'a, Rostina, Rostinka, Rostuska, Slavka".
  87. Rupinder The name Rupinder is of Indian origin and means "Compound name composed of the elements riipa beauty, form and Indra the name of the chief god of the atmosphere, which is indicative of strength or excess: hence, most beautiful".
  88. Ruzainah The name Ruzainah is of Arabic origin and means "Dignified, composed (ba waqar, ala zaraf)".
  89. Ruzuna The name Ruzuna is of African origin and means "Calm. Composed. (Swahili)".
  90. Ryszarda The name Ryszarda is of Polish origin and means "Feminine form of Ryszard, the Polish cog-nate of Richard, which is from the Old High German Richart, a compound name composed from the elements rik king and harthuz strong: hence, strong king".
  91. Samjuana The name Samjuana is of Spanish origin and means "Compound name composed from Samuel his name is God and Juana God is gracious See JUAN and SAMUEL Male Names".
  92. Sanjuana The name Sanjuana is of Spanish origin and means "Compound name composed from san saint and Juana God is gracious. See JUAN Male Names".
  93. Siegfrida The name Siegfrida is of German origin and means "Feminine form of Siegfried, a compound name composed of the Germanic elements segu power, victory and frid peace, protection: hence, powerful peace, powerful protection, or peaceful victory".
  94. Slgrun The name Slgrun is of Scandinavian origin and means "From an Old Norse compound name composed of sigr victory and run secret lore The name is borne in Norse mythology by the Valkyrie daughter of King Hogni".
  95. Slgyn The name Slgyn is of Scandinavian origin and means "an Old Norse name composed of the element sigr victory The name is borne in Norse mythology by the all-faithful third wife of the malevolent Loki, and mother of Narve and Vali".
  96. Sobeslava The name Sobeslava is of Czech / Slovak origin and means "Compound name composed from the Slavonic elements sobi to usurp, to overtake and slav glory: hence, usurper of glory Pet: Sobena, Sobeska".
  97. Stanislawa The name Stanislawa is of Polish origin and means "Feminine form of Stanislaw, a popular compound name composed from the Slavonic elements stan government and slav glory: hence, glorious government".
  98. Tegwen The name Tegwen is of Welsh origin and means "Compound name composed of the elements teg fair, lovely and gwen white, fair, blessed: hence, lovely maiden".
  99. Theodosio The name Theodosio is of Portuguese origin and means "the Greek Theodosios, a compound name composed of the elements theos God and dosis a gift, a giving: hence, a gift of God, God- given".
  100. Theofila The name Theofila is of Polish origin and means "Feminine form of Teofilo beloved of God, which is a cognate of the Greek Theophilos, a com-pound name composed of the elements theos God and philos loving".
  101. Twdor The name Twdor is of Hungarian origin and means "Hungarian form of Theodor, a derivative of the Latin Theodorus, which is from the Greek Theodoros gift of God. The name is composed from the elements theos God and doron a gift".
  102. Vlgdis The name Vlgdis is of Scandinavian origin and means "Old Norse name composed of the elements vig war and dis goddess: hence, goddess of war".
  103. Wanaaonani The name Wanaaonani is of Hawaiian origin and means "Compound name composed of the Hawaiian elements wana'ao dawn, sunrise, to dawn and nani beauty, beautiful: hence, beautiful dawn Short: Nani".
  104. Wiebke The name Wiebke is of Dutch origin and means "A borrowing from the Scandinavians, Wiebke originated as a pet form of the medieval name Wibe, a contraction of the Germanic Wigburg, which was composed of wig war and burg castle, fortress".
  105. Wladyslawa The name Wladyslawa is of Polish origin and means "Feminine form of Wladyslaw, a com-pound name composed from the Slavonic elements vlad rule and slav glory: hence, ruling glory or glorious ruler".
  106. Wlbeke The name Wlbeke is of Scandinavian origin and means "Originally a pet form of the medieval Wibe, which is a contraction of the Germanic Wigburg, itself composed of wig war and burg castle, fortress Wibeke is now bestowed as an independent given name. Cognate: Wiebke Danish, Norwegian; Viveca, Viveka, Vivica Swedish".
  107. Wlgburg The name Wlgburg is of Scandinavian origin and means "Used primarily in the Netherlands, Wigburg is an old Germanic name composed of the elements wig war and burg castle, fortress".
  108. Wojclech The name Wojclech is of Polish origin and means "Popular name composed of the Slavonic el-ements voi soldier, warrior and tech consolation, comfort, solace: hence, soldier of consolation Pet: Wojteczek, Wojtek".
  109. Zbyhneva The name Zbyhneva is of Czech / Slovak origin and means "Feminine form of Zbyhnev to do away with anger, a compound name composed from the elements zbit to do away with, to be rid of and gniew anger See ZBYHNEV Male Names. Pet: Zbyna, Zbysa".
  110. Zenobja The name Zenobja is of Polish origin and means "From the Greek Zenobia, the feminine form of Zenobios, a compound name composed of the elements Zen of Zeus and bios life: hence, the life of Zeus The name was borne by a 3rd-century queen of Palmyra noted for her beauty and intelligence, as well as her ruthlessness with her foes".
  111. Zltomlr The name Zltomlr is of Czech / Slovak origin and means "Compound name composed of the Slavonic elements zhit to live and meri great, famous Pet: Zitek, Zitousek".