Names that mean manly

Naming your baby can be a difficult task. The meaning behind the name you choose will give them clues about who they are, and it's important to find one that fits. The following list will provide you with some great options that have the word Manly in their meaning.

1. Boy names that mean manly

  1. Ahndray The name Ahndray is of French origin and means "Variant of Andre: Masculine, manly, brave.".
  2. Anakelea The name Anakelea is of Hawaiian origin and means "Masculine, manly.".
  3. Analu The name Analu is of Polynesian origin and means "Manly".
  4. Anddy The name Anddy is of English origin and means "Manly".
  5. Andray The name Andray is of French origin and means "Variant of Andre: Masculine, manly, brave.".
  6. Andrey The name Andrey is of Russian origin and means "Variant of Andrew: Brave, Manly.".
  7. Andrzej The name Andrzej is of Polish origin and means "Polish cognate of the Greek Andreas, a name derived from andreios manly, which is from aner man The name was borne by one of the Twelve Apostles of Christ, which originally induced the name's popularity".
  8. Anederea The name Anederea is of Hawaiian origin and means "Variant of Anakelea: Masculine, manly.".
  9. Anerae The name Anerae is of French origin and means "Variant of Andre: Masculine, manly, brave.".
  10. Anitelu The name Anitelu is of Polynesian origin and means "Masculine, manly.".
  11. Anndy The name Anndy is of English origin and means "Manly".
  12. Apolinario The name Apolinario is of Greek origin and means "God of the sun, Sunlight, Manly beauty".
  13. Apolinaro The name Apolinaro is of Greek origin and means "God of the sun, Sunlight, Manly beauty".
  14. Apollo The name Apollo is of Latin origin and means "God of the sun, Sunlight, Manly beauty".
  15. Apollon The name Apollon is of Greek origin and means "Variant of Apollo: Manly beauty. In Greek mythology, Apollo was the god of medicine and healing who drove his fiery chariot (the sun) through the sky.".
  16. Apolo The name Apolo is of Hawaiian origin and means "God of the sun, Sunlight, Manly beauty".
  17. Apolonio The name Apolonio is of Greek origin and means "God of the sun, Sunlight, Manly beauty".
  18. Appollo The name Appollo is of Greek origin and means "God of the sun, Sunlight, Manly beauty".
  19. Appolo The name Appolo is of Greek origin and means "God of the sun, Sunlight, Manly beauty".
  20. Appolonio The name Appolonio is of Greek origin and means "God of the sun, Sunlight, Manly beauty".
  21. Aundray The name Aundray is of French origin and means "Variant of Andre: Masculine, manly, brave.".
  22. Cario The name Cario is of Italian origin and means "The Italian form of Charles, meaning strong or manly, occasionally used in English-speaking countries.".
  23. Carloss The name Carloss is of English origin and means "Manly".
  24. Carolos The name Carolos is of Greek origin and means "Strong, Manly".
  25. Charlles The name Charlles is of English origin and means "One who is manly and strong / a free man".
  26. dand The name dand is of Greek origin and means "Virile, manly".
  27. deondre The name deondre is of Greek origin and means "Brave, manly".
  28. dre The name dre is of Greek origin and means "Virile, manly".
  29. Farry The name Farry is of Irish origin and means "Manly".
  30. Furlo The name Furlo is of American origin and means "A manly man".
  31. Husky The name Husky is of American origin and means "A big man; a manly man".
  32. Jedrej The name Jedrej is of Polish origin and means "Polish cognate of Andrew, which is from the Greek Andreas, a derivative of andreios manly Pet: Jedrik".
  33. Kaleba The name Kaleba is of Hawaiian origin and means "Strong. Manly.".
  34. Katsuo The name Katsuo is of Japanese origin and means "Victory, Hero, Manly".
  35. Maninder The name Maninder is of Indian origin and means "A manly man".
  36. Marceli The name Marceli is of Polish origin and means "From the Latin Marcelllnus, a diminutive variant of Marcus, which is of uncertain derivation. Most believe it has its root in Mars, the name of the Roman mythological god of war. Others, however, think it is from mas manly or from the Greek malakoz soft, tender".
  37. Marrio The name Marrio is of English origin and means "A manly man".
  38. Naran The name Naran is of Hindi origin and means "Manly".
  39. Ondrej The name Ondrej is of Czech origin and means "A manly man".
  40. Ondrus The name Ondrus is of Czech / Slovak origin and means "Manly".
  41. Ries The name Ries is of Greek origin and means "Virile, manly".
  42. Searlus The name Searlus is of French origin and means "Manly".
  43. Tearley The name Tearley is of Gaelic origin and means "Manly".
  44. Tearly The name Tearly is of Gaelic origin and means "Manly".
  45. Trocky The name Trocky is of American origin and means "A manly man".
  46. Vrishni The name Vrishni is of Indian origin and means "Manly".
  47. Xarles The name Xarles is of French origin and means "Manly".
  48. Yudai The name Yudai is of Japanese origin and means "Brave, Manly".

2. Girl names that mean manly

  1. Andera The name Andera is of Spanish origin and means "Feminine form of Andrew: manly.".
  2. Andrine The name Andrine is of English origin and means "English feminine form of Andrew manly, a cognate of the Greek Andreas, which is derived from the element andros man Pet: Andie".
  3. Arletta The name Arletta is of French origin and means "Variant of Arlette: Derived from a feminine diminutive of Charles, meaning manly. A medieval given name.".
  4. Caralyn The name Caralyn is of English origin and means "Feminine variant of Charles: manly.".
  5. Carilyn The name Carilyn is of English origin and means "Feminine variant of Charles: manly.".
  6. Carilynne The name Carilynne is of English origin and means "Feminine variant of Charles: manly.".
  7. Caro The name Caro is of English origin and means "Feminine variant of Charles: manly.".
  8. Caroliana The name Caroliana is of English origin and means "Feminine variant of Charles: manly.".
  9. Carolynn The name Carolynn is of English origin and means "Feminine variant of Charles: manly.".
  10. Charlaine The name Charlaine is of French origin and means "Feminine of Charles meaning manly.".
  11. Charlayne The name Charlayne is of Arabic origin and means "Feminine of Charles meaning manly".
  12. Charliee The name Charliee is of English origin and means "One who is manly and strong / a free man".
  13. Charlii The name Charlii is of English origin and means "One who is manly and strong / a free man".
  14. Charlisa The name Charlisa is of French origin and means "Feminine of Charles meaning manly.".
  15. Charlita The name Charlita is of French origin and means "Feminine of Charles meaning manly.".
  16. Charlynn The name Charlynn is of English origin and means "Modern form of Charles: manly.".
  17. Charmine The name Charmine is of French origin and means "Feminine of Charles meaning manly. Variant of Charmain, one of Cleopatra's attendants.".
  18. Chatlie The name Chatlie is of English origin and means "Modern form of Charles: manly.".
  19. Colandra The name Colandra is of American origin and means "Swarthy, Manly".
  20. Lolitta The name Lolitta is of Spanish origin and means "Feminine form of Carlos: manly.".

3. Unisex names that mean manly

  1. Andreas The name Andreas is of Greek origin and means "(1) Courageous and manly, (2) German / Italian / Welsh form of Andrew (manly) (3) Feminine form of Anders (masculine)".
  2. Butch The name Butch is of American origin and means "Manly".
  3. Charlea The name Charlea is of English origin and means "Strong, Courageous one from the meadow, Manly. A short form of Charles.".
  4. Charleah The name Charleah is of English origin and means "Strong, Courageous one from the meadow, Manly. A short form of Charles.".
  5. Charley The name Charley is of English origin and means "Strong, Courageous one from the meadow, Manly. A short form of Charles.".
  6. Charli The name Charli is of English origin and means "Strong, Courageous one from the meadow, Manly. A short form of Charles.".
  7. Charly The name Charly is of English origin and means "Strong, Courageous one from the meadow, Manly. A short form of Charles.".