Names that mean merchant

Naming your baby can be a difficult task. The meaning behind the name you choose will give them clues about who they are, and it's important to find one that fits. The following list will provide you with some great options that have the word Merchant in their meaning.

1. Boy names that mean merchant

  1. Aegeon The name Aegeon is of Shakespearean origin and means "The Comedy of Errors' A merchant of Syracuse.".
  2. Arragon The name Arragon is of Shakespearean origin and means "The Merchant of Venice' The Prince of Arragon, suitor to Portia. 'Much Ado About Nothing' Don Pedro, Prince of Arragon.".
  3. Bassanio The name Bassanio is of Shakespearean origin and means "The Merchant of Venice' Friend to Antonia, who borrows from Antonio to pursue his successful suit for Portia.".
  4. Ceapmann The name Ceapmann is of English origin and means "Merchant".
  5. Chap The name Chap is of English origin and means "Diminutive of Chapman: Peddler, merchant.".
  6. Chappy The name Chappy is of English origin and means "Diminutive of Chapman: Peddler, merchant.".
  7. Colier The name Colier is of English origin and means "Coal merchant|trader.".
  8. Colis The name Colis is of English origin and means "Coal merchant|trader.".
  9. Collyer The name Collyer is of English origin and means "Coal merchant|trader.".
  10. Colyer The name Colyer is of English origin and means "Charcoal merchant.".
  11. dray The name dray is of Hindi origin and means "Fabric markar, Cloth merchant".
  12. Finnbogi The name Finnbogi is of Norse origin and means "A merchant.".
  13. Gobbo The name Gobbo is of Shakespearean origin and means "The Merchant of Venice' Launcelot Gobbo, a clown, servant to Shylock. Also Old Gobbo, Launcelot's father.".
  14. Hattab The name Hattab is of Arabic origin and means "Lumberjack, woodcutter, wood gatherer, timberman, timber merchant, a person whose work involves wood and timber one way or another".
  15. Kramoris The name Kramoris is of Czech origin and means "Merchant".
  16. Mercator The name Mercator is of Latin origin and means "A merchant".
  17. Morocco The name Morocco is of Shakespearean origin and means "The Merchant of Venice' The Prince of Morocco, suitor to Portia.".
  18. Rygemann The name Rygemann is of English origin and means "Rye merchant.".
  19. Salerio The name Salerio is of Shakespearean origin and means "The Merchant of Venice' Friend to Antonio and Bassanio.".
  20. Sarju The name Sarju is of Hindi origin and means "A Necklace; A Merchant".
  21. Sawwaaf The name Sawwaaf is of Arabic origin and means "Wool merchant".
  22. Shylock The name Shylock is of Shakespearean origin and means "The Merchant of Venice' A rich Jew who loans money to Antonio.".
  23. Solanio The name Solanio is of Shakespearean origin and means "The Merchant of Venice' Friend to Antonio and Bassanio.".
  24. Tammar The name Tammar is of Arabic origin and means "Date merchant, seller of dates".
  25. Vincentio The name Vincentio is of Shakespearean origin and means "Measure for Measure' The Duke. 'The Taming of the Shrew' Vincentio, a Merchant of Pisa.".

2. Girl names that mean merchant

  1. Hattabah The name Hattabah is of Arabic origin and means "Wood gatherer, wood seller, timber merchant".
  2. Mercya The name Mercya is of English origin and means "Merchant".
  3. Mercyah The name Mercyah is of English origin and means "Merchant".
  4. Tamirah The name Tamirah is of Arabic origin and means "Date merchant, date trader, literally meaning possessor of dates".

3. Unisex names that mean merchant

  1. Merce The name Merce is of English origin and means "Shopkeeper, Merchant|Textile dealer.".
  2. Mercer The name Mercer is of English origin and means "Merchant".