Names that mean pet

Naming your baby can be a difficult task. The meaning behind the name you choose will give them clues about who they are, and it's important to find one that fits. The following list will provide you with some great options that have the word Pet in their meaning.

1. Boy names that mean pet

  1. Alexandr The name Alexandr is of Czech / Slovak origin and means "Czech form of Alexander, a derivative of the Greek Alexandros defender or helper of mankind, a compounding of the elements alexein to defend, to help and andros man Pet: Ales, Olexa, Sasa".
  2. Alexej The name Alexej is of Czech / Slovak origin and means "Czech form of Alexis, which is derived from the Greek alexein to defend, to help Pet: Ales, Sasa".
  3. Ambrozy The name Ambrozy is of Polish origin and means "Polish cognate of the Greek Ambrosios, a name derived from ambrosios immortal The name was borne by a 4th-century saint who was bishop of Milan. He is considered to be one of the four great Latin doctors of the Christian Church. Short: Mroz. Pet: Mrozek".
  4. Arkhip The name Arkhip is of Russian origin and means "the Greek Arkhippos ruler of horses, a compounding of the elements arkhe rule and hippos horse The name was borne by St. Arkhippos, one of the earliest Christian converts. Pet: Khipa".
  5. Bartholomaus The name Bartholomaus is of German origin and means "hill, mound, furrows The name is borne in the Bible by one of the Twelve Apostles of Christ. Short: Bartel, Barthol, Bartold, Bertel. Pet: Mewes. ".
  6. Bedrosian The name Bedrosian is of Armenian origin and means "Descended from Peter.".
  7. Borislav The name Borislav is of Russian origin and means "Compound name composed from the Slavonic elements bor battle, fight and slav glory: hence, battle glory, glory in battle Pet: Slava".
  8. Boutro The name Boutro is of Arabic origin and means "Rock. A form of Peter.".
  9. Boutros The name Boutros is of African origin and means "Rock. A form of Peter.".
  10. Bullcalf The name Bullcalf is of Shakespearean origin and means "King Henry IV, Part 2' Peter Bullcalf, a country soldier.".
  11. Buras The name Buras is of Arabic origin and means "The Biblical name Peter is theEnglish language equivalent".
  12. Butras The name Butras is of Muslim origin and means "The Biblical name Peter is the English language equivalent.".
  13. Butrus The name Butrus is of Arabic origin and means "Arabic form of Peter.".
  14. Coco The name Coco is of Spanish origin and means "A pet name.".
  15. Dalthf The name Dalthf is of Irish origin and means "swiftness, speed, sure- footedness Alternatively, Daithi is used as a pet form of Daibhidh. See DAlBHIDH. The name has been Anglicized as Dahy, David, and Davy. ".
  16. Dalvl The name Dalvl is of Irish origin and means "Gaelic form of Davy, which is a pet form of David beloved See DAVID".
  17. Diesel The name Diesel is of German origin and means "A petroleum-based fuel.".
  18. Eelia The name Eelia is of Russian origin and means "Russian cognate of the Hebrew Eliyahu, a deriv-ative of 'eliyahu Jehovah is God The name is borne in the Bible by one of the earliest of the Hebrew prophets. Pet: Eelusha".
  19. Faivish The name Faivish is of Hebrew origin and means "Yiddish form of Phoebus, a name derived from the Greek phoibos bright one Pet: Fayvel, Feivel, Feiwel".
  20. Farice The name Farice is of Gaelic origin and means "Iron worker. Iron, rock. A form of Peter.|Choice".
  21. Farrice The name Farrice is of Gaelic origin and means "Iron worker. Iron, rock. A form of Peter.|Choice".
  22. Farris The name Farris is of Greek origin and means "Iron worker. Iron, rock. A form of Peter.|Choice".
  23. Feris The name Feris is of Gaelic origin and means "Iron worker. Iron, rock. A form of Peter.|Choice".
  24. Ferrice The name Ferrice is of Gaelic origin and means "Iron worker. Iron, rock. A form of Peter.|Choice".
  25. Ferris The name Ferris is of English origin and means "Iron worker. Iron, rock. A form of Peter.|Choice".
  26. Ferrise The name Ferrise is of Gaelic origin and means "Iron worker. Iron, rock. A form of Peter.|Choice".
  27. Ferryce The name Ferryce is of Gaelic origin and means "Iron worker. Iron, rock. A form of Peter.|Choice".
  28. Ferryse The name Ferryse is of Gaelic origin and means "Iron worker. Iron, rock. A form of Peter.|Choice".
  29. Ferryss The name Ferryss is of Gaelic origin and means "Iron worker. Iron, rock. A form of Peter.|Choice".
  30. Gazza The name Gazza is of Australian origin and means "Spear carrier. A pet form of Gary.".
  31. Gennadi The name Gennadi is of Russian origin and means "Januarius, the Latin name of January, the first month of the year, which is dedicated to Janus, an ancient sun-god Pet: Gena, Genya".
  32. Georgi The name Georgi is of Russian origin and means "the Greek Georgios, a derivative of georgos earthworker, farmer, which is composed of the elements ge earth and ergein to work Pet: Gorya, Gosha, Gunya, Jura, Zhora, Zhorzh, Zhura".
  33. Glbldh The name Glbldh is of Scottish origin and means "Gaelic form of Gibby, which is a pet form of Gilbert famous pledge, a name introduced by the Normans See GILBERT".
  34. Glldea The name Glldea is of Irish origin and means "Anglicized form of Giolla Dhe servant of God Short: Gil. Pet: Gilley".
  35. Grumio The name Grumio is of Shakespearean origin and means "The Taming of the Shrew' A servant to Petruchio.".
  36. Havel The name Havel is of Czech origin and means "Czech form of Paul, a derivative of the Latin Paulus, which originated as a Roman family name de-rived from paulus small See PAUL Biblical Names. Pet: Hava, Havelek, Havltk".
  37. Hopkin The name Hopkin is of Welsh origin and means "Transferred use of the surname, which arose in the Middle Ages from the personal name Hob, a pet form of Robert bright fame".
  38. Ignati The name Ignati is of Russian origin and means "the Greek Ignatios, a cognate of the Latin Ignatius, which is from Egnatius, an old Roman family name of uncertain etymology Some believe it to be of Etruscan origin. Others derive it from the Latin ignis fire. Short: Ignat. Pet: Ignasha".
  39. Illarion The name Illarion is of Russian origin and means "the Greek Hilarion, a deriva-tive of the Latin Hilarius cheerful, which is from hilaris cheerful, glad Pet: Iarya".
  40. Innokenti The name Innokenti is of Russian origin and means "Innocent, which is from the Latin innocens innocent Pet: Kenya, Kesha".
  41. Ippolit The name Ippolit is of Russian origin and means "the Greek Hippolytus freer or loosener of horses, which is derived from the elements hippos horse and lyein to free, to loosen Pet: Polya".
  42. Israelite The name Israelite is of Welsh origin and means "kings In Wales the name was borne by St. David also known as St. Dewi, a 5th-century Welsh bishop who is the patron saint of Wales. Dafydd and Dewi are Welsh forms of the name. Pet: Dai".
  43. Jachym The name Jachym is of Czech / Slovak origin and means "Czech form of Joachim, a cognate of the He-brew Jehoiakim, which is from Yehoyakim God will establish In medieval Christian tradition, Joachim was the name assigned to the father of the Virgin Mary, as Anne was assigned to her mother. Pet: Jach".
  44. Jagesha The name Jagesha is of Hindi origin and means "Lord Shiva's Pet Name".
  45. Jarogniew The name Jarogniew is of Polish origin and means "Compound name composed of the Slavonic elements jaro spring and grxievu anger: hence, spring anger, new anger Pet: Jarek".
  46. Jaromierz The name Jaromierz is of Polish origin and means "Compound name composed of the Slavonic elements jaro spring and meri great, famous: hence, famous spring Pet: Jarek".
  47. Jaropelk The name Jaropelk is of Polish origin and means "Compound name composed of the Slavonic elements jaro spring and polk people, folk, tribe: hence, spring people Pet: Jarek".
  48. Jaroslaw The name Jaroslaw is of Polish origin and means "Compound name composed of the Slavonic elements jaro spring and slav glory: hence, spring glory, glory in spring Pet: Jarek".
  49. Jedrej The name Jedrej is of Polish origin and means "Polish cognate of Andrew, which is from the Greek Andreas, a derivative of andreios manly Pet: Jedrik".
  50. Jordaan The name Jordaan is of Scandinavian origin and means "Dutch form of Jordan, a name derived from the Hebrew Yarden to flow down, descend The name was originally used in the Middle Ages for a child baptized in holy water that was said to be from the river Jordan. Pet: Joord".
  51. Labeen The name Labeen is of Arabic origin and means "Pet".
  52. Laul The name Laul is of Hindi origin and means "Pet".
  53. Libor The name Libor is of Czech / Slovak origin and means "the Latin Liberius, which is from the root liber free Pet: Libek, Liborek".
  54. Lowland The name Lowland is of Scottish origin and means "form of the name, and Anndra and Aindrea are Gaelic forms Short: Drew. Pet: Andy".
  55. Ludomir The name Ludomir is of Czech / Slovak origin and means "Compound name composed of the Slavonic elements lud people, folk, tribe and meri great, fa-mous: hence, famous people Pet: Ludek".
  56. Ludoslav The name Ludoslav is of Czech / Slovak origin and means "Compound name composed of the Slavonic elements lud people, folk, tribe and slav glory: hence, glorious people Pet: Ludek".
  57. Mecislav The name Mecislav is of Czech / Slovak origin and means "Compound name, the first element of which is of uncertain derivation: from miecz sword, the Old Polish miecz man, father, or mieszka bear The second element is the Slavonic slav glory. Pet: Mecek, Mecfk, Mecislavek".
  58. Metodej The name Metodej is of Czech / Slovak origin and means "Czech form of the Russian Mefodi, which is from the Greek Methodios fellow traveler, a com-pounding of the elements meta with and hodos road, path The name was borne by the evangelist St. Methodius d. 885, the first translator of the Bible into the Slavonic language. Pet: Metodek, Metousek".
  59. Mlloslaw The name Mlloslaw is of Polish origin and means "Compound name composed of the Slavonic element mil grace, favor, love and slav glory: hence, lover of glory Pet: Milek, Milosz".
  60. Mutazid The name Mutazid is of Arabic origin and means "One who takes assistance (of Allah), petitioner of justice".
  61. Nikodim The name Nikodim is of Russian origin and means "From the Greek Nikodemos, a compound name composed of the elements nike victory and demos people: hence, victory of the people Pet: Dima, Nika".
  62. Oldrich The name Oldrich is of Czech origin and means "Czech cognate of the German Ulrich noble ruler, which is from the Old High German Udalrich, a compound name composed of the elements uodal nobility, prosperity, fortune and rik ruler, power, king Pet: Olda, Oldra, Oldfisek, Olecek, Olik, Olin, Olousek".
  63. Paeador The name Paeador is of Irish origin and means "Stone. A form of Peter.".
  64. Palle The name Palle is of Danish origin and means "Tiny, petite".
  65. Pano The name Pano is of Greek origin and means "Stone. A form of Peter.".
  66. Panos The name Panos is of Greek origin and means "Stone. A form of Peter.".
  67. Parkins The name Parkins is of English origin and means "As solid as a rock; son of Peter".
  68. Parkyn The name Parkyn is of English origin and means "Young Peter, Little stone.".
  69. Parle The name Parle is of English origin and means "Little Peter.".
  70. Parnel The name Parnel is of Irish origin and means "Little Peter, Little stone.".
  71. Parnele The name Parnele is of Middle English origin and means "Little Peter, Little stone.".
  72. Parnell The name Parnell is of French origin and means "Little Peter, Little stone.".
  73. Parnelle The name Parnelle is of Middle English origin and means "Little Peter, Little stone.".
  74. Parton The name Parton is of English origin and means "From the town near the castle's park; from Peter's town".
  75. Patch The name Patch is of American origin and means "Form of PETER".
  76. Pawel The name Pawel is of Polish origin and means "Small. A form of Peter.".
  77. Pawelek The name Pawelek is of Polish origin and means "Small. A form of Peter.".
  78. Pawell The name Pawell is of Polish origin and means "Small. A form of Peter.".
  79. Pawl The name Pawl is of Polish origin and means "Small. A form of Peter.".
  80. Peadair The name Peadair is of Greek origin and means "Stone. A form of Peter.".
  81. Peadar The name Peadar is of Gaelic origin and means "Stone. A form of Peter.".
  82. Peader The name Peader is of Latin origin and means "Stone. A form of Peter.".
  83. Peadir The name Peadir is of Irish origin and means "Stone. A form of Peter.".
  84. Peadyr The name Peadyr is of Irish origin and means "Stone. A form of Peter.".
  85. Peder The name Peder is of Greek origin and means "Stone. A form of Peter.".
  86. Pedey The name Pedey is of Latin origin and means "Stone. A form of Peter.".
  87. Pedro The name Pedro is of Spanish origin and means "Little. A form of Peter.".
  88. Peers The name Peers is of English origin and means "Stone. A form of Peter.".
  89. Peet The name Peet is of Estonian origin and means "Stone. A form of Peter.".
  90. Peeter The name Peeter is of Estonian origin and means "Stone. A form of Peter.".
  91. Peir The name Peir is of French origin and means "Stone. A form of Peter.".
  92. Peirce The name Peirce is of English origin and means "Stone. A form of Peter.".
  93. Peka The name Peka is of Hawaiian origin and means "Stone. A form of Peter.".
  94. Pekeio The name Pekeio is of Hawaiian origin and means "Stone. A form of Peter.".
  95. Pekelo The name Pekelo is of Hawaiian origin and means "Stone. A form of Peter.".
  96. Per The name Per is of German origin and means "Stone. A form of Peter.".
  97. Peree The name Peree is of Greek origin and means "A rock, Stone. A form of Peter. A short form of Peregrine, foreigner.".
  98. Perey The name Perey is of Greek origin and means "A rock, Stone. A form of Peter. A short form of Peregrine, foreigner.".
  99. Perie The name Perie is of Greek origin and means "A rock, Stone. A form of Peter. A short form of Peregrine, foreigner.".
  100. Perka The name Perka is of English origin and means "Little Peter, Little stone.".
  101. Perkah The name Perkah is of English origin and means "Little Peter, Little stone.".
  102. Perkinson The name Perkinson is of English origin and means "The son of Perkin; the son of Peter Perkynson".
  103. Perkyn The name Perkyn is of English origin and means "Little Peter, Little stone.".
  104. Perkyns The name Perkyns is of English origin and means "Little Peter, Little stone.".
  105. Perree The name Perree is of Greek origin and means "A rock, Stone. A form of Peter. A short form of Peregrine, foreigner.".
  106. Perren The name Perren is of French origin and means "French form of Peter.".
  107. Perrey The name Perrey is of Greek origin and means "A rock, Stone. A form of Peter. A short form of Peregrine, foreigner.".
  108. Perri The name Perri is of Greek origin and means "A rock, Stone. A form of Peter. A short form of Peregrine, foreigner.".
  109. Perryn The name Perryn is of French origin and means "French form of Peter.".
  110. Petalesharo The name Petalesharo is of North American Indian origin and means "Man chief, chief of men. Pawnee. Petalesharo was the name of a chief known for putting a stop to the Sacrifice to the Morning Star".
  111. Pete The name Pete is of English origin and means "Little. A form of Peter.".
  112. Peter The name Peter is of Greek origin and means "Little. A form of Peter.".
  113. Peterke The name Peterke is of Hungarian origin and means "Hungarian form of Peter (rock)".
  114. Petey The name Petey is of Greek origin and means "Diminutive of Peter: Stone, rock.".
  115. Petr The name Petr is of English origin and means "Stone. A form of Peter.".
  116. Petras The name Petras is of Latin origin and means "Stone. A form of Peter.".
  117. Petros The name Petros is of Greek origin and means "Stone. A form of Peter.".
  118. Petru The name Petru is of Romanian origin and means "Stone. A form of Peter.".
  119. Petruchio The name Petruchio is of Shakespearean origin and means "The Taming of the Shrew' Petruchio, a gentleman of Verona, a suitor to Katherina.".
  120. Petter The name Petter is of Greek origin and means "Stone. A form of Peter.".
  121. Pierce The name Pierce is of Irish origin and means "Sharp, A rock, Stone. Another form of Peter.".
  122. Piero The name Piero is of Italian origin and means "Italian form of Peter (rock)".
  123. Pierre The name Pierre is of French origin and means "A rock, Stone. French form of Peter.".
  124. Pietrek The name Pietrek is of Polish origin and means "Polish form of Peter 'rock'.".
  125. Pietro The name Pietro is of Italian origin and means "Italian form of Peter (rock)".
  126. Plers The name Plers is of English origin and means "Brought to England by the Normans, Piers is an Old French cognate of Peter rock This form, and its variant Pierce, were in common use in England during the Middle Ages until the 18th century. See PETER".
  127. Pohaku The name Pohaku is of Hawaiian origin and means "Stone. Sometimes used as a translation of Peter.".
  128. Pribislav The name Pribislav is of Czech / Slovak origin and means "Compound name composed from the Slavonic elements pribit to help, to be present and slav glory: hence, helper of glory Pet: Priba, Pribik, Pribisek".
  129. Pyotr The name Pyotr is of Slavic origin and means "A rock. Form of Peter.".
  130. Rabinesh The name Rabinesh is of Hindi origin and means "Gods pet".
  131. Rehor The name Rehor is of Czech / Slovak origin and means "Czech cognate of Gregory, which is from the Greek Gregorios vigilant, a watchman, a name derived from the verb egeirein to awaken Pet: Horek, Horik, Rehak, Rehorek, Rehurek".
  132. Ronnee The name Ronnee is of Old Norse origin and means "Powerful. A pet form of names starting with 'Ron'".
  133. Ronney The name Ronney is of Old Norse origin and means "Powerful. A pet form of names starting with 'Ron'".
  134. Russian The name Russian is of Russian origin and means "names are remarkable for their many pet forms and diminutives, which are commonly used in everyday speech in place of the formal given name".
  135. ShatPadm The name ShatPadm is of Hindi origin and means "Hundred petal lotus".
  136. Short: The name Short: is of Hebrew origin and means "Jon, Nathan, Yon Pet: Jonnie, Jonny".
  137. Sikke The name Sikke is of Scandinavian origin and means "Frisian pet form of any of the names beginning with the element Sig".
  138. Slgbjorn The name Slgbjorn is of Scandinavian origin and means "Swedish name derived from the Old Norse elements sigr victory, conquest and bjorn bear: hence, victory bear Cognate: Sigbj0rn Norwegian. Pet: Sikke Frisian; Sigge Swedish".
  139. Slmon The name Slmon is of Czech / Slovak origin and means "From the Ecclesiastic Late Latin Simon, which is from the Greek Simon and Seimon, cognates of the Hebrew Shimon The name has its root in shim'on heard. Pet: Siek, Simecek, Simunek, Sionek".
  140. Sobeslav The name Sobeslav is of Czech / Slovak origin and means "Compound name composed of the Slavonic elements sobi to usurp, to overtake and slav glory: hence, usurper of glory Pet: Slavek, Sobes, Sobik".
  141. Svjatoslav The name Svjatoslav is of Russian origin and means "Compound name composed of the Slavonic elements svyanto bright, holy and slav glory: hence, holy glory Pet: Slava".
  142. Vilem The name Vilem is of Czech / Slovak origin and means "Czech cognate of the German Wilhelm, which is from the Old High German Willehelm resolute protector, a compounding of the elements willeo will, resolution and helm helmet, protection Pet: Vilecek, Vilek, Vilemek, Vilik, Vilousek".
  143. Vipan The name Vipan is of Indian origin and means "Sail. Petty trade".
  144. Vipla The name Vipla is of Hindi origin and means "Sail, Petty Trade".
  145. Vlkentl The name Vlkentl is of Russian origin and means "Russian cognate of Vincent, which is from the Late Latin Vincentius conquering, the root of which is vincere to conquer Pet: Kesha, Vika, Vikesha".
  146. Vlncenc The name Vlncenc is of Czech / Slovak origin and means "Czech form of Vincent conquering, which is from the Late Latin Vincentius, a derivative of vincere to conquer Pet: Cenek, Vinca, Vincek, Vincenek".
  147. Vlt The name Vlt is of Czech / Slovak origin and means "Czech form of the Latin Vitus, a derivative of vita life Pet: Vitek".
  148. Wllhelm The name Wllhelm is of Polish origin and means "A borrowing from the German, Wilhelm is from the Old High German Willehelm resolute protector, a compound name composed of the elements willeo will, resolution and helm helmet, protection Pet: Wilek, Wilus".
  149. Zlnovl The name Zlnovl is of Russian origin and means "the Greek Zenobios the life of Zeus, a compound name composed of the elements zen of Zeus and bios life Pet: Zinok".
  150. Zooban The name Zooban is of Arabic origin and means "Appeal, Prayer, Petition".

2. Girl names that mean pet

  1. Aalt The name Aalt is of Scandinavian origin and means "Dutch contracted form of Adalheidis noble one See ADALHEIDIS. Pet: Aaltje".
  2. Adelina The name Adelina is of Teutonic origin and means "Latinate pet form of ADELA".
  3. Agnethe The name Agnethe is of German origin and means "German cognate of Agnes, which is derived from the Greek Hagne, a name derived from hagnos chaste, pure, holy, sacred See AGNESE Italian Names. Pet: Agna".
  4. Alke The name Alke is of German origin and means "Originally a pet form of Adalheid noble one, Alke is also commonly bestowed as an independent given name See ADALHEID".
  5. Alpa The name Alpa is of Indian origin and means "A petite girl".
  6. Amoke The name Amoke is of Yoruba origin and means "One who is petted".
  7. Anastazie The name Anastazie is of Czech / Slovak origin and means "From the Russian Anastasia, which is a feminine form of the Greek Anastasios of the resurrection Pet: Anastazka, Anka, Nast'a, Stazka, Stazicka".
  8. Andrine The name Andrine is of English origin and means "English feminine form of Andrew manly, a cognate of the Greek Andreas, which is derived from the element andros man Pet: Andie".
  9. Ayaka The name Ayaka is of Japanese origin and means "Color, Flower, Petal".
  10. Bamhi The name Bamhi is of Italian origin and means "Little child, bambino. Pet name.".
  11. Bozidara The name Bozidara is of Czech / Slovak origin and means "Feminine form of Bozidar divine gift, a gift of God, a compound name composed of the Slavonic elements bozi of God, divine and dar gift Pet: Boza, Bozena, Bozka".
  12. Cauda The name Cauda is of Greek origin and means "Latin form of the Greek Kalidas most beau-tiful, which is from kalos beautiful Pet: Calla, Calli".
  13. Cectlie The name Cectlie is of Czech / Slovak origin and means "Feminine form of Cecil, which is derived from Caecilius, an old Roman family name that has its root in the Latin caecus blind, dim-sighted See CECILIA Italian Names. Pet: Cecilka, Cilinka, Cilka".
  14. Christa The name Christa is of English origin and means "Christ-bearer. A pet form of names beginning with "Chris".".
  15. Christah The name Christah is of German origin and means "Christ-bearer. A pet form of names beginning with "Chris".".
  16. Christar The name Christar is of German origin and means "Christ-bearer. A pet form of names beginning with "Chris".".
  17. Christara The name Christara is of German origin and means "Christ-bearer. A pet form of names beginning with "Chris".".
  18. Christarah The name Christarah is of German origin and means "Christ-bearer. A pet form of names beginning with "Chris".".
  19. Chrysta The name Chrysta is of Greek origin and means "Christ-bearer. A pet form of names beginning with "Chris".".
  20. Chrystar The name Chrystar is of German origin and means "Christ-bearer. A pet form of names beginning with "Chris".".
  21. Chrystara The name Chrystara is of German origin and means "Christ-bearer. A pet form of names beginning with "Chris".".
  22. Cindia The name Cindia is of English origin and means "A form of Cindy which is a pet form of Cynthia, woman from Kynthos. Little ashes. A short form of Cinderella.".
  23. Cindiah The name Cindiah is of English origin and means "A form of Cindy which is a pet form of Cynthia, woman from Kynthos. Little ashes. A short form of Cinderella.".
  24. Crysta The name Crysta is of Greek origin and means "Christ-bearer. A pet form of names beginning with "Chris".".
  25. Crystah The name Crystah is of German origin and means "Christ-bearer. A pet form of names beginning with "Chris".".
  26. Crystara The name Crystara is of German origin and means "Christ-bearer. A pet form of names beginning with "Chris".".
  27. Crystarah The name Crystarah is of German origin and means "Christ-bearer. A pet form of names beginning with "Chris".".
  28. dalaja The name dalaja is of Hindi origin and means "Produced from petals".
  29. Dalibora The name Dalibora is of Czech / Slovak origin and means "Feminine form of Dalibor to fight afar, a compound name composed from the Slavonic elements dal afar and borit to fight Short: Dala. Pet: Dalena, Dalenka".
  30. Dariya The name Dariya is of Russian origin and means "Feminine form of Darius, a cognate of the Greek Dareios, which is an ancient name of uncertain origin. It is thought to ultimately be derived from Darayavahush, the name of an ancient Persian king. Dariya is one of the most popular names in Russia today, and Dasha is the favored pet form".
  31. Ditte The name Ditte is of Danish origin and means "Danish pet form of EDITH or DOROTHEA.".
  32. Donnag The name Donnag is of Scottish origin and means "Feminine diminutive form of Donald, an Anglicized form of the Gaelic Domhnall world ruler See DOMHNALL Male Names and DONALDA. Short: Donna. Pet: Doileag, Dolag, Dollag".
  33. Drahomira The name Drahomira is of Czech / Slovak origin and means "Compound name composed of the Slavonic elements draho dear, beloved and meri great, famous Short: Draha. Pet: Drahuse, Drahuska, Draza, Mirha".
  34. Dusana The name Dusana is of Czech origin and means "Feminine form of Dusan, a name derived from dusha spirit, soul Short: Dusa. Pet: Dusanka, Dusicka, Duska".
  35. Etini The name Etini is of Polynesian origin and means "White flowers on the path EH-TEE-NEE ELILI The periwinkle. AY-LEE-LEE FA'AFETAI Thanks. FAH-AH-FEH-TAH-EE FA'ANUI Woman of the valley. FAH-AH-NOO-EE FAIVA Entertainment, a game. FAH-EE-VAH FAKAPELEA A pet. FAH-KAH-PAY-LEE-AH FALAKIKA My mat. FAH-LAH-KEE-KAH FANUA Land".
  36. Evzenie The name Evzenie is of Czech / Slovak origin and means "Czech form of the Greek Eugenia, which is derived from eugenes well-born Pet: Evza, Evzenka, Evzicka".
  37. Famke The name Famke is of Dutch origin and means "Little girl; A pet form of German names beginning with the element 'frid' meaning peace.".
  38. Fedosya The name Fedosya is of Russian origin and means "Russian cognate of the Greek Theodosia a gift of God, God-given, a feminine form of Theodosis, which is a compounding of the elements theos God and dosis a gift, a giving Pet: Fesya".
  39. Femke The name Femke is of Dutch origin and means "Little girl; A pet form of German names beginning with the element 'frid' meaning peace.".
  40. Feodoriya The name Feodoriya is of Russian origin and means "Russian cognate of the Greek Theodora God's gift, a feminine form of Theodoros, which is a compounding of the elements theos God and dOron gift Pet: Fenya".
  41. Franqoise The name Franqoise is of French origin and means "From the Old French Francois French Franchise is commonly found on the family tree of the French royal house of Bourbon-Orleans, and like the male form, Francois, is often bestowed as a patriotic gesture. Short: France. Pet: Fanchon, Fanchone, Franchon, Francine".
  42. Golbarg The name Golbarg is of Arabic origin and means "Flower petal, thus meaning beautiful".
  43. Golpara The name Golpara is of Arabic origin and means "Flower petal, figuratively meaning beautiful".
  44. Guberga The name Guberga is of Urdu origin and means "Flower petal".
  45. Gul barg The name Gul barg is of Arabic origin and means "Rose Petal".
  46. Hedvika The name Hedvika is of Czech origin and means "Popular Czech cognate of the German Hed- wig, a derivative of the obsolete Haduwig, a compound name composed of the elements hadu contention and wig war, strife Pet: Hedva, Hedvicka".
  47. Jaroslava The name Jaroslava is of Czech / Slovak origin and means "Feminine form of Jaroslav spring glory, a compounding of the Slavonic elements jaro spring and slav glory Pet: Jarca, Jarka, Jarunka, Jarucka, Slavka".
  48. Jebong The name Jebong is of Filipino origin and means "Funny, Petite".
  49. Judita The name Judita is of Czech / Slovak origin and means "Czech form of Judith, a cognate of the Hebrew Jehudith and Yehudit, feminine forms of Jehuda and Yehudhah The names, Anglicized as Judah, mean he will be praised. Because Judah was also the name of a kingdom in ancient Palestine, the name can also mean from Judah. Pet: Dita, Jitka".
  50. Klementina The name Klementina is of Russian origin and means "Russian cognate of Clementine, a femi-nine diminutive form of Clement, which is derived from the Latin clemens mild, gentle, merciful Pet: Klima".
  51. Klmbra The name Klmbra is of English origin and means "Modern coinage probably derived from combining the names Kim and Debra a bee See DEBORAH and KIM. Short: Kim. Pet: Kimmie".
  52. Kristah The name Kristah is of German origin and means "Christ-bearer. A pet form of names beginning with "Chris".".
  53. Krystah The name Krystah is of German origin and means "Christ-bearer. A pet form of names beginning with "Chris".".
  54. Krystjana The name Krystjana is of Polish origin and means "Polish cognate of the Greek Christiana, a feminine form of Christiano a Christian, which is derived from christianos a follower of Christ, a Christian Short: Krysta. Pet: Krystka".
  55. Kveta The name Kveta is of Czech / Slovak origin and means "Popular name derived from kvet flower Pet: Kvetka, Kvetuse, Kvetuska".
  56. Lexee The name Lexee is of Greek origin and means "Defender of humankind. A pet form of names beginning with "Alex".".
  57. Lexey The name Lexey is of Greek origin and means "Defender of humankind. A pet form of names beginning with "Alex".".
  58. Lllli The name Lllli is of German origin and means "A pet form of Elisabeth God is my oath and many of its variant forms, Lilli is also occasionally be-stowed as an independent given name".
  59. Maath The name Maath is of Hebrew origin and means "A petite woman; small".
  60. Malgorzata The name Malgorzata is of Polish origin and means "Polish cognate of the Greek Margarltes, which is derived from margaron a pearl Pet: Gosia, Matgosia".
  61. Mareagold The name Mareagold is of English origin and means "Mary's gold, Flower with yellow / orange petals.".
  62. Mareegold The name Mareegold is of English origin and means "Mary's gold, Flower with yellow / orange petals.".
  63. Margarites The name Margarites is of Greek origin and means "Popular name derived from margaron a pearl Pet: Gryta".
  64. Mariegold The name Mariegold is of English origin and means "Mary's gold, Flower with yellow / orange petals.".
  65. Marigold The name Marigold is of English origin and means "Mary's gold, Flower with yellow / orange petals.".
  66. Marygold The name Marygold is of English origin and means "Mary's gold, Flower with yellow / orange petals.".
  67. Mecislava The name Mecislava is of Czech / Slovak origin and means "Feminine form of Mecislav, a compound name, the first element of which is uncertain Some believe it to be from miecz sword, the Old Polish miecz man, father, or mieszka bear. The second element is the Slavonic slav glory. Pet: Mecina, Mecka".
  68. Mini The name Mini is of Hindi origin and means "Small, Often a pet name".
  69. Mizar The name Mizar is of Hebrew origin and means "A little woman; petite".
  70. Mllagros The name Mllagros is of Spanish origin and means "the Spanish milagro miracle, wonder The name is bestowed in honor of the Virgin Mary, Nuestra Sefbra de los Milagros Our Lady of Miracles. Pet: Mili".
  71. Mlroslava The name Mlroslava is of Czech / Slovak origin and means "Feminine form of Miroslav great glory, a compounding of the Slavonic elements meri great, famous and slav glory Short: Mira. Pet: Mirka, Miruska, Slavka".
  72. Mooza The name Mooza is of African origin and means "Sulky. Petulant. (Swahili)".
  73. Nadzieja The name Nadzieja is of Polish origin and means "Polish cognate of the Russian Nadezhda hope, a direct derivative of the vocabulary word Short: Nadzia, Natia. Pet: Nata, Natka".
  74. Nikoleta The name Nikoleta is of Greek origin and means "Originally a pet form of Nikola victory of the people, Nikoleta is now commonly bestowed as an independent given name See NIKOLA".
  75. Ninel The name Ninel is of Russian origin and means "A name from the Soviet era, Ninel is an ana-gram of Lenin, the surname of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin 1870-1924, the Russian leader of the Communist Revolution of 1917 and premier of the US.S.R. The name is now falling out of favor, as with many Soviet-era names. Pet: Nelli, Nelya".
  76. Olimpiada The name Olimpiada is of Russian origin and means "the Greek Olympia, a femi-nine form of Olympios of Olympus Olympus is the name of a mountain in northern Greece which was the home of the gods in Greek mythology. Short: Ada. Pet: Lipa".
  77. Orflie The name Orflie is of Czech / Slovak origin and means "the French Ottilie, a derivative of Odile, which is from the Germanic Odila, a name derived from the element od, ot prosperity, riches Pet: Olylka".
  78. Pankhdi The name Pankhdi is of Hindi origin and means "Flower Petal".
  79. Patsee The name Patsee is of English origin and means "A pet form of Patricia, Noble, Of noble descent.".
  80. Patsey The name Patsey is of English origin and means "A pet form of Patricia, Noble, Of noble descent.".
  81. Patsie The name Patsie is of English origin and means "A pet form of Patricia, Noble, Of noble descent.".
  82. Patsy The name Patsy is of English origin and means "A pet form of Patricia, Noble, Of noble descent.".
  83. Peata The name Peata is of Greek origin and means "Stone. The feminine form of Peter.".
  84. Peatah The name Peatah is of Greek origin and means "Stone. The feminine form of Peter.".
  85. Peeta The name Peeta is of Greek origin and means "Stone. The feminine form of Peter.".
  86. Peetah The name Peetah is of Greek origin and means "Stone. The feminine form of Peter.".
  87. Peita The name Peita is of Greek origin and means "Stone. The feminine form of Peter.".
  88. Peitah The name Peitah is of Greek origin and means "Stone. The feminine form of Peter.".
  89. Perett The name Perett is of French origin and means "Little steady one; Stone; The feminine form of Pierre / Peter".
  90. Peretta The name Peretta is of French origin and means "Little steady one; Stone; The feminine form of Pierre / Peter".
  91. Perette The name Perette is of French origin and means "Little steady one; Stone; The feminine form of Pierre / Peter".
  92. Pernelia The name Pernelia is of Danish origin and means "A feminine pet form of Petronius - the name of a 1st-century Roman saint, later believed to be a daughter of Saint Peter, Beauty.".
  93. Pernilla The name Pernilla is of Swedish origin and means "A feminine pet form of Petronius - the name of a 1st-century Roman saint, later believed to be a daughter of Saint Peter, Beauty.".
  94. Pernille The name Pernille is of Danish origin and means "A feminine pet form of Petronius - the name of a 1st-century Roman saint, later believed to be a daughter of Saint Peter, Beauty.".
  95. Peronel The name Peronel is of Greek origin and means "Variant of Petronilla: Rock. Derived from the Roman clan Petronius.".
  96. Peta The name Peta is of Native American origin and means "Stone. The feminine form of Peter.".
  97. Petrina The name Petrina is of Greek origin and means "Feminine form of Peter: Stone, rock.".
  98. Petronilla The name Petronilla is of German origin and means "A feminine pet form of Petronius - the name of a 1st-century Roman saint, later believed to be a daughter of Saint Peter, Beauty.".
  99. Petunia The name Petunia is of English origin and means "Of the Petunia flower".
  100. Peyta The name Peyta is of Greek origin and means "Stone. The feminine form of Peter.".
  101. Peytah The name Peytah is of Greek origin and means "Stone. The feminine form of Peter.".
  102. Pieret The name Pieret is of French origin and means "Little steady one; Stone; The feminine form of Pierre / Peter".
  103. Pierett The name Pierett is of French origin and means "Little steady one; Stone; The feminine form of Pierre / Peter".
  104. Pieretta The name Pieretta is of French origin and means "Little steady one; Stone; The feminine form of Pierre / Peter".
  105. Pierette The name Pierette is of Greek origin and means "Little steady one; Stone; The feminine form of Pierre / Peter".
  106. Pierin The name Pierin is of French origin and means "Little steady one; Stone; The feminine form of Pierre / Peter".
  107. Pierina The name Pierina is of Greek origin and means "Little steady one; Stone; The feminine form of Pierre / Peter".
  108. Pierine The name Pierine is of French origin and means "Little steady one; Stone; The feminine form of Pierre / Peter".
  109. Pieryna The name Pieryna is of French origin and means "Little steady one; Stone; The feminine form of Pierre / Peter".
  110. Pieryne The name Pieryne is of French origin and means "Little steady one; Stone; The feminine form of Pierre / Peter".
  111. Pitah The name Pitah is of Greek origin and means "Stone. The feminine form of Peter.".
  112. Plppa The name Plppa is of English origin and means "Originally a pet form of Philippa lover of horses, Pippa is now in common use as an independent given name See PHILIPPA".
  113. Plroska The name Plroska is of Hungarian origin and means "Hungarian form of the Latin Priscilla, a feminine diminutive form of Priscus, which is an old Roman family name derived from priscus ancient, primitive Pet: Piri".
  114. Poli The name Poli is of Polynesian origin and means "Polynesian form of Polly, a pet form of Margaret a pearl See MARGARET English Names".
  115. Polina The name Polina is of Latin origin and means "Tiny, petite".
  116. Pushta The name Pushta is of Hindi origin and means "Flower Petal".
  117. Pyta The name Pyta is of Greek origin and means "Stone. The feminine form of Peter.".
  118. Pytah The name Pytah is of Greek origin and means "Stone. The feminine form of Peter.".
  119. Rostislava The name Rostislava is of Czech / Slovak origin and means "Feminine form of Rostislav seizer of glory, a compound name composed from the Slavonic elements rosts usurp, seize, appropriate and slav glory Pet: Rost'a, Rostina, Rostinka, Rostuska, Slavka".
  120. Rozsa The name Rozsa is of Hungarian origin and means "rose Pet: Rozsi. ".
  121. Scotland The name Scotland is of Scottish origin and means "to Anglicize the Gaelic Oighrig See OIGHRIG. Pet: Hattie, Hettie".
  122. Serafima The name Serafima is of Russian origin and means "the Hebrew seaphim burning ones, which is from saraph to burn The name is used in the Bible for the heavenly winged angels surrounding the throne of God. Short: Fima. Pet: Sima".
  123. Sinda The name Sinda is of Spanish origin and means "A form of Cindy which is a pet form of Cynthia, woman from Kynthos. Little ashes. A short form of Cinderella.".
  124. Sindah The name Sindah is of Greek origin and means "A form of Cindy which is a pet form of Cynthia, woman from Kynthos. Little ashes. A short form of Cinderella.".
  125. Sindia The name Sindia is of English origin and means "A form of Cindy which is a pet form of Cynthia, woman from Kynthos. Little ashes. A short form of Cinderella.".
  126. Sindiah The name Sindiah is of English origin and means "A form of Cindy which is a pet form of Cynthia, woman from Kynthos. Little ashes. A short form of Cinderella.".
  127. Skne The name Skne is of Scottish origin and means "Scottish Gaelic form of Jane God is gracious See JANE. The name is Anglicized as Sheena. Pet: Sineag".
  128. Sobeslava The name Sobeslava is of Czech / Slovak origin and means "Compound name composed from the Slavonic elements sobi to usurp, to overtake and slav glory: hence, usurper of glory Pet: Sobena, Sobeska".
  129. Sondya The name Sondya is of American origin and means "Variant form of Sonya, the Russian pet form of Sofya wisdom, skill".
  130. Sonje The name Sonje is of Scandinavian origin and means "Scandinavian cognate of Sonya, a Russian pet form of Sofya wisdom, skill. See SOFIA. Sonja is the name of the wife of King Harald V of Norway and mother of Crown Prince Haakon Magnus and Princess Martha Louise".
  131. Stepana The name Stepana is of Czech / Slovak origin and means "the Russian Svetlana star Pet: Svetla, Svetlanka, Svetluse, Svetluska".
  132. Syndia The name Syndia is of English origin and means "A form of Cindy which is a pet form of Cynthia, woman from Kynthos. Little ashes. A short form of Cinderella.".
  133. Syndiah The name Syndiah is of English origin and means "A form of Cindy which is a pet form of Cynthia, woman from Kynthos. Little ashes. A short form of Cinderella.".
  134. Taisiya The name Taisiya is of Russian origin and means "Believed to be a Russian form of the Greek Thais, which is of uncertain derivation Bond is a popular folk definition. The name was borne by a 4th-cen- tury B.C. courtesan who accompanied Alexander the Great on his Asiatic campaign. Pet: Tasya, Taya".
  135. Tatana The name Tatana is of Czech / Slovak origin and means "Feminine form of the Latin Tatianus, a de-rivative of the old Roman family name Tatius, which is of uncertain origin Short: Tana. Pet: Tanicka".
  136. Valeriya The name Valeriya is of Russian origin and means "Russian cognate of the French Valerie, which is from the Latin Valerius, an old Roman family name derived from valere to be strong, healthy Pet: Lera, Valya".
  137. Var: The name Var: is of English origin and means "Catharine, Catherine, Cathryn, Katharine, Kathryn Short: Cath, Kat, Kath. Pet: Cathy, Kate, Katie, Katy, Kay, Kit, Kitty".
  138. Vasilisa The name Vasilisa is of Slavic origin and means "Feminine form of Vasili, the Russian cognate of the Greek Basileois king See VASILI Male Names. Pet: Vasya".
  139. Vinette The name Vinette is of American origin and means "Feminine form of Vinny, the pet form of Vincent conquering See VINCENT Male Names".
  140. Vlktorla The name Vlktorla is of German origin and means "German form of Victoria, which is from the Latin victoria victory The name is often found on the family trees of German royalty. Pet: Vicky".
  141. Vlktorle The name Vlktorle is of Czech / Slovak origin and means "Czech form of Victoria, which is from the Latin victoria victory Pet: Viki, Viktorka".
  142. Vlncenze The name Vlncenze is of Hungarian origin and means "From the Late Latin Vincentius conquering, which is derived from vincere to conquer Short: Vincze. Pet: Vinci".
  143. Was The name Was is of German origin and means "borne by a daughter of the Frankish king Dagobert II; she was revered as a saint Pet: Ada".
  144. Wiebke The name Wiebke is of Dutch origin and means "A borrowing from the Scandinavians, Wiebke originated as a pet form of the medieval name Wibe, a contraction of the Germanic Wigburg, which was composed of wig war and burg castle, fortress".
  145. Wlbeke The name Wlbeke is of Scandinavian origin and means "Originally a pet form of the medieval Wibe, which is a contraction of the Germanic Wigburg, itself composed of wig war and burg castle, fortress Wibeke is now bestowed as an independent given name. Cognate: Wiebke Danish, Norwegian; Viveca, Viveka, Vivica Swedish".
  146. Wojclech The name Wojclech is of Polish origin and means "Popular name composed of the Slavonic el-ements voi soldier, warrior and tech consolation, comfort, solace: hence, soldier of consolation Pet: Wojteczek, Wojtek".
  147. Yann The name Yann is of French origin and means "Breton cognate of Jean, which is the French cog-nate of John God is gracious See JEAN. Pet: Yanni, Yannic, Yannick".
  148. Zbyhneva The name Zbyhneva is of Czech / Slovak origin and means "Feminine form of Zbyhnev to do away with anger, a compound name composed from the elements zbit to do away with, to be rid of and gniew anger See ZBYHNEV Male Names. Pet: Zbyna, Zbysa".
  149. Zltomlr The name Zltomlr is of Czech / Slovak origin and means "Compound name composed of the Slavonic elements zhit to live and meri great, famous Pet: Zitek, Zitousek".
  150. Zltomlra The name Zltomlra is of Czech / Slovak origin and means "Feminine form of 2itomir, a compounding of the Slavonic elements zhit to live and meri great, famous Pet: Zitka, Zituse".
  151. Zlvan The name Zlvan is of Czech / Slovak origin and means "Popular name derived from the Slavonic ele-ment zhiv living, vigorous, alive Pet: Zivanek, Zivek, Zivko".
  152. Zlvanka The name Zlvanka is of Czech / Slovak origin and means "Feminine form of Zivan, which is from the Slavonic element zhiv living, vigorous, alive Short: Zivka. Pet: Zivuse, Zivuska".

3. Unisex names that mean pet

  1. Kelita The name Kelita is of Spanish origin and means "Small, petite. ".
  2. Parkin The name Parkin is of English origin and means "Young Peter".
  3. Pery The name Pery is of English origin and means "A rock, Stone. A form of Peter. A short form of Peregrine, foreigner.".
  4. Pier The name Pier is of English origin and means "Aboriginal: A tree. Greek: A rock or stone. A modern feminine form of Peter. Also see Parnella and Petronel. ".
  5. Ronee The name Ronee is of Hebrew origin and means "Powerful. A pet form of names starting with 'Ron'".
  6. Roney The name Roney is of Hebrew origin and means "Powerful. A pet form of names starting with 'Ron'".
  7. Ronie The name Ronie is of Hebrew origin and means "Powerful. A pet form of names starting with 'Ron'".
  8. Rony The name Rony is of Hebrew origin and means "Powerful. A pet form of names starting with 'Ron'".
  9. Salah The name Salah is of Arabic origin and means "Sprout, bud. Other interpretations: Petition. ".