Names that mean related

Naming your baby can be a difficult task. The meaning behind the name you choose will give them clues about who they are, and it's important to find one that fits. The following list will provide you with some great options that have the word Related in their meaning.

1. Boy names that mean related

  1. Bahz The name Bahz is of Urdu origin and means "Name of bin Hakeem, he has relateD many ahaDith from his father, incluDing the saying of the Prophet PBUH Anger spoils faith as aloes spoil honey".
  2. Kamangeni The name Kamangeni is of African origin and means "One who seems to be related. A Ngoni name used in the South Africa region.".
  3. Manivannan The name Manivannan is of Hindi origin and means "Lord Ayyappa's Related Name".
  4. Maseeri The name Maseeri is of Arabic origin and means "Of or related to fate and destiny, being an attribution to Masir (fate, destiny )".
  5. Mashari The name Mashari is of Arabic origin and means "Of or related to a honeycomb cell, it is an attribution to Mashar".
  6. Misid The name Misid is of Arabic origin and means "Variant of MUSAd Related: MUSAd".
  7. Sambaddha The name Sambaddha is of Hindi origin and means "Related".
  8. Sanabhi The name Sanabhi is of Indian origin and means "Related".
  9. Tamid The name Tamid is of Arabic origin and means "Short form of MUTAMId Related: MUTAMId".
  10. Yujya The name Yujya is of Hindi origin and means "Related".

2. Girl names that mean related

  1. Alberga The name Alberga is of Latin origin and means "Noble. Also a Latin name meaning white, and related to a French / Italian word meaning inn.".
  2. Alberge The name Alberge is of French origin and means "Noble. Also a Latin name meaning white, and related to a French / Italian word meaning inn.".
  3. Aruhi The name Aruhi is of Hindi origin and means "Starting, Related to Music".
  4. Atqaa The name Atqaa is of Arabic origin and means "Most God-fearing, most God-conscious, related to the word Taqwaa".
  5. Freydis The name Freydis is of Norse origin and means "Noblewoman; from Norse goddess of love and fecundity, who also gave the name of the day of the week, Friday. Freya is probably related to modern German Frau (woman.".
  6. Gathoni The name Gathoni is of African origin and means "She who is related by marriage (Kikuyu)".
  7. Hijriyyah The name Hijriyyah is of Arabic origin and means "Related to the Hijrah (the journey of the Prophet and his companions from Mecca to Medina, peace be upon him and his companions), related to the Hijri year or calendar".
  8. Naivy The name Naivy is of Hindi origin and means "Blue related".
  9. Ragajanani The name Ragajanani is of Hindi origin and means "Goddess durga, Musical related name and heart".
  10. Sanjogita The name Sanjogita is of Hindi origin and means "Attached, Related, Conjoined".
  11. Wazir Begum The name Wazir Begum is of Arabic origin and means "Woman Who Manages Affairs Related To Managment".