Names that mean title

Naming your baby can be a difficult task. The meaning behind the name you choose will give them clues about who they are, and it's important to find one that fits. The following list will provide you with some great options that have the word Title in their meaning.

1. Boy names that mean title

  1. Adonai The name Adonai is of Hebrew origin and means "Means 'my lord' in Hebrew. This was the title used to refer to the God of the Israelites, Yahweh, whose name was forbidden to be spoken.".
  2. Akhund The name Akhund is of Urdu origin and means "Honorific title of someone learned in religious matters".
  3. Alafin The name Alafin is of African origin and means "A title meaning 'king' once used by the Yoruba people of Nigeria.".
  4. Alibek The name Alibek is of Turkish origin and means "A combination of Ali and the Turkish title Bek meaning ruler, chief or lord".
  5. Allama The name Allama is of Urdu origin and means "Very learned, Title given to a very learned scholar".
  6. Amdah Tulmalak The name Amdah Tulmalak is of Arabic origin and means "Title".
  7. Amiduddawlah The name Amiduddawlah is of Urdu origin and means "Support of the state, (It is used both as name and title)".
  8. Anwarus sadat The name Anwarus sadat is of Arabic origin and means "Most brilliant of the Princes, Sadat (Plural of Syed = Honorific title of the descendnats of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh))".
  9. Arslan The name Arslan is of Arabic origin and means "Lion, Title of the kings of Persia".
  10. Arystanbek The name Arystanbek is of Turkish origin and means "The name is derived from Kazakh word arystan, which means lion and Turkish title beg, which means master or chief".
  11. Asadullah The name Asadullah is of Urdu origin and means "Lion of Allah. Title of Ali (R.A.)".
  12. Beg The name Beg is of Turkish origin and means "Honorific title i.e. lord".
  13. Bekarys The name Bekarys is of Turkish origin and means "The name is derived from the Turkish title Beg meaning chieftain, master and Kazakh word Arys, meaning foundation, support, framework".
  14. dhunnoon The name dhunnoon is of Arabic origin and means "(Zunnoon) The title of Hazrat Yoonus (Peace be upon him) meaning The Man of the whale".
  15. Erle The name Erle is of English origin and means "Nobleman. Based on the English title of Earl. Famous bearer:American author Erle Stanley Gardner.".
  16. Ezaz The name Ezaz is of Arabic origin and means "Esteem, Title of honour, Award".
  17. Furqan The name Furqan is of Arabic origin and means "Evidence, Proof, Distinction between truth and false, The title name of Holy Quraan".
  18. Ghani The name Ghani is of Arabic origin and means "Rich, Title of the Third Khalifah of Islam Hazrat Usman".
  19. Hajazi The name Hajazi is of Arabic origin and means "Prophet title".
  20. Hazrat The name Hazrat is of Arabic origin and means "An honorific title, used at the beginning of a name".
  21. Jehz The name Jehz is of Arabic origin and means "Title".
  22. Jnab The name Jnab is of Arabic origin and means "An honorific title, Your Excellency".
  23. Kaikaus The name Kaikaus is of Arabic origin and means "Title".
  24. Kandiss The name Kandiss is of English origin and means "Modern variant of 'Candace' - ancient hereditary title used by Ethiopian queens.".
  25. Kedia The name Kedia is of Hindi origin and means "Title".
  26. Keqbaad The name Keqbaad is of Arabic origin and means "Title".
  27. Khadyau The name Khadyau is of Arabic origin and means "Title".
  28. Khalil al Allah The name Khalil al Allah is of Arabic origin and means "Friend of God; title given to Prophet Ibrahim".
  29. Khalilalallah The name Khalilalallah is of Urdu origin and means "Friend of Allah, Title Given To Prophet Ibrahim".
  30. Khanbahadur The name Khanbahadur is of Arabic origin and means "Title".
  31. Khawaja The name Khawaja is of Muslim origin and means "Variant of Khwaja: Mister. A Spiritual Title.".
  32. Khdyo The name Khdyo is of Arabic origin and means "The title of Egyptian kings.".
  33. Khwaja The name Khwaja is of Muslim origin and means "Mister. A Spiritual Title.".
  34. Lord The name Lord is of English origin and means "Noble one with a title.".
  35. Madni The name Madni is of Arabic origin and means "The title of THE HOLY PROPHET".
  36. Madshar The name Madshar is of Arabic origin and means "The Title of Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W)".
  37. Marques The name Marques is of Spanish origin and means "Of Mars, the god of war. A title name ranking below duke and above earl.".
  38. Marquess The name Marquess is of English origin and means "War. From Marquesa, an Italian royalty title.".
  39. Marquez The name Marquez is of Spanish origin and means "A title name ranking below duke and above earl.".
  40. Marquis The name Marquis is of French origin and means "A title name ranking below duke and above earl.".
  41. Mazi The name Mazi is of African origin and means "Sir. Titled person. A Ibo name used in the West Africa region.".
  42. Mudassar The name Mudassar is of Arabic origin and means "A Title name of Hazrat Muhammad (saw)".
  43. Muddaththir The name Muddaththir is of Arabic origin and means "Covered; a title of the Prophet".
  44. Mutwassat The name Mutwassat is of Arabic origin and means "Apostle title".
  45. Muzammel The name Muzammel is of Arabic origin and means "One Who Is Enwrapped In Garments. Al-Muzzammil: Title Of The 73rd Sura Of The Quran".
  46. Muzammil The name Muzammil is of Arabic origin and means "One who is enwrapped in garments. Al-Muzzammil: title of the 73rd Sura of the Quran. In this sura, Allah addresses the Prophet Muhammad".
  47. Muzzamil The name Muzzamil is of Arabic origin and means "The Title of Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W)".
  48. Muzzammil The name Muzzammil is of Arabic origin and means "One who is wrapped up; a title of the Prophet".
  49. Naah The name Naah is of Arabic origin and means "The Title of Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W)".
  50. Navadeep The name Navadeep is of Hindi origin and means "Light, The ever; new; new; light; New; New; lamp; lamp, The; sweet; sweet; smell of a pack of funDip mixeD with a; new; new; title=View Boy names".
  51. Navdip The name Navdip is of Hindi origin and means "Light, The ever; new; new; light; New; New; lamp; lamp, The; sweet; sweet; smell of a pack of funDip mixeD with a; new; new; title=View Boy names".
  52. Negus The name Negus is of African origin and means "Norther Ethiopian name and royal title meaning 'king, emperor.'".
  53. Rajah The name Rajah is of Sanskrit origin and means "King. Raja is an Indian or Malay princely title, Raj means 'rule.'.".
  54. Ras The name Ras is of Hindi origin and means "Head, An Ethiopian Title, Loved, Desired, Sweet".
  55. Saifullah The name Saifullah is of Arabic origin and means "Sword of Allah. Title of honour awarded to Khalid Bin Walid by the Prophet Muhammad".
  56. Saljooq The name Saljooq is of Arabic origin and means "A Title Name of A great Prince".
  57. Shabbeer The name Shabbeer is of Arabic origin and means "An appellation / title name of Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.Z), Brave".
  58. Shiqdar The name Shiqdar is of Arabic origin and means "Land tax collector during the Muslim rule in India, now a family title".
  59. Tahami The name Tahami is of Arabic origin and means "Blessed Prophet title".
  60. Tartan The name Tartan is of Biblical origin and means "A general (official title).".
  61. Tathagat The name Tathagat is of Hindi origin and means "The Buddha, Title of the Buddha".
  62. Tayyar The name Tayyar is of Arabic origin and means "Hazrat Jafar title".
  63. Tihaami The name Tihaami is of Arabic origin and means "One who lives in Tihamah, a place in Arab, a title of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him)".
  64. Tihami The name Tihami is of Arabic origin and means "A title of the Prophet (S.A.W)".
  65. Viscounte The name Viscounte is of English origin and means "A titled nobleman".
  66. Yaasin The name Yaasin is of Arabic origin and means "The Title of Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W)".
  67. Yaasoob The name Yaasoob is of Arabic origin and means "Alis Title".
  68. Yaminudollah The name Yaminudollah is of Arabic origin and means "The Title".
  69. Zabeehallah The name Zabeehallah is of Arabic origin and means "Title".
  70. Zafar Jang The name Zafar Jang is of Arabic origin and means "Title".
  71. Zulnun The name Zulnun is of Arabic origin and means "A Title".
  72. Zunnoon The name Zunnoon is of Arabic origin and means "The title of Hazrat Yoonus (Peace be upon him) meaning The Man of the whale".

2. Girl names that mean title

  1. Aasif Jah The name Aasif Jah is of Arabic origin and means "A Title".
  2. Candiss The name Candiss is of English origin and means "Variant of Candace: ancient hereditary title used by Ethiopian queens.".
  3. Dahna The name Dahna is of Italian origin and means "Lady. From the respectful title Donna.".
  4. Dahnya The name Dahnya is of Italian origin and means "Lady. From the respectful title Donna.".
  5. Donetta The name Donetta is of Italian origin and means "Lady. From the respectful title Donna.".
  6. Donisha The name Donisha is of Italian origin and means "Lady. From the respectful title Donna.".
  7. Donnalee The name Donnalee is of Italian origin and means "Lady. From the respectful title Donna.".
  8. Donnalyn The name Donnalyn is of Italian origin and means "Lady. From the respectful title Donna.".
  9. donnamarie The name donnamarie is of Arabic origin and means "Lady. From the respectful title donna".
  10. Kandee The name Kandee is of English origin and means "Modern variant of Candace - ancient hereditary title used by Ethiopian queens.".
  11. Kandi The name Kandi is of English origin and means "Modern variant of Candace - ancient hereditary title used by Ethiopian queens.".
  12. Kandis The name Kandis is of English origin and means "Modern variant of Candace - ancient hereditary title used by Ethiopian queens.".
  13. Kandy The name Kandy is of English origin and means "Modern variant of Candace - ancient hereditary title used by Ethiopian queens.".
  14. Khaibar Shikan The name Khaibar Shikan is of Arabic origin and means "The Title of Hazrat Ali (R.A)".
  15. Khudyo The name Khudyo is of Arabic origin and means "The Title".
  16. Marquesa The name Marquesa is of Italian origin and means "Royalty. Italian royalty title.".
  17. Marquisha The name Marquisha is of French origin and means "Variant of Marquise. Royalty. French royalty title.".
  18. Merziyah The name Merziyah is of Arabic origin and means "The Title of Syeda Fatima (R.A), The Favorite Thing".
  19. Navdeep The name Navdeep is of Hindi origin and means "Meaning having Light; Light, The ever; meaning having new; new; meaning having light; light; meaning having New; New; meaning having lamp; lamp, The; meaning having sweet; sweet; smell of a pack of funDip mixeD with a; meaning aving new; new; title=View Gir".