
  • Gender: Male
  • Origin: Danish
  • Meaning: The Danish version of the given name Nicolai.
  • Popularity Rate:
  • Ranking:
Last Updated: Nov 01, 2022

What is the meaning of the name Nikolaj

The name Nikolaj is commonly a male name from the "Danish" origin that means "The Danish version of the given name Nicolai.".

People who like the name Nikolaj also like:

Niels (Danish),

Numerology of the name Nikolaj

Lucky Number: 3
3s have a great sense of humor and always make you laugh when the mood is low. They can see life in a favorable light, which means that they will find something funny about anything that happens around them!


Meaning of Nikolaj

Famous People Named Nikolaj

Nikolaj Cederholm (Writer, Director, Actor), Nikolaj Coster-Waldau (Actor, Producer, Writer),

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