Names that mean born

Naming your baby can be a difficult task. The meaning behind the name you choose will give them clues about who they are, and it's important to find one that fits. The following list will provide you with some great options that have the word Born in their meaning.

1. Boy names that mean born

  1. Aagneya The name Aagneya is of Hindi origin and means "Karna, The great warrior, One who is born from fire (Son of the fire)".
  2. Aalona The name Aalona is of Hawaiian origin and means "Hawaiian form of Aaron, a name derived from the Hebrew ahardn the exalted one. The name is borne in the Bible by the elder brother of Moses".
  3. Abd Alqadir The name Abd Alqadir is of Muslim origin and means "Compounding of the elements 'abd servant of, al the, and qadir capable. Al-Qadir the Capable is one of the attributes of Allah. The name was borne by 'Abd-al-Qadir Al Jaza'iri 1808-83, a leader of the Arab resistance during the French occupation of Algeria".
  4. Abdias The name Abdias is of Spanish origin and means "slave of God The name was borne by an ancient prophet who foretold the destruction of Edom in 900 B.C. ".
  5. Abdulhamed The name Abdulhamed is of Muslim origin and means "ABD-AL*H AMID Composed of the elements 'abd servant of, al the, and hamid praiseworthy, commendable, laudable: hence, servant of the Praiseworthy One. Al-Hamld the Praiseworthy is an attribute of Allah. The name was borne by a sultan of Turkey, Abdul Hamid II 1842-1918".
  6. Abejide The name Abejide is of African origin and means "Nigerian name for one who is born in the wintertime.".
  7. Abelard The name Abelard is of German origin and means "One who is born of firm, High nobility, Ambitious once.".
  8. Abelarde The name Abelarde is of Old German origin and means "One who is born of firm, High nobility, Ambitious once.".
  9. Abhijaat The name Abhijaat is of Hindi origin and means "Well Born".
  10. Abiola The name Abiola is of African origin and means "Honour born. A Yoruba name used in the West Africa region.".
  11. Achillios The name Achillios is of Greek origin and means "Achilleus, an ancient name of unknown etymology borne in Greek mythology by the leader and warrior of the Trojan War He was killed by an arrow that struck his heel, his only vulnerable spot".
  12. Aditsaii The name Aditsaii is of North American Indian origin and means "One who hears and understands Navajo. The name was borne by the great tribal chairman Henry Chee Dodge 1860-1947. He was appointed tribal chief in 1884, and in 1923 became the first chairman of the Navajo Tribal Council".
  13. Adok The name Adok is of Polish origin and means "Spanish form of Hadrianus, also a name used for the nobility class of the Betsileo people of central Madagascar. Six popes have borne this name.".
  14. Afta The name Afta is of Arabic origin and means "Later Born, Younger".
  15. Agapito The name Agapito is of Spanish origin and means "From the Late Latin name Agapitus or Agapetus which was derived from the Greek name(Agapetos) meaning 'beloved'. The name Agapetus name was borne by two popes.".
  16. Agraj The name Agraj is of Hindi origin and means "Leader, Senior, First born, Eldest brother".
  17. Ahilud The name Ahilud is of Biblical origin and means "A brother born, or begotten".
  18. Aineias The name Aineias is of Mythology and Astrology origin and means "the Greek ainein to praise. The name was borne in Greek mythology by the hero of Virgil's epic Aeneid. Aineias, the Trojan son of Anchises and Venus, wandered for years after escaping from the ruined city of Troy".
  19. Ajayi The name Ajayi is of African origin and means "One who is born facedown".
  20. Alaba The name Alaba is of African origin and means "The second sibling born after twins (Yoruba).".
  21. Alneias The name Alneias is of Greek origin and means "ainein to praise. The name is borne in Greek mythology by the son of Anchises and Venus. He wandered about for years after escaping from the ruined city of Troy".
  22. Ambrozy The name Ambrozy is of Polish origin and means "Polish cognate of the Greek Ambrosios, a name derived from ambrosios immortal The name was borne by a 4th-century saint who was bishop of Milan. He is considered to be one of the four great Latin doctors of the Christian Church. Short: Mroz. Pet: Mrozek".
  23. Andal The name Andal is of Indian origin and means "Of uncertain meaning borne by the Vaish- navite sage and poet of the 8th or 9th century".
  24. Andrion The name Andrion is of Latin origin and means "Spanish form of Hadrianus, also a name used for the nobility class of the Betsileo people of central Madagascar. Six popes have borne this name.".
  25. Andrzej The name Andrzej is of Polish origin and means "Polish cognate of the Greek Andreas, a name derived from andreios manly, which is from aner man The name was borne by one of the Twelve Apostles of Christ, which originally induced the name's popularity".
  26. Angpetu The name Angpetu is of North American Indian origin and means "TOKECHA Other day Sioux. The name was borne by John Otherday 1801-71, a Wahpeton mis-sionary and interpreter known for his friendship with the whites".
  27. Anisim The name Anisim is of Russian origin and means "the Greek Onesimos useful, profitable. The name, which was used as a common slave name in ancient times, was borne by a runaway slave converted to Christianity by St. Paul".
  28. Ankoma The name Ankoma is of African origin and means "Last born of his parents. A Akan name used in the West Africa region.".
  29. Anuj The name Anuj is of Sanskrit origin and means "Younger brother, Later born".
  30. Aristotelis The name Aristotelis is of Greek origin and means "Compound name composed of the ele-ments aristos best and totalis total: hence, totally the best. The name in its variant form, Aristotle, was borne by the famous Greek philosopher 384-322 B.C. who is noted for his works on logic, ethics, politics, and metaphysics".
  31. Arkhip The name Arkhip is of Russian origin and means "the Greek Arkhippos ruler of horses, a compounding of the elements arkhe rule and hippos horse The name was borne by St. Arkhippos, one of the earliest Christian converts. Pet: Khipa".
  32. Artemi The name Artemi is of Russian origin and means "the Greek Artemios of Artemis, the Greek mythological goddess of the moon, hunting, and wild animals. The name was borne by St. Artemius d. 363, an important official who served under Constantine the Great".
  33. Aruj The name Aruj is of Hindi origin and means "Rising Sun, Born of the Sun".
  34. Athiban The name Athiban is of Hindi origin and means "Leader. born to win as a leader, lord ayyapas another name".
  35. Atre The name Atre is of Indian origin and means "The son of sage Atri to whom Dattatreya was born".
  36. Atreo The name Atreo is of Spanish origin and means "the Greek Atreus, a name of uncertain derivation The name is borne in Greek mythology by a son of Pelops and Ilippodamia. Atreus was a king of Argos and Mycenae and father of Agamemnon and Menelaus. The tragic fate of the family was the basis for many classical tragedies".
  37. Atreya The name Atreya is of Indian origin and means "The son of sage Atri to whom Dattatreya was born".
  38. Avaraj The name Avaraj is of Hindi origin and means "Juniyor, Younger brother, Born after".
  39. Avgustin The name Avgustin is of Russian origin and means "Russian cognate of Augustine, a derivative of the Latin Augustinus, a diminutive form of Augustus, which is from augustus great, venerable. The name was borne by St. Augustine 354-430, an early church father who was born in Numidia and became the bishop of Hippo in northern Africa".
  40. Awal The name Awal is of African origin and means "First born.".
  41. Awotwe The name Awotwe is of African origin and means "Eighth born child. A Akan name used in the West Africa region.".
  42. Awwal The name Awwal is of Arabic origin and means "First born.".
  43. Bairn The name Bairn is of Scottish origin and means "Child, Born".
  44. Bartholomaus The name Bartholomaus is of German origin and means "hill, mound, furrows The name is borne in the Bible by one of the Twelve Apostles of Christ. Short: Bartel, Barthol, Bartold, Bertel. Pet: Mewes. ".
  45. Bartlomiej The name Bartlomiej is of Polish origin and means "hill, mound, furrows The name is borne in the Bible by one of the Twelve Apostles of Christ. ".
  46. Bartolomej The name Bartolomej is of Czech / Slovak origin and means "hill, mound, furrows The name is borne in the Bible by one of the Twelve Apostles of Christ. ".
  47. Basileios The name Basileios is of Greek origin and means "basileus king. The name was borne by a 4th-century Greek theologian known as St. Basil the Great c. 330-79. A bishop of Caesarea, he is regarded as one of the fathers of the Eastern Church".
  48. Baudilio The name Baudilio is of Spanish origin and means "the Latin Baudelius, a name believed to have its root in the Celtic language with the definition victory. The name was borne by a 3rd- or 4th-century saint and missionary who helped spread the Christian religion throughout France".
  49. Bechor The name Bechor is of Hebrew origin and means "Variant of Becher: First born.".
  50. Bejide The name Bejide is of African origin and means "Infant born during the rains (Yoruba)".
  51. Beker The name Beker is of Biblical origin and means "First born. Other interpretations: Young camel.".
  52. Beniamin The name Beniamin is of Polish origin and means "Polish form of Benjamin, which is derived from the Hebrew binyamin son of the right hand, favorite son The name is borne in the Bible by the youngest son of Jacob and Rachel, founder of one of the twelve tribes of Israel".
  53. Benjamfn The name Benjamfn is of Spanish origin and means "From the Hebrew Binyamin, a name derived from binyamin son of the right hand. The name is borne in the Bible by the youngest of Jacob's twelve sons, the progenitor of the tribe of Benjamin".
  54. Benjamino The name Benjamino is of Italian origin and means "Italian cognate of Benjamin, which is from the Hebrew Binyamin, a name derived from binyamin son of the right hand. The name is borne in the Bible by the youngest of Jacob's twelve sons".
  55. Berko The name Berko is of African origin and means "Son first born".
  56. Bikr The name Bikr is of Arabic origin and means "The first born".
  57. Bocheru The name Bocheru is of Biblical origin and means "The first born.".
  58. Chithayu The name Chithayu is of Hindi origin and means "The mind, Born of intellect".
  59. Cinco The name Cinco is of Spanish origin and means "Five, Fifth Born".
  60. Clan The name Clan is of Irish origin and means "Old Irish name derived from cian ancient, in the past The name was borne by the son of Olioll Olun, a king of Munster, and by the son-in-law of King Brian Boru. Kean and Kian are Anglicized spellings".
  61. Cllllan The name Cllllan is of Irish origin and means "Pet form of Ceallach war, strife. The name was borne by a 7th-century Irish missionary who was martyred in Germany".
  62. Colombain The name Colombain is of French origin and means "From the Late Latin Columba, which is derived from columba dove The name was borne by several saints, including the Irish St. Columban c. 540-615, a missionary of great influence on the Continent and founder of the monastery at Bobbio in northern Italy".
  63. Columbano The name Columbano is of Italian origin and means "From the Late Latin Columbanus, a de-rivative of columba dove, pigeon, gray bird The name was borne by St. Columban c. 540-615, an Italian monk and missionary who founded a monastery in 614 at Bobbio in northern Italy".
  64. Cyr The name Cyr is of Greek origin and means "Sunday's child. Born on Sunday.".
  65. daipayan The name daipayan is of Hindi origin and means "Who is born in An island".
  66. Daitaro The name Daitaro is of Japanese origin and means "Great First Born Son".
  67. Dawid The name Dawid is of Polish origin and means "Polish form of David, which is derived from the Hebrew dasuld beloved It is borne in the Bible by the second and greatest of the Israelite kings".
  68. Demetrjusz The name Demetrjusz is of Polish origin and means "the Greek Demetrios of Demeter. Demeter is an ancient name of unknown etymology borne by the mythological goddess of agriculture and fertility".
  69. Devajanman The name Devajanman is of Hindi origin and means "Gift of God, Born of the Gods".
  70. dhahi The name dhahi is of Arabic origin and means "Appear, Born".
  71. dhritarastra The name dhritarastra is of Hindi origin and means "(The blind son of Vyasa, born to Ambika. Elder brother of Pandu. He became king in Hastinapur after Pandu retired to the forest.)".
  72. divij The name divij is of Arabic origin and means "Name of lord datta, Born in heaven, Came from heaven".
  73. Donaldo The name Donaldo is of Scottish origin and means "Variant of Donald: Great cheif, world mighty. From the Gaelic Domhnall. The name Donald has been borne by a number of early Scottish kings. Famous Bearers: Billionaire Donald Trump, actor Donald Sutherland.".
  74. Donalt The name Donalt is of Scottish origin and means "Variant of Donald: Great cheif, world mighty. From the Gaelic Domhnall. The name Donald has been borne by a number of early Scottish kings. Famous Bearers: Billionaire Donald Trump, actor Donald Sutherland.".
  75. Dwaipayana The name Dwaipayana is of Hindi origin and means "The Sage Vyasa; Another Name of Veda Vyasa; Island Born".
  76. Eelia The name Eelia is of Russian origin and means "Russian cognate of the Hebrew Eliyahu, a deriv-ative of 'eliyahu Jehovah is God The name is borne in the Bible by one of the earliest of the Hebrew prophets. Pet: Eelusha".
  77. Eesaia The name Eesaia is of Russian origin and means "Russian cognate of Isaiah, a name derived from the Hebrew yeha'yah God is salvation The name is borne in the Bible by a Hebrew prophet of the 8th cen-tury B.C. His prophecies are found in the Old Testament book of Isaiah".
  78. Eifah The name Eifah is of Hebrew origin and means "Darkness, gloom. The name is borne in the Bible by a grandson of Abraham".
  79. Eiji The name Eiji is of Japanese origin and means "The second born one".
  80. Ellam The name Ellam is of Hebrew origin and means "Eternal. Eilam is borne in the Old Testament by a grandson of Noah".
  81. Emilien The name Emilien is of French origin and means "the Latin Aemilianus, a derivative of Aemilius, an old Roman family name, which is from aemulus trying to equal or excel, rival Emilien was borne by several minor early saints, which influenced the popularity of the name".
  82. Emosi The name Emosi is of Polynesian origin and means "Polynesian form of Amos born. See AMOS Biblical Names".
  83. Evasn The name Evasn is of Greek origin and means "Well born".
  84. Evgeni The name Evgeni is of Russian origin and means "Russian cognate of the Greek Eugenios, a name derived from eugenes well-born, noble. The name was borne by four popes and several early saints".
  85. Evza The name Evza is of Czech origin and means "Variant of Evzen: Well born.".
  86. Evzek The name Evzek is of Czech origin and means "Variant of Evzen: Well born.".
  87. Evzenek The name Evzenek is of Czech origin and means "Variant of Evzen: Well born.".
  88. Ewane The name Ewane is of English origin and means "Well born".
  89. Ezequias The name Ezequias is of Spanish origin and means "Spanish cognate of Hezekiah, a Hebrew name derived from hizqiyah God strengthens. The name is borne in the Bible by a king of Judah who ruled in the time of Isaiah. He was noted for his leadership abilities".
  90. Faalgun The name Faalgun is of Hindi origin and means "A Month in the Hindu Calendar, Born in Falgun, A Hindu Month".
  91. Farrokhzad The name Farrokhzad is of Iranian origin and means "Happily born".
  92. Flachra The name Flachra is of Irish origin and means "the Gaelic fiach raven The name was borne by the 7th-century St. Fiachra the Solitary, an Irish monk who founded a famous monastery in Breuil, France. His shrine is a place of pilgrimage from where many miracles are said to have occurred".
  93. Fllip The name Fllip is of Polish origin and means "From the Latin Philippus, a derivative of the Greek Philippos lover of horses, a compounding of the elements philos loving and hippos a horse The name is borne in the Bible by one of the Twelve Apostles of Christ. Short: Fil".
  94. Flrdos The name Flrdos is of Indian origin and means "the Arabic fir daws paradise. The name was borne by the Persian poet and historian Firdausi c. 940-1020. He wrote the Shah Namah Book of Kings, a voluminous work about the history of Persia before the arrival of the Arabs".
  95. Fodjour The name Fodjour is of African origin and means "Akan of Ghana name meaning 'fourth born.'".
  96. Franqois The name Franqois is of French origin and means "From the Old French frangois French The name, borne by two kings of France, is often bestowed as a patriotic gesture. It is borne by former French President Frangois Mitterrand b. 1916".
  97. Galenus The name Galenus is of Greek origin and means "galene calm. The name was born by Claudius Galenus c. 130—200, a Greek physician and writer on medicine and philosophy to whom the system of medical practice Galenism is attributed".
  98. Ganundalegi The name Ganundalegi is of North American Indian origin and means "Cherokee name derived from gahna tahldegi one who follows the ridge The name was borne by John, the son of Nunna Hidihi, Major Ridge. They were members of the doomed Treaty Party, which believed the Cherokee would get a better deal if they compromised with the United States government. The".
  99. Genek The name Genek is of Greek origin and means "Noble|well born. A form of Eugene".
  100. Ginno The name Ginno is of English origin and means "A well- born man".
  101. Gldon The name Gldon is of Hebrew origin and means "the Hebrew gidh'on hewer, mighty warrior. The name is borne in the Bible by an Israelite judge and leader in the defeat of the Midianites".
  102. Gunadhya The name Gunadhya is of Indian origin and means "Rich in virtues. The name was borne by a lst-century B.C. writer, the author of the Brihatkatha Great Romance, a collection of stories and fables written in Paishachi, the common man's language".
  103. Gunius The name Gunius is of Latin origin and means "Youthful, Born in June.".
  104. Gurbans The name Gurbans is of Hindi origin and means "One Born from Guru".
  105. Gurditta The name Gurditta is of Hindi origin and means "One Born with Guru's Blessing".
  106. Gyantwaka The name Gyantwaka is of North American Indian origin and means "Iroquois name derived from gaiant-wa'ka by what one plants, the planter The name was borne by Cornplanter, a Seneca chief who sided with the British during the American Revolution and with the Americans during the War of 1812. The Cornplanter Reservation in Pennsylvania was named in his honor".
  107. Hadrienne The name Hadrienne is of African origin and means "Spanish form of Hadrianus, also a name used for the nobility class of the Betsileo people of central Madagascar. Six popes have borne this name.".
  108. Haruko The name Haruko is of African origin and means "First Born".
  109. Heladio The name Heladio is of Spanish origin and means "A man who was born in Greece".
  110. Heraclio The name Heraclio is of Spanish origin and means "the Greek Heraklees, a compound name composed from Hera the name of the mythological queen of the gods and kleos glory: hence, glory of Hera, divine glory. The name is borne in Greek and Roman mythology by the son of Zeus and Alemene, renowned for his amazing strength".
  111. Heraklees The name Heraklees is of Greek origin and means "Compound name composed from Hera the name of the mythological queen of the gods and kleos fame, glory: hence, glory of Hera, divine glory. The name is borne in Greek and Roman mythology by the son of Zeus and Alemene who was renowned for his amazing strength".
  112. Hiapo The name Hiapo is of Hawaiian origin and means "First born.".
  113. Hosheia The name Hosheia is of Hebrew origin and means "the Hebrew hoshea' salva-tion. The name was borne by the first of the minor prophets, and the only one from the northern kingdom whose writings have been preserved".
  114. Iakov The name Iakov is of Russian origin and means "From the Greek Iakobos, which is from the Hebrew ya'aqob seizing by the heel, supplanting It is a cognate of Jacob, a name borne in the Bible by a son of Isaac and patriarch of the founders of the twelve tribes of Israel".
  115. Ichio The name Ichio is of Japanese origin and means "boy first born".
  116. Ikaaka The name Ikaaka is of Hawaiian origin and means "Hawaiian form of Isaac, a cognate of the He-brew Yitzchak he will laugh, which is from yitshaq laughter. The name is borne in the Bible by the son of Abraham and Sarah, the patriarch of the Hebrews".
  117. Imarogbe The name Imarogbe is of African origin and means "One born into a good family. A Benin name used in the West Africa region.".
  118. Imiyu The name Imiyu is of African origin and means "One who is born during a dry period".
  119. Ioela The name Ioela is of Hawaiian origin and means "Hawaiian form of Joel, a cognate of the Eccle-siastic Greek Ioel, which is from the Hebrew Yoel, a derivative of yoel the Lord is God The name is borne in the Bible by a minor Hebrew prophet".
  120. Ippakness The name Ippakness is of North American Indian origin and means "WAYHAYKEN Looking glass around neck Nez Perce. The name was borne by a Nez Perce chief who refused to settle on the reservation".
  121. Iromagaja The name Iromagaja is of North American Indian origin and means "the Siouan ite amarajuAit face raining. It was borne by a Hunkpapa Sioux chief who was one of the leading warriors in the Battle of the Little Bighorn".
  122. Israelite The name Israelite is of Welsh origin and means "kings In Wales the name was borne by St. David also known as St. Dewi, a 5th-century Welsh bishop who is the patron saint of Wales. Dafydd and Dewi are Welsh forms of the name. Pet: Dai".
  123. Jacian The name Jacian is of Spanish origin and means "Spanish form of Jason, a cognate of the Greek Iason, which is derived from iason healer The name is borne in Greek mythology by a prince who led the Argonauts in the quest to find the Golden Fleece".
  124. Janario The name Janario is of Latin origin and means "Gateway, Born in January.".
  125. Januj The name Januj is of Hindi origin and means "Born".
  126. Jeevaj The name Jeevaj is of Hindi origin and means "Born".
  127. Jeno The name Jeno is of Greek origin and means "Noble, Well born. A form of Eugene.".
  128. Jenoe The name Jenoe is of Greek origin and means "Noble, Well born. A form of Eugene.".
  129. Jensee The name Jensee is of Hungarian origin and means "Noble, Well born.".
  130. Jensey The name Jensey is of Hungarian origin and means "Noble, Well born.".
  131. Jensi The name Jensi is of Hungarian origin and means "Noble, Well born.".
  132. Jensie The name Jensie is of Hungarian origin and means "Noble, Well born.".
  133. Jensy The name Jensy is of Hungarian origin and means "Noble, Well born.".
  134. Jephtah The name Jephtah is of Hebrew origin and means "First born".
  135. Jesekijel The name Jesekijel is of Russian origin and means "Russian cognate of Ezekiel, a name derived from the Hebrew yehezq'el God strengthens The name is borne in the Bible by a Hebrew prophet of the 6th century B.C. His prophecies are recorded in the Old Testament book of Ezekiel".
  136. Jevan The name Jevan is of Welsh origin and means "Young warrior. A form of Evan, well born.".
  137. Jevaun The name Jevaun is of Welsh origin and means "Young warrior. A form of Evan, well born.".
  138. Jevohn The name Jevohn is of Welsh origin and means "Young warrior. A form of Evan, well born.".
  139. Jevonn The name Jevonn is of Welsh origin and means "Young warrior. A form of Evan, well born.".
  140. Jevonne The name Jevonne is of African origin and means "Young warrior. A form of Evan, well born.".
  141. Jevyn The name Jevyn is of Welsh origin and means "Young warrior. A form of Evan, well born.".
  142. Jevynn The name Jevynn is of Welsh origin and means "Young warrior. A form of Evan, well born.".
  143. Jimeoin The name Jimeoin is of Australian origin and means "Replacer who is born to nobility. A combination of Jim and Owen.".
  144. Jimeoine The name Jimeoine is of Australian origin and means "Replacer who is born to nobility. A combination of Jim and Owen.".
  145. Jimowen The name Jimowen is of Australian origin and means "Replacer who is born to nobility. A combination of Jim and Owen.".
  146. Jimowyn The name Jimowyn is of Australian origin and means "Replacer who is born to nobility. A combination of Jim and Owen.".
  147. Jingsheng The name Jingsheng is of Chinese origin and means "City born".
  148. Jivaj The name Jivaj is of Hindi origin and means "Full of life, Born".
  149. Junius The name Junius is of Latin origin and means "Youthful, Born in June.".
  150. Junyus The name Junyus is of Latin origin and means "Youthful, Born in June.".
  151. Kamaliela The name Kamaliela is of Hawaiian origin and means "Hawaiian form of the Hebrew Gamaliel God is my reward The name is borne in the Bible by a leader of the tribe of Manasseh".
  152. Kanjak The name Kanjak is of Hindi origin and means "Water and earth born".
  153. Kariuki The name Kariuki is of African origin and means "A child who is reincarnated. Born again A Kikuyu name used in the East Africa region.".
  154. Kasimierz The name Kasimierz is of Polish origin and means "Compound name composed of the elements ka%i'to destroy, to corrupt and meri great, famous: hence, famous destroyer. The name was borne by several Polish kings".
  155. Kato The name Kato is of Latin origin and means "Second born of twins.".
  156. Kavyansh The name Kavyansh is of Hindi origin and means "Intelligent and born with poetry".
  157. Keaon The name Keaon is of Irish origin and means "Young warrior. A form of Ewan and Evan. Well born.".
  158. Keeon The name Keeon is of Irish origin and means "Young warrior. A form of Ewan and Evan. Well born.".
  159. Kehinde The name Kehinde is of African origin and means "Second Born Of Twins".
  160. Keion The name Keion is of Irish origin and means "Young warrior. A form of Ewan and Evan. Well born.".
  161. Keionne The name Keionne is of Irish origin and means "Young warrior. A form of Ewan and Evan. Well born.".
  162. Kenit The name Kenit is of Hindi origin and means "A handsome Man, Born of fire, A scottish favorite in the late 19th century".
  163. Kenyi The name Kenyi is of African origin and means "Male Born after 3+ Girls".
  164. Keon The name Keon is of Irish origin and means "Young warrior. A form of Ewan and Evan. Well born.".
  165. Keondre The name Keondre is of Gaelic origin and means "Young warrior. A form of Ewan and Evan. Well born.".
  166. Keontae The name Keontae is of Irish origin and means "Young warrior. A form of Ewan and Evan. Well born.".
  167. Keontrye The name Keontrye is of Irish origin and means "Young warrior. A form of Ewan and Evan. Well born.".
  168. Keyon The name Keyon is of Contemporary origin and means "Young warrior. A form of Ewan and Evan. Well born.".
  169. Khadeej The name Khadeej is of Arabic origin and means "One who is born before he is due".
  170. Kigongo The name Kigongo is of African origin and means "One born before twins. A Luganda name used in the East Africa region.".
  171. Kinal The name Kinal is of Hindi origin and means "A Place Where Fire was Born".
  172. Kinnon The name Kinnon is of Scottish origin and means "Fair born".
  173. Kion The name Kion is of Irish origin and means "Young warrior. A form of Ewan and Evan. Well born.".
  174. Komnan The name Komnan is of African origin and means "Ghana Fante name meaning born on Monday".
  175. Konstantyn The name Konstantyn is of Polish origin and means "Polish form of Constantine, which is from the Latin Constantinus, a derivative of constans steadfast, constant. The name was borne by Constantine the Great 2807—337, the first emperor of Rome to be converted to Christianity".
  176. Kruthik The name Kruthik is of Hindi origin and means "It is An indian star name. Krithika nakshatra. God Subramaniam born in this Nakshatra".
  177. Kulik The name Kulik is of Hindi origin and means "Well born".
  178. Kyon The name Kyon is of Irish origin and means "Young warrior. A form of Ewan and Evan. Well born.".
  179. Lakobos The name Lakobos is of Greek origin and means "the Hebrew ja'aqob seizing by the heel, supplanting. Iakobos is a cognate of Jacob, the name borne in the Bible by a son of Isaac and patriarch of the founders of the twelve tribes of Israel".
  180. Lapaela The name Lapaela is of Hawaiian origin and means "Hawaiianized form of Raphael, a cognate of the Greek Rhaphael, which is from the Hebrew Refael, a name derived from refael God has healed. The name is borne in the Bible by an archangel and messenger of God".
  181. Lazarz The name Lazarz is of Polish origin and means "From the Ecclesiastic Late Latin Lazarus, which is from the Ecclesiastic Greek Lazaros, a name derived from the Hebrew elazar God has helped The name is borne in the Bible by Martha's brother whom Christ raised from the dead".
  182. Leos The name Leos is of Czech / Slovak origin and means "Czech form of the Late Latin Leo, a direct derivative of leo lion The name was borne by Czech composer Leos Janacek 1854-1928".
  183. Lleu The name Lleu is of Welsh origin and means "the element lieu bright, shining The name is borne in Welsh mythology by the popular hero Lieu Llaw Gyffes, the brother of Dylan and son of Aranrhod and her brother Gwydion".
  184. Lto The name Lto is of French origin and means "A borrowing from the Late Latin, Leo is derived from leo lion The name was borne by thirteen popes, including Leo I the Great c. 400-61, who is remem-bered for his remarkable ability to lead the church through many years of crisis".
  185. Lucjusz The name Lucjusz is of Polish origin and means "Polish cognate of Lucius, a Latin name derived from lux light The name was borne by three popes".
  186. Lysandros The name Lysandros is of Greek origin and means "Combination name composed from the elements lysis freeing, loosening and andros man, mankind: hence, liberator, freer of mankind. The name was borne by a celebrated Spartan naval and military commander who conquered the Athenians".
  187. Mahaska The name Mahaska is of North American Indian origin and means "mew-hushe-kaw white cloud. The name was borne by a distinguished Iowa chief. The town of White Cloud, Kansas, is named in his honor".
  188. Mairav The name Mairav is of Hindi origin and means "Friendly, Born of mount Meru".
  189. Makori The name Makori is of African origin and means "One born on the way (somewhere.) A Kisii name used in the East Africa region.".
  190. Malaki The name Malaki is of Hawaiian origin and means "Hawaiian form of the Hebrew Malachi my messenger, my servant The name is borne in the Bible by the last of the Hebrew prophets".
  191. Malaquias The name Malaquias is of Spanish origin and means "Spanish form of Malachi, a Hebrew name derived from malakhi my messenger. The name is borne in the Bible by a 5th-century B.C. prophet. His prophecies are found in the Old Testament book of Malachi".
  192. Manases The name Manases is of Spanish origin and means "the Hebrew Manasseh, which is from meiasseh causing to forget. The name is borne in the Bible by the elder son of Joseph and Asenath. He was the progenitor of the tribe of Manasseh".
  193. Mandhatri The name Mandhatri is of Indian origin and means "A prince; born to royalty".
  194. Mangar The name Mangar is of Old English origin and means "Trough for animals, Where Jesus slept after being born.".
  195. Manger The name Manger is of Old English origin and means "Trough for animals, Where Jesus slept after being born.".
  196. Mangor The name Mangor is of Old English origin and means "Trough for animals, Where Jesus slept after being born.".
  197. Manoth The name Manoth is of Hindi origin and means "Originating in the mind, Born of the mind".
  198. Manu The name Manu is of Indian origin and means "Bird|Maker of laws|Second born son.".
  199. Manuj The name Manuj is of Hindi origin and means "Human, Born of Manu, Man (Son of Manu)".
  200. Mariin The name Mariin is of Spanish origin and means "From the Latin Martinus war-like, a derivative of Mars, the name of the Roman mythological god of war. The name was borne by many saints, including St. Martin I d. 655, a pope who was martyred under the Byzantine emperor Constans II".
  201. Mathghamhain The name Mathghamhain is of Irish origin and means "a bear The name, which was borne by a brother of King Brian Boru, has been Anglicized as Mahon and Matthew. ".
  202. Matjasz The name Matjasz is of Polish origin and means "Polish form of the Ecclesiastic Greek Matthias, which is derived from the Hebrew mattithyah gift of God The name is borne in the Bible by the apostle chosen by lot to replace Judas Iscariot".
  203. Maulidi The name Maulidi is of African origin and means "One born during the month of Maulidi. A Swahili name used in the East Africa region.".
  204. Mbita The name Mbita is of African origin and means "One born on a cold night. A Swahili name used in the East Africa region.".
  205. Medhansh The name Medhansh is of Hindi origin and means "Who born with intelligence".
  206. Mefodi The name Mefodi is of Russian origin and means "the Greek Methodios fellow traveler, a compounding of the elements meta with and hodos road, path. The name was borne by the evangelist St. Methodius d. 885, the first translator of the Bible into the Slavonic language".
  207. Menashe The name Menashe is of Hebrew origin and means "Causing to forget. The name was borne by the eldest son of Joseph".
  208. Methushelach The name Methushelach is of Hebrew origin and means "the Hebrew methushelach, which possibly means man who was sent, man of the dart, man of Shelah [a Babylonian god]. The name is borne in the Bible by the longest-living man. He is said to have died at the age of 969 years".
  209. Metodej The name Metodej is of Czech / Slovak origin and means "Czech form of the Russian Mefodi, which is from the Greek Methodios fellow traveler, a com-pounding of the elements meta with and hodos road, path The name was borne by the evangelist St. Methodius d. 885, the first translator of the Bible into the Slavonic language. Pet: Metodek, Metousek".
  210. Midi The name Midi is of Hebrew origin and means "the Hebrew midhyan strife The name was borne by the fourth son of Abraham by Keturah".
  211. Mirzza The name Mirzza is of Arabic origin and means "Nobly Born, Born In A Wealthy Family, Caste In Mughals".
  212. Mlcah The name Mlcah is of Biblical origin and means "the Hebrew mikhdyah who is like God?. The name is borne in the Bible by several Old Testament characters, including an 8th-century B.C. prophet of Judah. His prophecies are found in the book of Micah".
  213. Mleczyslaw The name Mleczyslaw is of Polish origin and means "Compound name, the first element of which is of uncertain derivation. Some believe it to be from miecz sword, the Old Polish miecz man, father, or mieszka bear. The second element is the Slavonic slav glory. The name was borne by two early kings of Poland".
  214. Moisse The name Moisse is of Russian origin and means "Russian form of Moses, an Ecclesiastic Greek name derived from the Hebrew mosheh drawn out of the water and from the Egyptian mes, mesu child, son The name is borne in the Bible by the leader who brought the Israelites out of bondage in Egypt and received the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai".
  215. Mridur The name Mridur is of Hindi origin and means "Water born".
  216. Mstislav The name Mstislav is of Russian origin and means "the Ecclesiastic Greek Nathanael, a derivative of the Hebrew Netanel, which is from nehanel gift of God The name is borne in the Bible by one of the disciples of Christ, more commonly known as Bartholomew".
  217. Mujadad The name Mujadad is of Arabic origin and means "New Born".
  218. Mukhwana The name Mukhwana is of African origin and means "One born as a twin. A Abaluhya name used in the East Africa region.".
  219. Nachum The name Nachum is of Hebrew origin and means "the Hebrew nachum comfort. The name is borne by a minor Hebrew prophet of the 7th century B.C. His prophecies are recorded in the Old Testament book of Nahum".
  220. Nasheakush The name Nasheakush is of North American Indian origin and means "Sauk name borne by a son of Chief Black Hawk and Asshewequa Singing Bird".
  221. Nasomsee The name Nasomsee is of North American Indian origin and means "Sauk name borne by a son of Chief Black Hawk and Asshewequa Singing Bird".
  222. Natal The name Natal is of Spanish origin and means "Birth. The Spanish form of Noel, born at Christmas time.".
  223. Natale The name Natale is of Italian origin and means "Birth. The Spanish form of Noel, born at Christmas time.".
  224. Natalino The name Natalino is of Latin origin and means "Birth. The Spanish form of Noel, born at Christmas time.".
  225. Natalio The name Natalio is of Spanish origin and means "Birth. The Spanish form of Noel, born at Christmas time.".
  226. Nataly The name Nataly is of Contemporary origin and means "Birth. The Spanish form of Noel, born at Christmas time.".
  227. Navaneedham The name Navaneedham is of Hindi origin and means "Newly Born".
  228. Navjat The name Navjat is of Hindi origin and means "Newly Born".
  229. Nicostrato The name Nicostrato is of Italian origin and means "From the Greek Nikostratos, a com-pound name composed of the elements nike victory and stratos army: hence, victorious army The name was borne by a 4th-century Roman soldier martyred under Diocletian with a group of fellow soldiers. Short: Nico".
  230. Nikzad The name Nikzad is of Arabic origin and means "Well-born, virtuous-born, a person who is born in a good and virtuous family and is thus good and virtuous himself".
  231. Nitoh The name Nitoh is of North American Indian origin and means "MAHKWI Lone wolf Blackfoot. The name was borne by artist Hart Merriam Schultz 1882-1970, also known as Lone Wolf Shultz. He was a gifted painter of both watercolors and oils and a talented sculptor".
  232. Nkrumsh The name Nkrumsh is of Egyptian origin and means "Ninth born.".
  233. Nlcodemo The name Nlcodemo is of Italian origin and means "the Greek Nikodemos, a compound name composed from the elements nilce victory and demos people, population: hence, victory of the people The name is borne in the Bible by a Pharisee, a member of the Sanhedrin who spoke up for Jesus when the Pharisees wanted him arrested. Short: Nico".
  234. Noele The name Noele is of French origin and means "Born of Christmas Day, Born at Christmas time. The masculine form of Noelle.".
  235. Noell The name Noell is of French origin and means "Born of Christmas Day, Born at Christmas time. The masculine form of Noelle.".
  236. Noushzad The name Noushzad is of Iranian origin and means "Happily born".
  237. Nowel The name Nowel is of French origin and means "Born of Christmas Day, Born at Christmas time. The masculine form of Noelle.".
  238. Nowele The name Nowele is of French origin and means "Born of Christmas Day, Born at Christmas time. The masculine form of Noelle.".
  239. Nowell The name Nowell is of French origin and means "Born of Christmas Day, Born at Christmas time. The masculine form of Noelle.".
  240. Nowelle The name Nowelle is of French origin and means "Born of Christmas Day, Born at Christmas time. The masculine form of Noelle.".
  241. Obuya The name Obuya is of African origin and means "One born when the garden was overgrown. A Luo name used in the East Africa region.".
  242. Ochieng The name Ochieng is of African origin and means "One born in the daytime. A Luo name used in the East Africa region.".
  243. Odikinyi The name Odikinyi is of African origin and means "One born in early morning. A Luo name used in the East Africa region.".
  244. Odion The name Odion is of Egyptian origin and means "First born of twins.".
  245. Odour The name Odour is of African origin and means "One born after midnight. A Luo name used in the East Africa region.".
  246. Okafor The name Okafor is of African origin and means "One who was born during Afor market day. A Ibo name used in the West Africa region.".
  247. Okanlawon The name Okanlawon is of African origin and means "A son born after several daughters. A Yoruba name used in the West Africa region.".
  248. Okeyo The name Okeyo is of African origin and means "One who was born during the harvest. A Luo name used in the East Africa region.".
  249. Okonkwo The name Okonkwo is of African origin and means "One who was born on the Nkwo market day. A Ibo name used in the West Africa region.".
  250. Okorie The name Okorie is of African origin and means "One who was born on the Oryo market day. A Ibo name used in the West Africa region.".
  251. Olsfn The name Olsfn is of Irish origin and means "Diminutive form of os a deer: hence, a fawn, a little deer The name was borne by a famous Fenian poet, the son of Fionn MacCumhail Finn MacCool. The name has been Anglicized as Ossian and Ossin".
  252. Olugbodi The name Olugbodi is of African origin and means "A child born with extra fingers or toes. A Yoruba name used in the West Africa region.".
  253. Oluoch The name Oluoch is of African origin and means "One born on a overcast morning. A Luo name used in the East Africa region.".
  254. Omolara The name Omolara is of African origin and means "Child born during the night.".
  255. Omondi The name Omondi is of African origin and means "A child born at dawn. A Luo name used in the East Africa region.".
  256. Ongweng The name Ongweng is of African origin and means "One born during the time of white ants. A Luo name used in the East Africa region.".
  257. Onyango The name Onyango is of African origin and means "One who was born near midday. A Luo name used in the East Africa region.".
  258. Opio The name Opio is of Hebrew origin and means "First born of twin boys.".
  259. Opyo The name Opyo is of Hebrew origin and means "First born of twin boys.".
  260. Oqwa The name Oqwa is of North American Indian origin and means "PI Red cloud Tewa. The name was borne by Abel Sanchez c. 1900-71, an important Pueblo artist whose genre was watercolor painting".
  261. Othiamba The name Othiamba is of African origin and means "One who was born in the afternoon. A Luo name used in the East Africa region.".
  262. Othiambo The name Othiambo is of African origin and means "One who was born in late evening. A Luo name used in the East Africa region.".
  263. Ouma The name Ouma is of African origin and means "One born by Caesarian surgery. A Luo name used in the East Africa region.".
  264. Owenn The name Owenn is of English origin and means "A well- born man".
  265. Owino The name Owino is of African origin and means "One born with his cord wrapped around him. A Luo name used in the East Africa region.".
  266. Owiti The name Owiti is of African origin and means "One born after a misfortune. A Luo name used in the East Africa region.".
  267. Owuor The name Owuor is of African origin and means "One who was born at mid-morning. A Luo name used in the East Africa region.".
  268. Padmayoni The name Padmayoni is of Hindi origin and means "Lotus Born".
  269. Pascal The name Pascal is of Hebrew origin and means "Easter's infant, Born at easter time.".
  270. Pascall The name Pascall is of Italian origin and means "Easter's infant, Born at easter time.".
  271. Pascalle The name Pascalle is of Italian origin and means "Easter's infant, Born at easter time.".
  272. Pasch The name Pasch is of Italian origin and means "Easter's infant, Born at easter time.".
  273. Paschal The name Paschal is of Hebrew origin and means "Easter's infant, Born at easter time.".
  274. Pascoal The name Pascoal is of Portuguese origin and means "From the Late Latin Paschalis of Easter, a derivative of Pascha Easter, which is from the Hebrew pesach, pesah Passover The name is often bestowed upon children born during the Easter season".
  275. Pascoe The name Pascoe is of French origin and means "Easter's infant, Born at easter time.".
  276. Pascoli The name Pascoli is of Italian origin and means "Easter's infant, Born at easter time.".
  277. Pascual The name Pascual is of Spanish origin and means "Easter's infant, Born at easter time.".
  278. Pashel The name Pashel is of Italian origin and means "Easter's infant, Born at easter time.".
  279. Passaconaway The name Passaconaway is of North American Indian origin and means "Pennacook name derived from pa- pisse-conwa bear cub The name was borne by an important Pennacook chief who was known as being a powerful medicine man and skillful military leader".
  280. Pawhuska The name Pawhuska is of North American Indian origin and means "White hair. Osage. The name was borne by a well-known Osage leader. He got his name from an incident in which he grabbed the wig from General St. Claire during battle. St. Claire escaped, but from then on Pawhuska wore the wig for luck and strength in battle".
  281. Pehlaj The name Pehlaj is of Hindi origin and means "First born".
  282. Peniamina The name Peniamina is of Hawaiian origin and means "Hawaiian form of Benjamin, a cognate of the Hebrew Binyamin, which is derived from binyamm son of the right hand, favorite son. The name is borne in the Bible by the youngest of Jacob's twelve sons. He was the progenitor of the tribe of Benjamin".
  283. Periannan The name Periannan is of Hindi origin and means "First Born".
  284. Plnchas The name Plnchas is of Hebrew origin and means "the mouth of a snake, mouth of brass. It may also be derived from the Egyptian penechase Negro, dark-complexioned. The name is borne in the Bible by a grandson of Aaron, a high priest who became the chief adviser in the war with the Benjamites".
  285. Plus The name Plus is of Polish origin and means "A borrowing from the Latin, Pius is directly de-rived from pius pious, devout The name was borne by twelve popes".
  286. Prajas The name Prajas is of Hindi origin and means "Born".
  287. Premysl The name Premysl is of Czech / Slovak origin and means "First born.".
  288. Prokhop The name Prokhop is of Russian origin and means "Russian form of the Greek Prokopios pro-gressive, a compound name composed of the elements pro before and kopios in great abundance, copious. The name was borne by a 4th-century Greek saint, the first to be martyred in Palestine under the reign of Diocletian".
  289. Purnayan The name Purnayan is of Hindi origin and means "Who has born with full of his mother and father".
  290. Quinncy The name Quinncy is of English origin and means "The fifth- born child; from the fifth son".
  291. Quinntin The name Quinntin is of English origin and means "The fifth, as in the fifth born child".
  292. Ramazan The name Ramazan is of Muslim origin and means "Variant of Ramadhan: Ninth Month of Muslim calendar, name means means born on first day of Ramadan. ".
  293. Ramses The name Ramses is of Egyptian origin and means "Sun Born".
  294. Regent The name Regent is of Latin origin and means "A regal man; born into royalty".
  295. Renat The name Renat is of Polish origin and means "Polish form of the Italian Renato reborn, which is from the Late Latin Renatus, a direct derivative of the Latin renatus reborn, born again The name was traditionally bestowed as a baptismal name in celebration of spiritual rebirth".
  296. Rfigls The name Rfigls is of French origin and means "Transferred use of the French surname derived from the Latin regis kingly The name was borne by St. Jean-Fran^oise Regis of Narbonne d. 1640, noted for devoting his energies to reforming prostitutes".
  297. Romolo The name Romolo is of Italian origin and means "From the Latin Romulus the one belonging to Roma The name Romulus was borne by the twin brother of Remus; they are the legendary cofounders of Rome".
  298. Rudraveerya The name Rudraveerya is of Hindi origin and means "Samudbhava born of Shiva".
  299. Sachio The name Sachio is of Japanese origin and means "Fortunately born".
  300. Salaj The name Salaj is of Hindi origin and means "Water which flows from melted ice from mountain, Water born".
  301. Salij The name Salij is of Hindi origin and means "Water which flows from melted ice from mountain, Water born".
  302. Sambhava The name Sambhava is of Hindi origin and means "Birth; Born; Production".
  303. Savvel The name Savvel is of Russian origin and means "Russian form of Saul, a cognate of the Hebrew Shaul, which is derived from sha'ul asked of, borrowed. The name is borne in the Bible by the first king of Israel, appointed by the prophet Samuel, and by Saul of Tarsus, who later became the apostle Paul".
  304. Sebastjan The name Sebastjan is of Polish origin and means "the Greek Sebastianos a man of Sebastia, a town in Asia Minor The name was borne by a 3rd-century Christian soldier of Rome, martyred under Diocletian by the arrows of his fellow soldiers".
  305. Shaaboni The name Shaaboni is of African origin and means "One who is born during the eigth month. A Swahili name used in the East Africa region.".
  306. Shafan The name Shafan is of Hebrew origin and means "A badger, a coney a type of rabbit. The name is borne in the Bible by a scribe of King Josiah".
  307. Shemalah The name Shemalah is of Hebrew origin and means "whom Jehovah heard, heard of Jehovah. The name was borne by many biblical characters".
  308. Shivaji The name Shivaji is of Indian origin and means "the name of the Hindu god Shiva and -ji an honorable suffix The name was borne by the founder 1627-80 of the Maratha confederacy, which succeeded in holding back Mogul advancement in the south. He is known for having been a great strategist and for successfully employing guerrilla tactics".
  309. Shukri The name Shukri is of Muslim origin and means "shukri thanks, which is from the verb shakara to thank The name was borne by the Syrian president Shukri Al-Quwatli 1891-1967, who formed the United Arab Republic in 1958 with the Egyptian president Jamal 'Abd-al-Nasir".
  310. Siadhal The name Siadhal is of Irish origin and means "Ancient name derived from siadhail sloth. The name was borne by two Irish saints and was Anglicized as Shiel".
  311. Slegmund The name Slegmund is of German origin and means "Compound name composed of the ele-ments sig victory and mund hand, protection: hence, victorious protection. The name was borne by Sig- mund Freud 1856-1939, the Austrian physician and neurologist who is considered the father of psychoanalysis".
  312. Slgmund The name Slgmund is of Mythology and Astrology origin and means "the Old Norse Sigmundr, a compound name composed of the Germanic elements sig victory and mund hand, protection Sigmund, a favored character and hero of Norse legend, was the father of Sinfiotli by his sister Signy. He was also the father of Sigurd, who was born after Sigmund died".
  313. Suryaj The name Suryaj is of Hindi origin and means "Sun Born".
  314. Swabhu The name Swabhu is of Hindi origin and means "Self Born".
  315. Sylwester The name Sylwester is of Polish origin and means "From the Latin Silvester, which is from sii- vester of a wood or forest, a derivative of silva a wood. The name was borne by three popes, the first of whom is said to have baptized Constantine and cured him of leprosy".
  316. Szymon The name Szymon is of Polish origin and means "Polish form of Simon, which is from the Ecclesiastic Greek Simon, a derivative of the Hebrew shim'dn heard The name is borne in the Bible by two of the Twelve Apostles and a brother of Jesus, as well as several other New Testament characters".
  317. Tadeusz The name Tadeusz is of Polish origin and means "the Ecclesiastic Late Latin Thaddeus, which is from the Greek Thaddaios, a name of uncertain derivation Some believe it a variant of Theodoras God's gift. Others feel it is from an Aramaic word meaning praised. The name is borne by the Polish prime minister, Tadeusz Mazowiecki b. 1927".
  318. Tarquinius The name Tarquinius is of Latin origin and means "One who is born in Tarquinia".
  319. Thaonawyuthe The name Thaonawyuthe is of North American Indian origin and means "Chain breaker. Seneca. It was borne by an important chief known as Blacksnake 1760-1859. He is known for keeping the Seneca people united and for keeping their religion, Gaiwiio, alive in the critical and uneasy times following the American Revolution".
  320. Thayendanegea The name Thayendanegea is of North American Indian origin and means "the Iroquois thay- endane-ke he places two bets The name was borne by a Mohawk chief who was also known as Joseph Brant 1742-1807. He supported the British during the American Revolution, an act that split the Iroquois League".
  321. Tiki The name Tiki is of Mythology and Astrology origin and means "Maori and Marquesan name borne in Polynesian mythology by the first man or the god who created him".
  322. Tltus The name Tltus is of Biblical origin and means "the Greek Titos, which is of un-certain derivation Most believe it is from tio to honor. The name is borne in the Bible by a disciple and companion of Paul, to whom Paul addressed an epistle".
  323. Tomasso The name Tomasso is of Italian origin and means "From the Ecclesiastic Greek Thomas, which is derived from the Aramaic te'dma a twin The name is borne in the Bible by an apostle who doubted the resurrection of Christ. Short: Maso".
  324. Twia The name Twia is of African origin and means "Child born after twins.".
  325. Twiah The name Twiah is of Fanti origin and means "Child born after twins.".
  326. Tzedekiah The name Tzedekiah is of Hebrew origin and means "Righteousness of Jehovah. The name is borne in the Bible by the last king of Judah 597-586 B.C.. He changed his name from Mattaniah after being appointed by the king of Babylonia, Nebuchadnezzar".
  327. Ulen The name Ulen is of African origin and means "First born of twins".
  328. Ulin The name Ulin is of African origin and means "First born of twins".
  329. Ulisses The name Ulisses is of Polish origin and means "Polish form of the Latin Ulysses, a cognate of the Greek Odysseus hater, which is from the root dys hate The name is borne in mythology by a king of Ithaca who was a Greek leader of the Trojan War and the hero of the Odyssey".
  330. Ulon The name Ulon is of African origin and means "First born of twins".
  331. Ulyn The name Ulyn is of African origin and means "First born of twins".
  332. Urjasz The name Urjasz is of Polish origin and means "Polish form of Uriah, which is from the Hebrew uriyah God is light The name is borne in the Bible by a Hittite military leader whose wife King David desired and made pregnant. Uriah was put on the front lines of battle to ensure his death so that David could marry Bathsheba".
  333. Varshneya The name Varshneya is of Hindi origin and means "One who born in vrushni family of lord Krishna".
  334. Vehzat The name Vehzat is of Hindi origin and means "Nobly Born".
  335. Wabaunsee The name Wabaunsee is of North American Indian origin and means "Dawn of day, daybreak. Potawatomi. The name was borne by a Potawatomi chief after whom Wabaunsee County in Kansas is named. He is remembered for his fierceness and courage in battle".
  336. Wafor The name Wafor is of African origin and means "One born on the Afor market day. A Ibo name used in the West Africa region.".
  337. Waga The name Waga is of African origin and means "One born after the eldest died. A Luo name used in the East Africa region.".
  338. Wahchumyus The name Wahchumyus is of North American Indian origin and means "Rainbow Nez Perce. The name was borne by a warrior who claimed to get his power and strength from the air and the rainbow".
  339. Wahshehah The name Wahshehah is of North American Indian origin and means "Fat on skin Osage. Wahshehah 1860-1932 was the name borne by an Osage leader and representative to the United States government. He was known to whites as Bacon Rind".
  340. Wakuntchapinka The name Wakuntchapinka is of North American Indian origin and means "Good thunder Winnebago. The name was borne by a leader of the Winnebago who supported the Anglo position and took the whites' side in the Black Hawk War in 1832; even so, his people were relocated to a reservation in South Dakota, where they endured terrible conditions".
  341. Wanchai The name Wanchai is of Thai origin and means "First Born Child".
  342. Waweru The name Waweru is of African origin and means "One born of the plains. A Kikuyu name used in the East Africa region.".
  343. Wlnnemucca The name Wlnnemucca is of North American Indian origin and means "Paiute name borne by a chief, known to Anglos as Captain Truckee, who guided Captain John Fremont across the mountains and into California The name is thought to be derived from a time when Fremont observed the chief wearing only one moccasin one muck".
  344. Worie The name Worie is of African origin and means "One born on the Afor market day. A Ibo name used in the West Africa region.".
  345. Yamaj The name Yamaj is of Hindi origin and means "Twin Born".
  346. Yared The name Yared is of Hebrew origin and means "TO descend, descendant. The name is borne in the Bible by the grandfather of Methuselah".
  347. Yehonatan The name Yehonatan is of Hebrew origin and means "the Hebrew yehonathan Yahweh has given The name is borne in the Bible by the son of King Saul and close friend of David. Jonathan is the Anglicized form. Short: Yonatan".
  348. Yevgeni The name Yevgeni is of Russian origin and means "Well born.".
  349. Yirmeyahu The name Yirmeyahu is of Hebrew origin and means "The Lord loosens, God will uplift The name is borne in the Bible by several characters, one of whom was a major prophet of the 6th and 7th centuries B.C. Jeremiah is the Anglicized form".
  350. Yishmael The name Yishmael is of Hebrew origin and means "God will hear The name was borne by the son of Abraham and his concubine Hagar. After the birth of Isaac by Abraham's wife Sarah, Yishmael and Hagar were abandoned in the desert, where they were saved by God. Yishmael is considered to be the patriarch of the Arabs. Ishmael is the Anglicized form".
  351. Yltzchak The name Yltzchak is of Hebrew origin and means "Popular name derived from the Hebrew yit- shaq laughter. Isaac is the Anglicized form of the name, which is borne in the Bible by the son of Abraham and Sarah. He is considered to be the patriarch of the Hebrews".
  352. Yora The name Yora is of Hebrew origin and means "Child born at the time of the autumn / fall rains.".
  353. Yorah The name Yorah is of Hebrew origin and means "Child born at the time of the autumn / fall rains.".
  354. Yudhisthira The name Yudhisthira is of Hindi origin and means "(Eldest Pândava, born from the union of Kunti and the god dharma. Famous for his adherence to virtue and truth, he is also known as dharmaraja)".
  355. Ywyn The name Ywyn is of Greek origin and means "Well born. A form of Ewan.".
  356. Zecharya The name Zecharya is of Hebrew origin and means "the Hebrew zecharyah re-membrance of the Lord, God remembers. The name is borne in the Bible by one of the twelve minor prophets".
  357. Zesiro The name Zesiro is of African origin and means "First born of twins.".

2. Girl names that mean born

  1. Aafrida The name Aafrida is of Arabic origin and means "Born".
  2. Abhijaata The name Abhijaata is of Hindi origin and means "Well Born".
  3. Abhijata The name Abhijata is of Hindi origin and means "Well born woman".
  4. Abiba The name Abiba is of African origin and means "Child Born After Grandmother Died".
  5. Abichayil The name Abichayil is of Hebrew origin and means "Father of might. The name is borne in the Old Testament by the sister-in-law of King David".
  6. Abigayil The name Abigayil is of Hebrew origin and means "the Hebrew abigayil Father is rejoicing. The name is borne in the Bible by the wise and beautiful wife of Nabal, who later became the wife of King David".
  7. Abike The name Abike is of African origin and means "She was born to be protected".
  8. Adalie The name Adalie is of German origin and means "Originally a short form of names beginning with the Germanic element adal meaning 'noble'. Saint Adela was a 7th-century Frankish princess who founded a monastery at Pfazel in France. This name was also borne by a daughter of William the Conqueror.".
  9. Adalina The name Adalina is of Teutonic origin and means "Originally a short form of names beginning with the Germanic element adal meaning 'noble'. Saint Adela was a 7th-century Frankish princess who founded a monastery at Pfazel in France. This name was also borne by a daughter of William the Conqueror.".
  10. Adaline The name Adaline is of Teutonic origin and means "Originally a short form of names beginning with the Germanic element adal meaning 'noble'. Saint Adela was a 7th-century Frankish princess who founded a monastery at Pfazel in France. This name was also borne by a daughter of William the Conqueror.".
  11. Adhiambo The name Adhiambo is of African origin and means "Luo of Kenya name for females born after sunset.".
  12. Aeola The name Aeola is of Greek origin and means "Feminine form of Aeolus, a name of uncertain derivation, which was borne by the Greek mythological god of the winds".
  13. Agape The name Agape is of Greek origin and means "Derived from Greek (agape meaning 'love'. This name was borne by at least two early saints.".
  14. Agrafena The name Agrafena is of Russian origin and means "Russian form of the Latin Agrippina, a name of uncertain etymology borne by Agrippina the Younger A.D. 15 ?—59, the mother of Nero. Some believe it to mean born feet-first".
  15. Agraja The name Agraja is of Hindi origin and means "Leader, Senior, First born, Eldest brother".
  16. Aina The name Aina is of Swedish origin and means "Yoruba of Nigeria female name meaning 'difficult birth, ' such as a child born with umbilical cord around neck.".
  17. Akeyo The name Akeyo is of African origin and means "Child born during harvest (Luo).".
  18. Akosua The name Akosua is of African origin and means "Akan or Ahsanti of Ghana name for females born on Sunday.".
  19. Aktavija The name Aktavija is of Latin origin and means "The eighth born child. The feminie form of Octavius.".
  20. Akua The name Akua is of African origin and means "Akan of Ghana name for females born on Wednesday.".
  21. Akuti The name Akuti is of Indian origin and means "A princess; born to royalty".
  22. Aleeya The name Aleeya is of Arabic origin and means "In hebrew meaning is : High born".
  23. Alphah The name Alphah is of Greek origin and means "First born.".
  24. Alphia The name Alphia is of Greek origin and means "First born.".
  25. Alphiah The name Alphiah is of Greek origin and means "First born.".
  26. Alula The name Alula is of Latin origin and means "First born.".
  27. Alulah The name Alulah is of Arabic origin and means "First born.".
  28. Ambhini The name Ambhini is of Hindi origin and means "Water born".
  29. Angweng The name Angweng is of African origin and means "One who is born during the time of white ants. (Luo)".
  30. Antobam The name Antobam is of African origin and means "Child born after its father's death (Fante).".
  31. Apikaila The name Apikaila is of Hawaiian origin and means "APIKA'ILA Hawaiian form of Abigail, a cognate of the Hebrew Avigayil, which is derived from avlgayil father of exaltation, father is rejoicing. The name is borne in the Bible by one of the wives of King David".
  32. Aret The name Aret is of African origin and means "Ibibio of Nigeria name for female children born on market day, called Edet.".
  33. Arusi The name Arusi is of African origin and means "Swahili name for girls born at the time of a wedding. 'Arusi' is the Kiswahili word for wedding.".
  34. Asako The name Asako is of Japanese origin and means "Child born in the morning".
  35. Ashmi The name Ashmi is of Hindi origin and means "Rock born, Hard and strong, I am".
  36. Ashmita The name Ashmita is of Hindi origin and means "Rock born, Very Hard and strong".
  37. Ashmitha The name Ashmitha is of Hindi origin and means "Rock born, Very Hard and strong".
  38. Asshewequa The name Asshewequa is of North American Indian origin and means "Singing bird Sauk. The name was borne by the wife of Chief Black Hawk".
  39. Asura The name Asura is of African origin and means "Swahili and Hausa name for female children born during the Muslim month of Ashur.".
  40. Ausaq The name Ausaq is of Arabic origin and means "Loads, such as the load carried by a ship or carriage, or the load of fruit borne by a palm tree".
  41. Auta The name Auta is of African origin and means "The last born (Hausa)".
  42. Avriel The name Avriel is of English origin and means "Opening buds of spring, born in April.".
  43. Badu The name Badu is of African origin and means "Tenth Born Child".
  44. Balaja The name Balaja is of Hindi origin and means "Jasmine, Beautiful, Born of strength".
  45. Betsabe The name Betsabe is of Spanish origin and means "the Hebrew Bathsheba daughter of Sheba, daughter of the oath. The name is borne in the Bible by the beautiful wife of Uriah. She was married to King David after he ensured Uriah's death in battle".
  46. Bhaanuja The name Bhaanuja is of Hindi origin and means "River Yamuna, Born of the Sun".
  47. Bozena The name Bozena is of Slavic origin and means "God will favour, born at Christmas time.".
  48. Bozenah The name Bozenah is of Slavic origin and means "God will favour, born at Christmas time.".
  49. Bozenka The name Bozenka is of Slavic origin and means "God will favour, born at Christmas time.".
  50. Caliopa The name Caliopa is of Spanish origin and means "the Greek Kalliope beautiful voice, a compounding of the elements kalios beauty, beautiful and ops voice The name is borne in Greek mythology by the Muse of epic poetry and eloquence".
  51. Chaitalee The name Chaitalee is of Hindi origin and means "Girl Born in Month of Chaitra".
  52. Chausiku The name Chausiku is of African origin and means "She who was born at night. (Swahili)".
  53. Cho The name Cho is of Japanese origin and means "Butterfly, Born at dawn; Beautiful.".
  54. Choko The name Choko is of Japanese origin and means "Child of the dawn, born at dawn".
  55. Ciriaca The name Ciriaca is of Greek origin and means "Child born on a Sunday.".
  56. Ciriacah The name Ciriacah is of Greek origin and means "Child born on a Sunday.".
  57. Cyriaca The name Cyriaca is of Greek origin and means "Child born on a Sunday.".
  58. Cyriacah The name Cyriacah is of Greek origin and means "Child born on a Sunday.".
  59. Dabuda The name Dabuda is of North American Indian origin and means "Wide hips Washo. The name was borne by the basket designer and weaver Datsolalee c. 1835- 1925".
  60. Dawath The name Dawath is of Swahili origin and means "The last born one.".
  61. Dawatha The name Dawatha is of Swahili origin and means "The last born one.".
  62. Dawathah The name Dawathah is of Swahili origin and means "The last born one.".
  63. Decembra The name Decembra is of Mythology and Astrology origin and means "the Latin decern ten and the Persian bdr time, period: hence, ten-time, ten-pe- riod December was the tenth month of the year according to the ancient Roman calendar, which began in March. The name is bestowed upon those born in the month of December".
  64. Dofi The name Dofi is of African origin and means "Second child born after twins (Ewe)".
  65. Edelinah The name Edelinah is of German origin and means "High born; Noble".
  66. Edelyn The name Edelyn is of German origin and means "High born; Noble".
  67. Edelyna The name Edelyna is of German origin and means "High born; Noble".
  68. Edelynah The name Edelynah is of German origin and means "High born; Noble".
  69. Edelyne The name Edelyne is of German origin and means "High born; Noble".
  70. Efah The name Efah is of Hebrew origin and means "darkness, gloom. The name is borne in the Bible by a concubine of Caleb".
  71. Efua The name Efua is of African origin and means "Friday born child".
  72. Einmyria The name Einmyria is of Scandinavian origin and means "Of uncertain meaning borne in Norse mythology by one of the two daughters of Loki, the trickster god Little is known of her other than her name and that of her sister, Eisa".
  73. Ekaghogho The name Ekaghogho is of African origin and means "She who was born on a significant day (Benin)".
  74. Ekodara The name Ekodara is of Hindi origin and means "Sister, Born from Same Womb".
  75. Elliemae The name Elliemae is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  76. Elliemay The name Elliemay is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  77. Ellimae The name Ellimae is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  78. Ellimay The name Ellimay is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  79. Ellymae The name Ellymae is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  80. Ellymay The name Ellymay is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  81. Eniya The name Eniya is of Arabic origin and means "Well born, Noble".
  82. Ephiphant The name Ephiphant is of Greek origin and means "God has appeared, Given to girls born at Ephiphany (Jan 6th) - a Christian festival.".
  83. Erendira The name Erendira is of Spanish origin and means "Daughter born into roy¬alty".
  84. Euganiah The name Euganiah is of Greek origin and means "Noble, Well born. A feminine form of Eugene.".
  85. Euganie The name Euganie is of Greek origin and means "Noble, Well born. A feminine form of Eugene.".
  86. Eugeeie The name Eugeeie is of Greek origin and means "Noble, Well born. A feminine form of Eugene.".
  87. Eugeena The name Eugeena is of Greek origin and means "Noble, Well born. A feminine form of Eugene.".
  88. Eugeenah The name Eugeenah is of Greek origin and means "Noble, Well born. A feminine form of Eugene.".
  89. Eugeenee The name Eugeenee is of Greek origin and means "Noble, Well born. A feminine form of Eugene.".
  90. Eugeeney The name Eugeeney is of Greek origin and means "Noble, Well born. A feminine form of Eugene.".
  91. Eugeeni The name Eugeeni is of Greek origin and means "Noble, Well born. A feminine form of Eugene.".
  92. Eugeenia The name Eugeenia is of Greek origin and means "Noble, Well born. A feminine form of Eugene.".
  93. Eugeeniah The name Eugeeniah is of Greek origin and means "Noble, Well born. A feminine form of Eugene.".
  94. Eugenee The name Eugenee is of Greek origin and means "Noble, Well born. A feminine form of Eugene.".
  95. Eugeney The name Eugeney is of Greek origin and means "Noble, Well born. A feminine form of Eugene.".
  96. Eugeni The name Eugeni is of Greek origin and means "Noble, Well born. A feminine form of Eugene.".
  97. Eugenia The name Eugenia is of Greek origin and means "Noble, Well born. A feminine form of Eugene.".
  98. Eugeniah The name Eugeniah is of Greek origin and means "Noble, Well born. A feminine form of Eugene.".
  99. Eugina The name Eugina is of Greek origin and means "Noble, Well born. A feminine form of Eugene.".
  100. Eugine The name Eugine is of Greek origin and means "Noble, Well born. A feminine form of Eugene.".
  101. Eugyna The name Eugyna is of Greek origin and means "Noble, Well born. A feminine form of Eugene.".
  102. Eugynah The name Eugynah is of Greek origin and means "Noble, Well born. A feminine form of Eugene.".
  103. Eugynia The name Eugynia is of Greek origin and means "Noble, Well born. A feminine form of Eugene.".
  104. Eugynie The name Eugynie is of Greek origin and means "Noble, Well born. A feminine form of Eugene.".
  105. Eugyny The name Eugyny is of Greek origin and means "Noble, Well born. A feminine form of Eugene.".
  106. Eujanee The name Eujanee is of Greek origin and means "Noble, Well born. A feminine form of Eugene.".
  107. Eujaney The name Eujaney is of Greek origin and means "Noble, Well born. A feminine form of Eugene.".
  108. Eujani The name Eujani is of Greek origin and means "Noble, Well born. A feminine form of Eugene.".
  109. Eujaniah The name Eujaniah is of Greek origin and means "Noble, Well born. A feminine form of Eugene.".
  110. Eujanie The name Eujanie is of Greek origin and means "Noble, Well born. A feminine form of Eugene.".
  111. Eujany The name Eujany is of Greek origin and means "Noble, Well born. A feminine form of Eugene.".
  112. Eujanya The name Eujanya is of Greek origin and means "Noble, Well born. A feminine form of Eugene.".
  113. Eujanyah The name Eujanyah is of Greek origin and means "Noble, Well born. A feminine form of Eugene.".
  114. Eunike The name Eunike is of Greek origin and means "Compound name composed of the elements eu well, good, fair and nike victory: hence, good victory. The name is borne in the Bible by the mother of Timothy".
  115. Evgenia The name Evgenia is of Russian origin and means "Noble, Well born. A feminine form of Eugene.".
  116. Evgeniah The name Evgeniah is of Greek origin and means "Noble, Well born. A feminine form of Eugene.".
  117. Evgenya The name Evgenya is of Greek origin and means "Noble, Well born. A feminine form of Eugene.".
  118. Evgenyah The name Evgenyah is of Greek origin and means "Noble, Well born. A feminine form of Eugene.".
  119. Faguni The name Faguni is of Hindi origin and means "Beautiful, Born in Falgun, A Hindu calendar month".
  120. Fawziyya The name Fawziyya is of Muslim origin and means "From the Arabic fa
  121. Fitrah The name Fitrah is of Arabic origin and means "Innate nature, instinct, natural disposition, it is used to refer to a human being’s healthy natural tendencies that it is born with before it is corrupted".
  122. Flore The name Flore is of French origin and means "Cognate of Flora, which is derived from the Latin floris a flower The name was borne by a young Spanish woman martyred at Cordova in 851 during the persecution under the Moslem ruler Abd-ar-Rahman II".
  123. Gaela The name Gaela is of Old English origin and means "Lively, merry singer; Born of a joyous father. A short form of Abigail.".
  124. Gaell The name Gaell is of Old English origin and means "Lively, merry singer; Born of a joyous father. A short form of Abigail.".
  125. Gaella The name Gaella is of Old English origin and means "Lively, merry singer; Born of a joyous father. A short form of Abigail.".
  126. Gaelle The name Gaelle is of German origin and means "Lively, merry singer; Born of a joyous father. A short form of Abigail.".
  127. Gailean The name Gailean is of Old English origin and means "Lively, merry singer; Born of a joyous father. A short form of Abigail.".
  128. Gaileana The name Gaileana is of Old English origin and means "Lively, merry singer; Born of a joyous father. A short form of Abigail.".
  129. Gaileane The name Gaileane is of Old English origin and means "Lively, merry singer; Born of a joyous father. A short form of Abigail.".
  130. Gaileen The name Gaileen is of Old English origin and means "Lively, merry singer; Born of a joyous father. A short form of Abigail.".
  131. Gaileena The name Gaileena is of Old English origin and means "Lively, merry singer; Born of a joyous father. A short form of Abigail.".
  132. Gailina The name Gailina is of Old English origin and means "Lively, merry singer; Born of a joyous father. A short form of Abigail.".
  133. Gailine The name Gailine is of Old English origin and means "Lively, merry singer; Born of a joyous father. A short form of Abigail.".
  134. Gailyn The name Gailyn is of Old English origin and means "Lively, merry singer; Born of a joyous father. A short form of Abigail.".
  135. Gailyna The name Gailyna is of Old English origin and means "Lively, merry singer; Born of a joyous father. A short form of Abigail.".
  136. Gailyne The name Gailyne is of Old English origin and means "Lively, merry singer; Born of a joyous father. A short form of Abigail.".
  137. Galey The name Galey is of Old English origin and means "Lively, merry singer; Born of a joyous father. A short form of Abigail.".
  138. Galie The name Galie is of Old English origin and means "Lively, merry singer; Born of a joyous father. A short form of Abigail.".
  139. Gayell The name Gayell is of Old English origin and means "Lively, merry singer; Born of a joyous father. A short form of Abigail.".
  140. Gayella The name Gayella is of Old English origin and means "Lively, merry singer; Born of a joyous father. A short form of Abigail.".
  141. Gayelle The name Gayelle is of Old English origin and means "Lively, merry singer; Born of a joyous father. A short form of Abigail.".
  142. Gayla The name Gayla is of English origin and means "Lively, merry singer; Born of a joyous father. A short form of Abigail.".
  143. Gayle The name Gayle is of English origin and means "Lively, merry singer; Born of a joyous father. A short form of Abigail.".
  144. Gayleen The name Gayleen is of Old English origin and means "Lively, merry singer; Born of a joyous father. A short form of Abigail.".
  145. Gayleena The name Gayleena is of Old English origin and means "Lively, merry singer; Born of a joyous father. A short form of Abigail.".
  146. Gaylia The name Gaylia is of Old English origin and means "Lively, merry singer; Born of a joyous father. A short form of Abigail.".
  147. Gayliah The name Gayliah is of Old English origin and means "Lively, merry singer; Born of a joyous father. A short form of Abigail.".
  148. Gaylina The name Gaylina is of Old English origin and means "Lively, merry singer; Born of a joyous father. A short form of Abigail.".
  149. Gayline The name Gayline is of Old English origin and means "Lively, merry singer; Born of a joyous father. A short form of Abigail.".
  150. Gaylyn The name Gaylyn is of Old English origin and means "Lively, merry singer; Born of a joyous father. A short form of Abigail.".
  151. Gaylyna The name Gaylyna is of Old English origin and means "Lively, merry singer; Born of a joyous father. A short form of Abigail.".
  152. Gaylynah The name Gaylynah is of Old English origin and means "Lively, merry singer; Born of a joyous father. A short form of Abigail.".
  153. Gaylyne The name Gaylyne is of Old English origin and means "Lively, merry singer; Born of a joyous father. A short form of Abigail.".
  154. Gemina The name Gemina is of Mythology and Astrology origin and means "the Latin gemini twins. The name is bestowed upon female children born under the third sign of the zodiac, Gemini".
  155. Genaida The name Genaida is of Spanish origin and means "the Greek genes born".
  156. Genia The name Genia is of English origin and means "Well born".
  157. Genya The name Genya is of English origin and means "Well born".
  158. Hasana The name Hasana is of Arabic origin and means "Hausa of W. Africa name meaning 'first born of twins.'".
  159. Hatsu The name Hatsu is of Japanese origin and means "First Born".
  160. Helfene The name Helfene is of French origin and means "From the Greek Helene, which is derived from the element ele light The name was borne by the Christian mother c. 248-327 of Constantine the Great. Her influence led to the toleration of Christian-ity, and she is credited with finding the True Cross buried in a hillock close to Calvary".
  161. Hlfn The name Hlfn is of Scandinavian origin and means "Ancient name of uncertain meaning borne in Norse mythology by one of Frigg's attendants, the goddess of consolation who relieved grief and heard the prayers of mortals".
  162. Hounia The name Hounia is of Arabic origin and means "Good, virtuous, noble, born in a good family".
  163. Idalika The name Idalika is of Arabic origin and means "A queen; born to royalty".
  164. Immy The name Immy is of English origin and means "Diminutive of Imogen: Innocent. Last born. The name of the heroine of Shakespeare's play Cymbehoe as a result of a printing error in the Folio edition of the play.".
  165. Iphigeneia The name Iphigeneia is of Greek origin and means "A of royal birth, which is borne in Greek mythology by a daughter of Agamemnon. He offered her as a sacrifice to Artemis. In some versions, Iphigeneia is saved by the gods".
  166. Jaanya The name Jaanya is of Hindi origin and means "Life, Born".
  167. Jaija The name Jaija is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  168. Jeevaa The name Jeevaa is of Hindi origin and means "Born".
  169. Jinny The name Jinny is of English origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  170. Jubilea The name Jubilea is of Latin origin and means "Celebration of joy in the meadow. A child born on an anniversary.".
  171. Jubilee The name Jubilee is of Hebrew origin and means "Celebration of joy in the meadow. A child born on an anniversary.".
  172. Jubilei The name Jubilei is of Latin origin and means "Celebration of joy in the meadow. A child born on an anniversary.".
  173. Jubileigh The name Jubileigh is of Latin origin and means "Celebration of joy in the meadow. A child born on an anniversary.".
  174. Jubilia The name Jubilia is of Latin origin and means "Celebration of joy in the meadow. A child born on an anniversary.".
  175. Jubiliah The name Jubiliah is of Latin origin and means "Celebration of joy in the meadow. A child born on an anniversary.".
  176. Jubilie The name Jubilie is of Latin origin and means "Celebration of joy in the meadow. A child born on an anniversary.".
  177. Jubily The name Jubily is of Latin origin and means "Celebration of joy in the meadow. A child born on an anniversary.".
  178. Jubilya The name Jubilya is of Latin origin and means "Celebration of joy in the meadow. A child born on an anniversary.".
  179. Jubilyah The name Jubilyah is of Latin origin and means "Celebration of joy in the meadow. A child born on an anniversary.".
  180. Jubylea The name Jubylea is of Latin origin and means "Celebration of joy in the meadow. A child born on an anniversary.".
  181. Jubyleah The name Jubyleah is of Latin origin and means "Celebration of joy in the meadow. A child born on an anniversary.".
  182. Jubylee The name Jubylee is of Latin origin and means "Celebration of joy in the meadow. A child born on an anniversary.".
  183. Jubylei The name Jubylei is of Latin origin and means "Celebration of joy in the meadow. A child born on an anniversary.".
  184. Jubyleigh The name Jubyleigh is of Latin origin and means "Celebration of joy in the meadow. A child born on an anniversary.".
  185. Jubyley The name Jubyley is of Latin origin and means "Celebration of joy in the meadow. A child born on an anniversary.".
  186. Jubyli The name Jubyli is of Latin origin and means "Celebration of joy in the meadow. A child born on an anniversary.".
  187. Jubylia The name Jubylia is of Latin origin and means "Celebration of joy in the meadow. A child born on an anniversary.".
  188. Jubyliah The name Jubyliah is of Latin origin and means "Celebration of joy in the meadow. A child born on an anniversary.".
  189. Jubylie The name Jubylie is of Latin origin and means "Celebration of joy in the meadow. A child born on an anniversary.".
  190. Jubyly The name Jubyly is of Latin origin and means "Celebration of joy in the meadow. A child born on an anniversary.".
  191. Julbileah The name Julbileah is of Latin origin and means "Celebration of joy in the meadow. A child born on an anniversary.".
  192. Julitte The name Julitte is of French origin and means "the Latin Julitta, a name of uncertain origin Some believe it to be a Late Latin form of Judith he will be praised; others think it is a variant of Julia. The name was borne by a 4th-century woman martyred in Tarsus with her infant son, Quiricus".
  193. Julli The name Julli is of English origin and means "Soft-haired, youthful, Born in the month of July.".
  194. Jully The name Jully is of English origin and means "Soft-haired, youthful, Born in the month of July.".
  195. Jumapili The name Jumapili is of African origin and means "She who was born on Sunday (Mwera)".
  196. Kaaona The name Kaaona is of Hawaiian origin and means "the name of a Hawaiian month June 7 to July 6 Traditionally, children born during this time were thought to be lovable, attractive, and friendly".
  197. Kairos The name Kairos is of Greek origin and means "Last Born Goddess".
  198. Kaligenia The name Kaligenia is of Greek origin and means "Compound name composed of the ele-ments kallos beauty, beautiful and genes born: hence, born beautiful, beautiful daughter".
  199. Kantimati The name Kantimati is of Indian origin and means "kanti beauty, loveliness The name was borne by the mother of the philosopher Ramanuja".
  200. Kartheeswari The name Kartheeswari is of Hindi origin and means "Goddess born on kirthigai Nakshatra".
  201. Kasinda The name Kasinda is of African origin and means "Daughter born to a fam¬ily with twins".
  202. Kasturba The name Kasturba is of Indian origin and means "Musk The name Kasturba was borne by the wife of Mahatma Gandhi. See MOHANDAS Male Names. As his constant companion, she shared his troubles and supported him in all he did. Such was their devotion to one another that upon her death in 1944, Gandhi observed a three-week fast".
  203. Kausalya The name Kausalya is of Indian origin and means "the Sanskrit kausalya be-longing to the Kosala people. The name was borne by the wife of King Dasaratha and mother of Rama, one of the most popular of the Hindu deities".
  204. Khadija The name Khadija is of Arabic origin and means "The prophet Muhammad's first wife; a perfect woman / a child born prematurely".
  205. Khadujah The name Khadujah is of Arabic origin and means "One who gives birth to a baby before its time is due, a daughter who is born before her time is due".
  206. Kiden The name Kiden is of African origin and means "Female Born after 3+ Boys".
  207. Kizuwanda The name Kizuwanda is of African origin and means "The last born child (Zaramo)".
  208. Klera The name Klera is of English origin and means "Feminine form of Kieran, an Anglicized form of the Irish Ciaran, which is derived from the Gaelic ciar black and the diminutive suffix -an: hence, little dark one The name was originally bestowed upon those babies born with dark hair or a dark complexion".
  209. Klwako The name Klwako is of Japanese origin and means "Child born on a border".
  210. Kordelja The name Kordelja is of Polish origin and means "Polish cognate of Cordelia, a name of un-certain origin It is thought to be from the Celtic name Creiryddlydd daughter of the sea. The name is borne in Shakespeare's King Lear as the name of Lear's youngest daughter, the only one who was faithful to him".
  211. Kulina The name Kulina is of Arabic origin and means "Well born, of a good family".
  212. Kwamboka The name Kwamboka is of African origin and means "She who was born while crossing a river (Kisii)".
  213. Lailaa The name Lailaa is of Muslim origin and means "Variant of Layla: Night. Born at night. Sweetheart.".
  214. Lailah The name Lailah is of Muslim origin and means "Variant of Layla: Night. Born at night. Sweetheart.".
  215. Latrecia The name Latrecia is of African-American origin and means "Noble, Well born.".
  216. Latreciah The name Latreciah is of African-American origin and means "Noble, Well born.".
  217. Latresh The name Latresh is of African-American origin and means "Noble, Well born.".
  218. Latresha The name Latresha is of African-American origin and means "Noble, Well born.".
  219. Latreshia The name Latreshia is of African-American origin and means "Noble, Well born.".
  220. Latreshiah The name Latreshiah is of African-American origin and means "Noble, Well born.".
  221. Latreshya The name Latreshya is of African-American origin and means "Noble, Well born.".
  222. Latrica The name Latrica is of African-American origin and means "Noble, Well born.".
  223. Latricah The name Latricah is of African-American origin and means "Noble, Well born.".
  224. Latrice The name Latrice is of African origin and means "Noble, Well born.".
  225. Latricia The name Latricia is of African origin and means "Noble, Well born.".
  226. Latriciah The name Latriciah is of African-American origin and means "Noble, Well born.".
  227. Latrisha The name Latrisha is of American origin and means "Noble, Well born.".
  228. Latrishia The name Latrishia is of African-American origin and means "Noble, Well born.".
  229. Latrishiah The name Latrishiah is of African-American origin and means "Noble, Well born.".
  230. Latrysha The name Latrysha is of African-American origin and means "Noble, Well born.".
  231. Latryshia The name Latryshia is of African-American origin and means "Noble, Well born.".
  232. Latryshiah The name Latryshiah is of African-American origin and means "Noble, Well born.".
  233. Latryshya The name Latryshya is of African-American origin and means "Noble, Well born.".
  234. Lavyrle The name Lavyrle is of English origin and means "Famous bearer: bestselling romance lovelist LaVyrle Spencer. Origin unknown. May be a derivative of the French Laverna, meaning born in the spring.".
  235. Lawaiza The name Lawaiza is of Arabic origin and means "The girl who was born to Eve with Abel".
  236. Leila The name Leila is of Arabic origin and means "Dark beauty, Born at night.".
  237. Liberada The name Liberada is of Portuguese origin and means "Feminine form of Liberato, a name derived from the Latin Liberatus he who has been liberated The name was borne by a mystical saint of Portugal who grew a beard to maintain her vow of virginity".
  238. Lilavati The name Lilavati is of Indian origin and means "Free will of god The name was borne by the daughter of 12th-century mathematician Bhaska- racharya. He name one of his systems of mathematics after her".
  239. Lleulu The name Lleulu is of Welsh origin and means "Welsh form of Lucia, a feminine form of Lucius, which is derived from the Latin lux light The name was borne by St. Lucia of Syracuse, a 4th-century martyr whose popularity during the Middle Ages led to widespread use of the name".
  240. Loveday The name Loveday is of Arabic origin and means "Name given to children that are born on a love day.A love day was a 12th century tradition - a day set aside for reconciliation and settling of disputes.Today, this name is found occasionally as a surname".
  241. Lumbini The name Lumbini is of Hindi origin and means "The grove where Buddha was born".
  242. Maanavi The name Maanavi is of Hindi origin and means "Wife of Manu, Born of Man".
  243. Mae The name Mae is of English origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  244. Maegan The name Maegan is of Welsh origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  245. Maegen The name Maegen is of English origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  246. Maga The name Maga is of Old Norse origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  247. Magdolna The name Magdolna is of Hungarian origin and means "Hungarian form of Magdalena, a Latinate form of the Ecclesiastic Greek Magdalene woman from Magdala, a town near the Sea of Galilee The name is borne in the Bible by Mary Magdalene, a woman Christ cured of seven demons".
  248. Mahneera The name Mahneera is of Arabic origin and means "First born of a pair".
  249. Mahneerah The name Mahneerah is of Urdu origin and means "First born of a pair".
  250. Mahwa The name Mahwa is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  251. Mahwah The name Mahwah is of Native American origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  252. Mai The name Mai is of Scottish origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  253. Maia The name Maia is of Latin origin and means "Great, pink / white blossom, Child borni n the month of May.".
  254. Maiah The name Maiah is of Latin origin and means "Great, pink / white blossom, Child borni n the month of May.".
  255. Maida The name Maida is of English origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  256. Maidie The name Maidie is of Persian origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  257. Maie The name Maie is of Latin origin and means "Great, pink / white blossom, Child borni n the month of May.".
  258. Maieli The name Maieli is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  259. Maika The name Maika is of French origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  260. Maillard The name Maillard is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  261. Maire The name Maire is of Irish origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  262. Mairee The name Mairee is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  263. Maja The name Maja is of Swedish origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  264. Malana The name Malana is of Hawaiian origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  265. Malva The name Malva is of Greek origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  266. Malvah The name Malvah is of Gaelic origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  267. Malvina The name Malvina is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  268. Mame The name Mame is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  269. Manett The name Manett is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  270. Manetta The name Manetta is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  271. Manna The name Manna is of English origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  272. Manon The name Manon is of French origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  273. Mansa The name Mansa is of African origin and means "Third born girl".
  274. Manuja The name Manuja is of Hindi origin and means "Human, Born of Manu, Woman".
  275. Manya The name Manya is of Indian origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  276. Maon The name Maon is of Hebrew origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  277. Mara The name Mara is of Russian origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  278. Marda The name Marda is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  279. Mardi The name Mardi is of French origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  280. Mardie The name Mardie is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  281. Marea The name Marea is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  282. Maree The name Maree is of English origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  283. Marella The name Marella is of Celtic origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  284. Maresa The name Maresa is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  285. Maret The name Maret is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  286. Margaret The name Margaret is of Greek origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  287. Maria The name Maria is of Spanish origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  288. Mariah The name Mariah is of English origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  289. Mariam The name Mariam is of Hebrew origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  290. Mariamna The name Mariamna is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  291. Mariamne The name Mariamne is of Hebrew origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  292. Mariana The name Mariana is of Spanish origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  293. Marianna The name Marianna is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  294. Marianne The name Marianne is of French origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  295. Marica The name Marica is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  296. Maridell The name Maridell is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  297. Marie The name Marie is of French origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  298. Marieke The name Marieke is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  299. Mariel The name Mariel is of Danish origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  300. Marij The name Marij is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  301. Marija The name Marija is of Slavic origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  302. Marijke The name Marijke is of Slavic origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  303. Marika The name Marika is of Danish origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  304. Marilyn The name Marilyn is of English origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  305. Marinha The name Marinha is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  306. Marintha The name Marintha is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  307. Marinyha The name Marinyha is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  308. Maris The name Maris is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  309. Marishkah The name Marishkah is of Swahili origin and means "Child born during the rainy season.".
  310. Marissa The name Marissa is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  311. Mariucca The name Mariucca is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  312. Marjaka The name Marjaka is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  313. Marjanka The name Marjanka is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  314. Marjatta The name Marjatta is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  315. Marjea The name Marjea is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  316. Marjetta The name Marjetta is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  317. Markika The name Markika is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  318. Marlena The name Marlena is of German origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  319. Marlene The name Marlene is of German origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  320. Marnia The name Marnia is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  321. Marquilla The name Marquilla is of Spanish origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  322. Marri The name Marri is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  323. Marrije The name Marrije is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  324. Marriot The name Marriot is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  325. Marsha The name Marsha is of American origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  326. Marsia The name Marsia is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  327. Maruise The name Maruise is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  328. Marushe The name Marushe is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  329. Mary The name Mary is of Hebrew origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  330. Marya The name Marya is of Slavic origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  331. Maryke The name Maryke is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  332. Marynia The name Marynia is of Ukrainian origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  333. Maryse The name Maryse is of Dutch origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  334. Maryshka The name Maryshka is of Swahili origin and means "Child born during the rainy season.".
  335. Maryshkah The name Maryshkah is of Swahili origin and means "Child born during the rainy season.".
  336. Marysia The name Marysia is of Polish origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  337. Masha The name Masha is of Russian origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  338. Mashika The name Mashika is of Swahili origin and means "Child born during the rainy season.".
  339. Mashka The name Mashka is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  340. Mashyka The name Mashyka is of Swahili origin and means "Child born during the rainy season.".
  341. Mashykah The name Mashykah is of Swahili origin and means "Child born during the rainy season.".
  342. Maura The name Maura is of Irish origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  343. Maureen The name Maureen is of Irish origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  344. Maurene The name Maurene is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  345. Maurizia The name Maurizia is of Italian origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  346. Mavia The name Mavia is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  347. Maviah The name Maviah is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  348. Mavie The name Mavie is of Celtic origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  349. Mavya The name Mavya is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  350. Mavyah The name Mavyah is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  351. May The name May is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  352. Maya The name Maya is of Spanish origin and means "Great, pink / white blossom, Child borni n the month of May.".
  353. Mayah The name Mayah is of Hebrew origin and means "Great, pink / white blossom, Child borni n the month of May.".
  354. Maye The name Maye is of Latin origin and means "Great, pink / white blossom, Child borni n the month of May.".
  355. Mearr The name Mearr is of Irish origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  356. Megan The name Megan is of Welsh origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  357. Mehzad The name Mehzad is of Arabic origin and means "High-born (one who is born to a high-status family) (wo insan jo amer ghar mn paida howa ho)".
  358. Melva The name Melva is of Celtic origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  359. Melveen The name Melveen is of Gaelic origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  360. Melveena The name Melveena is of Gaelic origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  361. Melveenah The name Melveenah is of Gaelic origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  362. Melveene The name Melveene is of Gaelic origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  363. Melveenia The name Melveenia is of Gaelic origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  364. Melveeniah The name Melveeniah is of Gaelic origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  365. Melvina The name Melvina is of Irish origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  366. Melvinah The name Melvinah is of Gaelic origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  367. Melvinda The name Melvinda is of Gaelic origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  368. Melvindah The name Melvindah is of Irish origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  369. Melvinia The name Melvinia is of Gaelic origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  370. Melviniah The name Melviniah is of Gaelic origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  371. Melvyna The name Melvyna is of Gaelic origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  372. Melvynah The name Melvynah is of Gaelic origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  373. Melvyne The name Melvyne is of Gaelic origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  374. Melvynia The name Melvynia is of Gaelic origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  375. Melvyniah The name Melvyniah is of Gaelic origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  376. Melvynya The name Melvynya is of Gaelic origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  377. Melvynyah The name Melvynyah is of Gaelic origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  378. Menia The name Menia is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  379. Merav The name Merav is of Hebrew origin and means "Increase. The name was borne by the elder of King Saul's two daughters".
  380. Mere The name Mere is of Hawaiian origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  381. Mergen The name Mergen is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  382. Meri The name Meri is of Irish origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  383. Meridel The name Meridel is of English origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  384. Merrie The name Merrie is of English origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  385. Merry The name Merry is of English origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  386. Meshah The name Meshah is of Indian origin and means "Child born under the sign of Aries.".
  387. Meshai The name Meshai is of Indian origin and means "Child born under the sign of Aries.".
  388. Mhari The name Mhari is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  389. Mie The name Mie is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  390. Miedal The name Miedal is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  391. Mieke The name Mieke is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  392. Mietje The name Mietje is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  393. Mieze The name Mieze is of Hebrew origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  394. Mija The name Mija is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  395. Milojka The name Milojka is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  396. Minetta The name Minetta is of French origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  397. Minette The name Minette is of French origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  398. Minnehaha The name Minnehaha is of North American Indian origin and means "Laughing water Dakota. The name was borne by the maiden who was loved by Hiawatha".
  399. Miriam The name Miriam is of Hebrew origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  400. Miriamne The name Miriamne is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  401. Misoka The name Misoka is of Japanese origin and means "misoka the last day of the month The name can mean born on the last day of the month".
  402. Mllcah The name Mllcah is of Hebrew origin and means "Queen, counsel. The name is borne in the Bible by the sister-in-law of Abraham. She was the wife of Nachor".
  403. Moire The name Moire is of Scottish origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  404. Moissey The name Moissey is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  405. Molli The name Molli is of Irish origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  406. Mollie The name Mollie is of English origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  407. Molly The name Molly is of Irish origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  408. Momone The name Momone is of North American Indian origin and means "Heather flower Montauk. The name was borne by the daughter of Chief Wyandach".
  409. Moya The name Moya is of Irish origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  410. Moyra The name Moyra is of Hebrew origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  411. Muika The name Muika is of Japanese origin and means "the Japanese muika sixth day, six days, the name can be indicative of a child born on the sixth day of the week".
  412. Mukamutar The name Mukamutar is of African origin and means "King Matura's daughter. Born during King Matura's reign. (Rwanda)".
  413. Mutsiawotan The name Mutsiawotan is of North American Indian origin and means "AHKI Fine shield woman Blackfoot. The name was borne by the mother of artist Lone Wolf Schultz. See NITOH MAHKWI Male Names".
  414. Mwanawa The name Mwanawa is of African origin and means "First born child (Zaramo)".
  415. Myee The name Myee is of Aboriginal origin and means "Native Born".
  416. Naganandini The name Naganandini is of Hindi origin and means "Mountain born".
  417. Najja The name Najja is of African origin and means "Baganda of Uganda name meaning 'second born.'".
  418. Nasia The name Nasia is of Greek origin and means "To be born".
  419. Nasiche The name Nasiche is of African origin and means "She who was born during the locust season. (Musoga)".
  420. Natala The name Natala is of American origin and means "To be born".
  421. Natalia The name Natalia is of Italian origin and means "To be born".
  422. Natalie The name Natalie is of French origin and means "To be born".
  423. Nataliya The name Nataliya is of Russian origin and means "A popular borrowing from the Latin, Nata-lia is a name derived from dies natalis natal day, Christmas. It has been traditionally bestowed upon children born on Christmas Day".
  424. Natalya The name Natalya is of Slavic origin and means "To be born".
  425. Natasha The name Natasha is of Russian origin and means "To be born".
  426. Nathalie The name Nathalie is of French origin and means "To be born".
  427. Nauasia The name Nauasia is of North American Indian origin and means "Sauk name borne by a daughter of Black Hawk and Asshewequa".
  428. Neda The name Neda is of Slavic origin and means "Child born on a Sunday. A feminine form of Ned / Edward, wealthy, ruling guardian.".
  429. Nedah The name Nedah is of Slavic origin and means "Child born on a Sunday. A feminine form of Ned / Edward, wealthy, ruling guardian.".
  430. Nedda The name Nedda is of Czech origin and means "Child born on a Sunday. A feminine form of Ned / Edward, wealthy, ruling guardian.".
  431. Neddah The name Neddah is of Slavic origin and means "Child born on a Sunday. A feminine form of Ned / Edward, wealthy, ruling guardian.".
  432. Nedeljka The name Nedeljka is of Slavic origin and means "Child born on a Sunday. A feminine form of Ned / Edward, wealthy, ruling guardian.".
  433. Nedya The name Nedya is of Slavic origin and means "Child born on a Sunday. A feminine form of Ned / Edward, wealthy, ruling guardian.".
  434. Nedyah The name Nedyah is of Slavic origin and means "Child born on a Sunday. A feminine form of Ned / Edward, wealthy, ruling guardian.".
  435. Neemah The name Neemah is of Swahili origin and means "Child born in prosperous times.".
  436. Nera The name Nera is of Hebrew origin and means "Resembling a flickering candle; born during Hannukah".
  437. Neugeanie The name Neugeanie is of American origin and means "New Born".
  438. Nicolea The name Nicolea is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  439. Nicoleah The name Nicoleah is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  440. Noemf The name Noemf is of Spanish origin and means "Spanish form of the Hebrew Naomi, a name derived from naomi my delight. The name is borne in the Bible by the mother-in-law of Ruth".
  441. Nyankomag The name Nyankomag is of African origin and means "Child born second after twins. (Twi)".
  442. Octavia The name Octavia is of Latin origin and means "The eighth born child. The feminie form of Octavius.".
  443. Octaviah The name Octaviah is of Latin origin and means "The eighth born child. The feminie form of Octavius.".
  444. Octavianos The name Octavianos is of Latin origin and means "The eighth born child. The feminie form of Octavius.".
  445. Octavie The name Octavie is of Latin origin and means "The eighth born child. The feminie form of Octavius.".
  446. Octawia The name Octawia is of Polynesian origin and means "The eighth born child. The feminie form of Octavius.".
  447. Odeana The name Odeana is of Old Norse origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  448. Odeanah The name Odeanah is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  449. Odeane The name Odeane is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  450. Odeen The name Odeen is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  451. Odeena The name Odeena is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  452. Odeenah The name Odeenah is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  453. Odina The name Odina is of Native American origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  454. Odinah The name Odinah is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  455. Odyna The name Odyna is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  456. Odynah The name Odynah is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  457. Odyne The name Odyne is of Latin origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  458. Ofeliga The name Ofeliga is of Lithuanian origin and means "The eighth born child. The feminie form of Octavius.".
  459. Ofra The name Ofra is of Hebrew origin and means "First born. A form of Alpha.".
  460. Ofrah The name Ofrah is of Greek origin and means "First born. A form of Alpha.".
  461. Ofrat The name Ofrat is of Greek origin and means "First born. A form of Alpha.".
  462. Okatvija The name Okatvija is of Latin origin and means "The eighth born child. The feminie form of Octavius.".
  463. Oktavia The name Oktavia is of Latin origin and means "The eighth born child. The feminie form of Octavius.".
  464. Omah The name Omah is of Hebrew origin and means "High commander. The feminine form of Omar, first born, Follower of th prophet, speaker.".
  465. Ophra The name Ophra is of Hebrew origin and means "First born. A form of Alpha.".
  466. Ophrah The name Ophrah is of Hebrew origin and means "First born. A form of Alpha.".
  467. Oskaloosa The name Oskaloosa is of North American Indian origin and means "A name of questionable origin and mean-ing, of which the translation last of the beautiful has come to be accepted Some believe the name was borne by one of the wives of Mahaska; others think that Oskaloosa was a wife of Osceola".
  468. Paimida The name Paimida is of Persian origin and means "Daughter born to royalty ".
  469. Paushuwali The name Paushuwali is of Hindi origin and means "Girl born during the month of pausa. as shuwali in bangla means girl. hence the name Paushuwali".
  470. Polola The name Polola is of Hawaiian origin and means "Hawaiian form of Flora, a name derived from the Latin floris a flower. The name is borne in Roman mythology by the goddess of flowers and spring".
  471. Primavera The name Primavera is of Spanish origin and means "First born of spring, New life.".
  472. Primaverah The name Primaverah is of Latin origin and means "First born of spring, New life.".
  473. Prymavera The name Prymavera is of Latin origin and means "First born of spring, New life.".
  474. Prymaverah The name Prymaverah is of Latin origin and means "First born of spring, New life.".
  475. Quah The name Quah is of North American Indian origin and means "AH White coral beads Pueblo. The name was borne by Tonita Pena 1895-1949, a Pueblo painter who was the first to break away from the traditional restrictions put on women, and paint as she wished. She was commissioned to produce many murals throughout Arizona and New Mexico".
  476. Rabah The name Rabah is of Hebrew origin and means "Fourth born".
  477. Reuma The name Reuma is of Hebrew origin and means "antelope, exalted. The name is borne in the Bible by the concubine of Abraham's brother, Nachor".
  478. Rfoghnach The name Rfoghnach is of Irish origin and means "Gaelic name derived from rioghan queen: hence, queenly The name was borne by the 6th-century St. Rioghnach, sister of St. Finnian of Clonard. Riona is the Anglicized form of the name, which was also translated as Regina".
  479. Ritzpah The name Ritzpah is of Hebrew origin and means "hot stone, a coal. The name was borne by a concubine of King Saul and mother of two of his sons".
  480. Roshanara The name Roshanara is of Indian origin and means "A borrowing from the Persian, Rosha- nara is derived from roshanara light of the assembly The name, indicative of great beauty, was borne by the youngest daughter of Shah Jahan 1592-1666. Upon her death, she was buried in his garden, which he named in her honor, the Garden of Roshan Ara".
  481. Saagarika The name Saagarika is of Hindi origin and means "Wave, Born in the ocean".
  482. Sabbatha The name Sabbatha is of Latin origin and means "Child born on a Sunday.".
  483. Sabbathe The name Sabbathe is of Latin origin and means "Child born on a Sunday.".
  484. Sagarika The name Sagarika is of Indian origin and means "Wave; born in the ocean".
  485. Saindhavi The name Saindhavi is of Hindi origin and means "One who is born in the territory of the river Sindhu".
  486. Salika The name Salika is of Swahili origin and means "Well born.".
  487. Salikah The name Salikah is of Swahili origin and means "Well born.".
  488. Salomea The name Salomea is of Polish origin and means "From the Greek Salome, which is from the Hebrew shaLdm peace The name is borne in the Bible by one of the three women who followed Jesus in Galilee and cared for his needs. She was present at the crucifixion and later was witness to the empty tomb".
  489. Sandyha The name Sandyha is of Indian origin and means "the Sanskrit sandhya twi-light The name is borne by the personification of twilight, a daughter of the god Brahma".
  490. Saneenah The name Saneenah is of Arabic origin and means "One who was born on the same day as you".
  491. Saumu The name Saumu is of African origin and means "One born during Ramadan (Swahili)".
  492. Scenanki The name Scenanki is of North American Indian origin and means "Creek name of uncertain meaning borne by the wife of Tomochichi She sailed to England in 1734 with her husband and several other Creeks with James Oglethorpe, a move that led to commercial trade between the Creek Nation and white traders".
  493. Sebtuu The name Sebtuu is of African origin and means "One born on Saturday (Swahili)".
  494. Shadya The name Shadya is of Muslim origin and means "the Arabic shadi singer, which is from the root shada to sing. The name is borne by a famous Egyptian actress and singer".
  495. Shahrzadi The name Shahrzadi is of Arabic origin and means "City born".
  496. Sidera The name Sidera is of Latin origin and means "Star Born".
  497. Siderea The name Siderea is of Latin origin and means "Star Born".
  498. Sideria The name Sideria is of Latin origin and means "Star Born".
  499. Sindhuja The name Sindhuja is of Hindi origin and means "Goddess Lakshmi, Born of the ocean".
  500. Sinduja The name Sinduja is of Hindi origin and means "Goddess Lakshmi, Born of the ocean".
  501. Siniiad The name Siniiad is of Irish origin and means "Popular Gaelic form of Jane, a feminine form of John God is gracious. See JANE. The name is borne by Irish actress Sinead Cusack and singer Sinead O'Connor".
  502. Sirija The name Sirija is of Hindi origin and means "The one who is born in prosperity".
  503. Sjofn The name Sjofn is of Scandinavian origin and means "From the Old Norse sjafni love The name is borne in Norse mythology by an attendant of Frigg, a goddess whose duty was to kindle love between men and women".
  504. Slf The name Slf is of Scandinavian origin and means "Kindred, relationship. The name is borne in Norse mythology by a golden-haired fertility-goddess who was the wife of Thor and mother of Thrud. She was also con-sidered to be the goddess of agriculture, her emblem being ripened corn".
  505. Slgrun The name Slgrun is of Scandinavian origin and means "From an Old Norse compound name composed of sigr victory and run secret lore The name is borne in Norse mythology by the Valkyrie daughter of King Hogni".
  506. Slgyn The name Slgyn is of Scandinavian origin and means "an Old Norse name composed of the element sigr victory The name is borne in Norse mythology by the all-faithful third wife of the malevolent Loki, and mother of Narve and Vali".
  507. Sri The name Sri is of Indian origin and means "the Sanskrit STT prosperity, power, beauty, luster. The name is borne by the goddess of prosperity, good fortune, and beauty. Also known as Lakshmi, she is the wife of Vishnu".
  508. Sundhuja The name Sundhuja is of Hindi origin and means "Goddess Lakshmi, Born of the ocean".
  509. Svanni The name Svanni is of Scandinavian origin and means "Slender The name is borne in Norse mythology by one of the daughters of Karl and Snor. Her name was characteristic of the attribute she represented for the peasant class".
  510. Taanaya The name Taanaya is of Hindi origin and means "Daughter, Born of the body".
  511. Taania The name Taania is of Hindi origin and means "Daughter, Born of the body".
  512. Tahcawin The name Tahcawin is of North American Indian origin and means "The doe Sioux. The name Tahcawin was borne by a niece of Sitting Bull".
  513. Tahlia The name Tahlia is of Hebrew origin and means "A short form of Natalia, born.".
  514. Taisiya The name Taisiya is of Russian origin and means "Believed to be a Russian form of the Greek Thais, which is of uncertain derivation Bond is a popular folk definition. The name was borne by a 4th-cen- tury B.C. courtesan who accompanied Alexander the Great on his Asiatic campaign. Pet: Tasya, Taya".
  515. Tajsa The name Tajsa is of Polish origin and means "A princess; born into royalty".
  516. Talula The name Talula is of North American Indian origin and means "Jumping water, leaping water. Choctaw. The name was borne by actress Tallulah Bankhead 193- 68".
  517. Tasara The name Tasara is of Gypsy origin and means "Child born at sunrise.".
  518. Tasarah The name Tasarah is of Gypsy origin and means "Child born at sunrise.".
  519. Tasaria The name Tasaria is of Gypsy origin and means "Child born at sunrise.".
  520. Tasariah The name Tasariah is of Gypsy origin and means "Child born at sunrise.".
  521. Tasarla The name Tasarla is of Gypsy origin and means "Child born during the morning.".
  522. Tasarlea The name Tasarlea is of Gypsy origin and means "Child born during the morning.".
  523. Tasarleah The name Tasarleah is of Gypsy origin and means "Child born during the morning.".
  524. Tasarlee The name Tasarlee is of Gypsy origin and means "Child born during the morning.".
  525. Tasarleigh The name Tasarleigh is of Gypsy origin and means "Child born during the morning.".
  526. Tasarley The name Tasarley is of Gypsy origin and means "Child born during the morning.".
  527. Tasarli The name Tasarli is of Gypsy origin and means "Child born during the morning.".
  528. Tasarlia The name Tasarlia is of Gypsy origin and means "Child born during the morning.".
  529. Tasarliah The name Tasarliah is of Gypsy origin and means "Child born during the morning.".
  530. Tasarlie The name Tasarlie is of Gypsy origin and means "Child born during the morning.".
  531. Tasarly The name Tasarly is of Gypsy origin and means "Child born during the morning.".
  532. Tasarlya The name Tasarlya is of Gypsy origin and means "Child born during the morning.".
  533. Tasarlyah The name Tasarlyah is of Gypsy origin and means "Child born during the morning.".
  534. Tasarlye The name Tasarlye is of Gypsy origin and means "Child born during the morning.".
  535. Tasarya The name Tasarya is of Gypsy origin and means "Child born at sunrise.".
  536. Tasaryah The name Tasaryah is of Gypsy origin and means "Child born at sunrise.".
  537. Tashana The name Tashana is of Hebrew origin and means "God's gracious child born on Christmas Day, nativity. A combination of Shane and Natash. A feminine form of Shane.".
  538. Tashanah The name Tashanah is of Hebrew origin and means "God's gracious child born on Christmas Day, nativity. A combination of Shane and Natash. A feminine form of Shane.".
  539. Tashani The name Tashani is of Hebrew origin and means "God's gracious child born on Christmas Day, nativity. A combination of Shane and Natash. A feminine form of Shane.".
  540. Tashania The name Tashania is of Hebrew origin and means "God's gracious child born on Christmas Day, nativity. A combination of Shane and Natash. A feminine form of Shane.".
  541. Tashaniah The name Tashaniah is of Hebrew origin and means "God's gracious child born on Christmas Day, nativity. A combination of Shane and Natash. A feminine form of Shane.".
  542. Tashanya The name Tashanya is of Hebrew origin and means "God's gracious child born on Christmas Day, nativity. A combination of Shane and Natash. A feminine form of Shane.".
  543. Tashanyah The name Tashanyah is of Hebrew origin and means "God's gracious child born on Christmas Day, nativity. A combination of Shane and Natash. A feminine form of Shane.".
  544. Tatu The name Tatu is of African origin and means "Swahili name meaning 'third born.'".
  545. Taura The name Taura is of English origin and means "Child born under the sign of Taurus. Bull.".
  546. Taurah The name Taurah is of Latin origin and means "Child born under the sign of Taurus. Bull.".
  547. Tauri The name Tauri is of Latin origin and means "Child born under the sign of Taurus. Bull.".
  548. Tauria The name Tauria is of Latin origin and means "Child born under the sign of Taurus. Bull.".
  549. Tauriah The name Tauriah is of Latin origin and means "Child born under the sign of Taurus. Bull.".
  550. Taurie The name Taurie is of Latin origin and means "Child born under the sign of Taurus. Bull.".
  551. Tawia The name Tawia is of African origin and means "Child born after twins.".
  552. Tawiah The name Tawiah is of African origin and means "Child born after twins.".
  553. Tawya The name Tawya is of African origin and means "Child born after twins.".
  554. Tawyah The name Tawyah is of African origin and means "Child born after twins.".
  555. Teyacapan The name Teyacapan is of Nahuatl origin and means "First born".
  556. Theophaniah The name Theophaniah is of Greek origin and means "God has appeared, Given to girls born at Ephiphany (Jan 6th) - a Christian festival.".
  557. Theophano The name Theophano is of Greek origin and means "God has appeared, Given to girls born at Ephiphany (Jan 6th) - a Christian festival.".
  558. Theophanya The name Theophanya is of Greek origin and means "God has appeared, Given to girls born at Ephiphany (Jan 6th) - a Christian festival.".
  559. Theophanyah The name Theophanyah is of Greek origin and means "God has appeared, Given to girls born at Ephiphany (Jan 6th) - a Christian festival.".
  560. Thocmetony The name Thocmetony is of North American Indian origin and means "Shell flower. Paiute. The name was borne by Sarah Winnemucca, granddaughter of the elder Chief Winnemucca. She is remembered for her tireless work promoting better conditions for the Paiute".
  561. Tiaa The name Tiaa is of English origin and means "An aunt / daughter born to royalty".
  562. Tisa The name Tisa is of African origin and means "Swahili name meaning 'ninth born.'".
  563. Tola The name Tola is of Polish origin and means "Form of Toinette meaning "priceless and highly praiseworthy; a flourishing flower" / born during October".
  564. Tripta The name Tripta is of Indian origin and means "Satisfied, satiated The name was borne by the mother of Nanak, the founder of the Sikh religion".
  565. Tryscha The name Tryscha is of Latin origin and means "Noblewoman. Noble, Well born. The short form for names ending in 'Trisha'.".
  566. Tryshah The name Tryshah is of Latin origin and means "Noblewoman. Noble, Well born. The short form for names ending in 'Trisha'.".
  567. Tyche The name Tyche is of Mythology and Astrology origin and means "Believed to be derived from the Greek teuchein to prepare The name is borne in Greek mythology by the goddess of chance and fortune".
  568. Tzivya The name Tzivya is of Hebrew origin and means "Gazelle. The name is borne in the Old Testament by the mother of King Joash".
  569. Ulu The name Ulu is of Teutonic origin and means "Ibo of Nigeria name meaning 'second born.'".
  570. Uranja The name Uranja is of Polish origin and means "Polish form of the Greek Urania, which is de-rived from Ourania the heavenly one The name is borne in Greek mythology by the Muse of astronomy".
  571. Urszula The name Urszula is of Polish origin and means "From the Latin Ursula, a diminutive form of ursa she-bear. The name was borne by a legendary Christian British princess who is said to have been martyred in the 4th century along with eleven thousand virgins by the Huns at Cologne".
  572. Varja The name Varja is of Hindi origin and means "Water born, Lotus".
  573. Vedeshva The name Vedeshva is of Hindi origin and means "A River, Born of the Vedas".
  574. Wanona The name Wanona is of Lakota origin and means "First born daughter.".
  575. Wanonah The name Wanonah is of Lakota origin and means "First born daughter.".
  576. Wenona The name Wenona is of German origin and means "First born daughter.".
  577. Wenonah The name Wenonah is of Lakota origin and means "First born daughter.".
  578. Winona The name Winona is of Welsh origin and means "First born".
  579. Winonah The name Winonah is of Lakota origin and means "First born daughter.".
  580. Wlllem The name Wlllem is of Scandinavian origin and means "From the Old Norman French Willaume resolute protector, a derivative of the Old High German Willehelm, a compounding of the elements willeo will, resolution and helm helmet, protection. The name was borne by three kings of the Netherlands".
  581. Wyandanch The name Wyandanch is of North American Indian origin and means "The wise speaker. Montauk. The name was borne by the last major Native American leader on Long Island 1600-59".
  582. Wynona The name Wynona is of Native American origin and means "First born".
  583. Wynonah The name Wynonah is of Lakota origin and means "First born daughter.".
  584. Xantho The name Xantho is of Mythology and Astrology origin and means "the Greek xanthos yellow, golden The name Xantho golden-haired one is borne in Greek mythology by a sea nymph, a daughter of Nereus and Doris".
  585. Xlaoplng The name Xlaoplng is of Chinese origin and means "Xiaoping Small peace The name was borne by Vice Premier Deng Xiaoping".
  586. Yevgena The name Yevgena is of Greek origin and means "Noble, Well born. A form of Eugenia. A feminine form of Eugene.".
  587. Yevgenia The name Yevgenia is of Greek origin and means "Noble, Well born. A form of Eugenia. A feminine form of Eugene.".
  588. Yevgeniah The name Yevgeniah is of Greek origin and means "Noble, Well born. A form of Eugenia. A feminine form of Eugene.".
  589. Yevgenya The name Yevgenya is of Greek origin and means "Noble, Well born. A form of Eugenia. A feminine form of Eugene.".
  590. Yevgenyah The name Yevgenyah is of Greek origin and means "Noble, Well born. A form of Eugenia. A feminine form of Eugene.".
  591. Yevgina The name Yevgina is of Greek origin and means "Noble, Well born. A form of Eugenia. A feminine form of Eugene.".
  592. Yevginah The name Yevginah is of Greek origin and means "Noble, Well born. A form of Eugenia. A feminine form of Eugene.".
  593. Yevgyna The name Yevgyna is of Greek origin and means "Noble, Well born. A form of Eugenia. A feminine form of Eugene.".
  594. Yevgynah The name Yevgynah is of Greek origin and means "Noble, Well born. A form of Eugenia. A feminine form of Eugene.".
  595. Zaaidah The name Zaaidah is of Arabic origin and means "Born".
  596. Zacharjasz The name Zacharjasz is of Polish origin and means "Polish form of Zachariah, which is from the Ecclesiastic Late Latin and Ecclesiastic Greek Zacharias, a name derived from the Hebrew zharyah God remembers The name is borne in the Bible by the father of John the Baptist".
  597. Zadi The name Zadi is of Urdu origin and means "Daughter Was Born".
  598. Zalik The name Zalik is of Swahili origin and means "Well born.".
  599. Zalika The name Zalika is of Hebrew origin and means "Well born.".
  600. Zalikah The name Zalikah is of Swahili origin and means "Well born.".
  601. Zaliki The name Zaliki is of Egyptian origin and means "Well born.".
  602. Zalyka The name Zalyka is of Swahili origin and means "Well born.".
  603. Zalykah The name Zalykah is of Swahili origin and means "Well born.".
  604. Zenobja The name Zenobja is of Polish origin and means "From the Greek Zenobia, the feminine form of Zenobios, a compound name composed of the elements Zen of Zeus and bios life: hence, the life of Zeus The name was borne by a 3rd-century queen of Palmyra noted for her beauty and intelligence, as well as her ruthlessness with her foes".
  605. Zenochka The name Zenochka is of Russian origin and means "One who is born of Zeus".
  606. Zfiphyrlne The name Zfiphyrlne is of French origin and means "the Greek Zephyra, the feminine form of Zephyrus, which is derived from zephyros the west wind The name Zephyrus is borne in Greek mythology by the god of the west wind".
  607. Zhenya The name Zhenya is of Russian origin and means "Well Born".
  608. Zlmran The name Zlmran is of Hebrew origin and means "Celebrated, sacred Zimran is borne in the Bible by a son of Abraham and Keturah".
  609. Zuleika The name Zuleika is of Arabic origin and means "Well born.".
  610. Zuzanna The name Zuzanna is of Polish origin and means "Polish form of Susannah, which is from the Hebrew Shoshana, a derivative of shoshannah a lily, a rose. The name is borne in the Bible by a woman falsely accused of adultery. Her story is told in the apocryphal book of Susannah and the Elders".

3. Unisex names that mean born

  1. Adal The name Adal is of German origin and means "Originally a short form of names beginning with the Germanic element adal meaning 'noble'. Saint Adela was a 7th-century Frankish princess who founded a monastery at Pfazel in France. This name was also borne by a daughter of William the Conqueror.".
  2. Adel The name Adel is of German origin and means "Originally a short form of names beginning with the Germanic element adal meaning 'noble'. Saint Adela was a 7th-century Frankish princess who founded a monastery at Pfazel in France. This name was also borne by a daughter of William the Conqueror.".
  3. Adrea The name Adrea is of Latin origin and means "Spanish form of Hadrianus, also a name used for the nobility class of the Betsileo people of central Madagascar. Six popes have borne this name.".
  4. Adriana The name Adriana is of Spanish origin and means "Feminine form of Adrian / from the Spanish name Hadrianus, Six popes have borne this name. Is a masculine name in Africa, and is used for the nobility class of the Betsileo people of central Madagascar. ".
  5. Adriane The name Adriane is of German origin and means "Spanish form of Hadrianus, also a name used for the nobility class of the Betsileo people of central Madagascar. Six popes have borne this name.".
  6. Akia The name Akia is of African origin and means "First Born".
  7. Banji The name Banji is of African origin and means "Second Born of Twins".
  8. dubaku The name dubaku is of African origin and means "Child born eleventh".
  9. Evan The name Evan is of Welsh origin and means "Well born. A form of Evan.".
  10. Even The name Even is of Scottish origin and means "Well born. A form of Evan.".
  11. Evin The name Evin is of English origin and means "Well born. A form of Evan.".
  12. Evon The name Evon is of American origin and means "Well born. A form of Evan.".
  13. Ewen The name Ewen is of Celtic origin and means "Well born. A form of Evan.".
  14. Gail The name Gail is of Hebrew origin and means "Lively, merry singer; Born of a joyous father. A short form of Abigail.".
  15. Hadria The name Hadria is of Greek origin and means "Spanish form of Hadrianus, also a name used for the nobility class of the Betsileo people of central Madagascar. Six popes have borne this name. Latin for "Dark"".
  16. Janys The name Janys is of Hebrew origin and means "Gateway, Born in January.".
  17. Marion The name Marion is of Hebrew origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  18. Mina The name Mina is of Japanese origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  19. Muire The name Muire is of Scottish origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  20. Nkrumah The name Nkrumah is of African origin and means "Akan of Ghana unisexual name meaning 'ninth born child.' NKRUMA".
  21. Noe The name Noe is of Spanish origin and means "Pleasant Friend(Hebrew - Male) Born on Christmas, Peace (French - Female)".
  22. Owain The name Owain is of Welsh origin and means "Well born. A form of Evan.".
  23. Owaine The name Owaine is of English origin and means "Well born. A form of Evan.".
  24. Owan The name Owan is of Old English origin and means "Well born. A form of Evan.".
  25. Owayn The name Owayn is of Old English origin and means "Well born. A form of Evan.".
  26. Owayne The name Owayne is of Old English origin and means "Well born. A form of Evan.".
  27. Owen The name Owen is of Welsh origin and means "Well born. A form of Evan.".
  28. Owin The name Owin is of English origin and means "Well born. A form of Evan.".
  29. Owine The name Owine is of Old English origin and means "Well born. A form of Evan.".
  30. Owon The name Owon is of Old English origin and means "Well born. A form of Evan.".
  31. Owone The name Owone is of Old English origin and means "Well born. A form of Evan.".
  32. Owyn The name Owyn is of Celtic origin and means "Well born. A form of Evan.".
  33. Owyne The name Owyne is of Old English origin and means "Well born. A form of Evan.".
  34. Pascha The name Pascha is of Russian origin and means "To Pass Over, Born on Easter".
  35. Pasha The name Pasha is of Greek origin and means "To Pass Over, Born on Easter".
  36. Radomirah The name Radomirah is of Hebrew origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  37. Radomyra The name Radomyra is of Hebrew origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  38. Radomyrah The name Radomyrah is of Hebrew origin and means "A combination of Elly and May, Old soul and great, pink / white blossom or born in the month of May.".
  39. Tava The name Tava is of Swedish origin and means "Abbreviation of Octavia: born eighth.".
  40. Ywain The name Ywain is of Greek origin and means "Well born. A form of Ewan.".
  41. Ywaine The name Ywaine is of Welsh origin and means "Well born. A form of Evan.".
  42. Ywayn The name Ywayn is of Old English origin and means "Well born. A form of Evan.".
  43. Ywayne The name Ywayne is of Old English origin and means "Well born. A form of Evan.".
  44. Zenda The name Zenda is of Persian origin and means "Well born.".
  45. Zendah The name Zendah is of Czech / Slovak origin and means "Well born.".