
  • Popularity Rate: 29745
  • Ranking: 49123
Last Updated: Nov 01, 2022

What is the meaning of the name Basu

The name Basu is commonly a male name from the "Indian" origin that means "Prosperous".

Pronunciation of the name Basu

The pronunciation of the name Basu is BAH-soo

Names like Basu

Basu, Baasu

People who like the name Basu also like:

Baasu (Indian), Baber (Indian), Badri (Indian), Badrinath (Indian), Badriprasad (Indian), Bahubali (Indian), Bahuleya (Indian), Bajrang (Indian), Bal (Indian), Bala (Indian), Balaaditya (Indian), Balabhadra (Indian), Balachandra (Indian), Balagopal (Indian), Balagovind (Indian),

Numerology of the name Basu

Lucky Number: 1
People influenced by the number 1 may seem tough on the exterior, but they also have a softer and more charming side. This combination of strength and subtlety means that these people make excellent leaders in life because they can balance both being strong-willed when necessary while still retaining their sense of charm to get what they want from others.


Meaning of Basu

Famous People Named Basu

Basu Chatterjee (Director, Writer, Producer),

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