
  • Gender: Female
  • Origin: French
  • Meaning: Geographical - From burgundy, a wine-making region in France. A red / brown colour.
  • Popularity Rate: 32567
  • Ranking: 43480
Last Updated: Nov 01, 2022

What is the meaning of the name Burgandi

The name Burgandi is commonly a female name from the "French" origin that means "Geographical - From burgundy, a wine-making region in France. A red / brown colour.".

Pronunciation of the name Burgandi

The pronunciation of the name Burgandi is b(u)-rgan- di, bur -ga- ndi

People who like the name Burgandi also like:

Burgandee (French), Burgandey (French), Burgandie (French), Burgandy (French), Burgundee (French), Burgundey (French), Burgundi (French),

Numerology of the name Burgandi

Lucky Number: 5
The 5 is the explorer of personality types. They're curious and impulsive; they love to connect with others but also enjoy solitude when necessary. Traveling for them is a chance to see new things and learn about the world around us all in one fell swoop!


  • Name:

  • Gender:

    Girl - Girl Names
  • Meaning:

    Geographical - From burgundy, a wine-making region in France. A red / brown colour.
  • Origin:

    French - French Girl Names
  • First Character:

    B - Girl Names that start with B
  • No of Characters:

  • Pronunciation:

    b(u)-rgan- di, bur -ga- ndi
  • Syllables:


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